Thorium Staff

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Thorium Staff
  • Thorium Staff item sprite
Stack digit 1.png
Damage12 (Magic)
Knockback4 (Weak)
Critical chance4%
Use time30 (Average)
TooltipFires out a bolt of magic, that will send out additional sparks at nearby enemies
RarityRarity Level: 1
Sell2800*28 Silver Coin.png
Research1 required
Thorium Staff casting animation.

The Thorium Staff is a magic weapon that shoots a magic projectile that splits into 4 smaller projectiles on contact with an enemy or a block. The new projectiles then home in on the closest enemy.

Its best Modifier is Mythical.



Crafting Station
Thorium Anvil.pngThorium Anvil
Ingredient(s) Amount
Thorium Bar.png Thorium Bar 8
Thorium Staff.png Thorium Staff 1


  • This is a powerful weapon early on, as the projectiles home in on targets.
  • The damage output is twofold when the initial projectile hits a target, and subsequent projectiles hit it as well.
  • The homing projectiles only do 1/4th of the initial projectile's damage.
  • The homing projectiles will not destroy plants such as herbs and vines, even though the initial projectile does. They also will not damage critters.
