Steam Flail

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Steam FlailHardmode exclusive
  • Steam Flail item sprite
Stack digit 1.png
Damage112 (Melee)
Knockback5 (Average)
Critical chance4%
Use time45 (Very Slow)
Tooltip'Be careful if you set the fan speed to max!'
While grounded, it sucks in nearby enemies and slices them up
RarityRarity Level: 5
Buy / Sell400000*40 Gold Coin.png / 80000*8 Gold Coin.png
Research1 required
Steam Flail (projectile).png
Projectile created
Steam Flail in use. Note the flail head drawing in the Armored Skeletons to damage them.

The Steam Flail is a Hardmode flail that can be purchased from the Steampunker. When used, it will spin around the player as long as they hold the attack button, dealing 75% of the weapon's base damage. Releasing the attack button will throw the flail head outwards to deal full damage before being pulled back in.

While the attack button is held after being thrown out, the grounded flail head will begin to draw in enemies within 6 blocks of the flail head. This effect will only begin after being grounded for half a second.

Its best modifier is Godly.
