Cursed Hammer (weapon)

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Cursed HammerHardmode exclusive
  • Cursed Hammer (weapon).png
Stack digit 1.png
Damage44 (Radiant)
Knockback6 (Average)
Critical chance4%
Use time16 (Very Fast)
Tooltip'The wielder isn't the recipient of the curse...'
Swinging at allies propels them forwards and briefly increases their damage reduction
Propelled allies also deal a large amount of damage to enemies they impact
Inflicts DebuffCursed Hurl.pngCursed Hurl
Debuff duration0.5 second
Debuff tooltipYou're spinning out of control
RarityRarity Level: 5
Buy / Sell6 Vanquisher Medal / 12000*1 Gold Coin.png 20 Silver Coin.png
Research1 required
Not to be confused with the vanilla enemy of the same name.

The Cursed Hammer is a Hardmode radiant weapon that can be bought from the Tracker after finishing the "Enchanted Engagement" contract. When swung, it releases a puff of non-damaging purple dust particles. If the puff collides with another player, they are launched in the same direction, becoming a volatile projectile that deals 200 damage. The launched player receives a 50% damage reduction.


  • Any amount of players may be launched by the same puff, allowing for incredible damage if multiple players are launched at the same enemy.
  • Suitable defense for the launched player is recommended, as they will likely be launched straight into enemies.


    • Increased damage from 40 to 44 and decreased critical chance from 10% to 4%.
    • Is now a radiant weapon.
  • Player damage increased from 100 to 200.
  • Introduced.