Rod of Flocking

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Rod of Flocking
  • Rod of Flocking item sprite
Stack digit 1.png
Damage18 (Summon)
Knockback4 (Weak)
Use time20 (Very Fast)
TooltipCommands up to three birds to attack towards your cursor's position
The birds can pick up items in sight for you as they travel
RarityRarity Level: 2
Sell3000*30 Silver Coin.png
Research1 required
Summons Minion
Birds (minion).png
Rod of Flocking use animation. Note the bird collecting the Gold Coin.

The Rod of Flocking is a craftable summon weapon. While held, three birds will be summoned that fly around the player. Using the weapon will command a bird to fly towards the cursor's position and return, damaging any enemy it comes into contact with. The birds are able to fly through tiles and pick up any uncollected item. If all three birds have been sent out to attack, the player will not be able to attack again until at least one bird returns.



Crafting Station
Arcane Armor Fabricator.pngArcane Armor Fabricator
Ingredient(s) Amount
Feather.png Feather 8
Rod of Flocking.png Rod of Flocking 1
