Soul Render

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Soul RenderHardmode exclusive
  • Soul Render item sprite
Stack digit 1.png
Damage80 (Melee)
Knockback8 (Very Strong)
Critical chance4%
Use time22 (Fast)
TooltipShoots a volatile soul blade
RarityRarity Level: 6
Sell50000*5 Gold Coin.png
Research1 required
Dropped by
Entity Quantity Rate
Lich 1 20%
Treasure Bag(Lich) 1 40%
Not to be confused with Soul Reaver, a javelin.
Soul Render animation. Note how the projectiles accelerate after being fired.

The Soul Render is a Hardmode melee weapon that is dropped by the Lich. It creates a sickle projectile with every swing, similar to the ones Lich fires at the player. This projectile barely moves at first but quickly increases in velocity towards the direction fired, damaging and piercing enemies it hits multiple times.

Its best modifier is Legendary.


  • This weapon has the largest swing radius of all melee weapons, even more so with the Massive modifier.
