Corpse Bloom

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Corpse Bloom
Corpse Bloom
Corpse Bloom.gif
Classic Mode.png Classic
Expert Mode.png Expert
Master Mode.png Master
EnvironmentUnderground Jungle
AI TypeCorpse Bloom AI
Max Life110022003300
KB Resist100%
Inflicts debuffPoisoned.pngPoisoned
100% chance
Duration5 seconds10 seconds
Debuff tooltipSlowly losing life
Inflicts debuffOozed.pngOozed
100% chance
Duration2 seconds
Debuff tooltipMovement is significantly reduced
Immune toCrowd Control.pngConfused.pngPoisoned.png
Coins15000*1 Gold Coin.png 50 Silver Coin.png
"It's unclear if this mutant flower earned its name from its foul odor, or what it typically leaves Terrarians as in its wake."

Corpse Bloom is a mini-boss that spawns in the Underground Jungle. Defeating Corpse Bloom is required for the Druid NPC to spawn.

It is one of the few entities that can be detected by the Lifeform Analyzer or its upgrades, with a rarity of 5.

While Corpse Bloom is alive, the music Stronger Foe will play.


Corpse Bloom will occasionally spawn anywhere in or near the Underground Jungle after Eater of Worlds or Brain of Cthulhu has been defeated.

After Corpse Bloom has been defeated at least once within the world, it can be resummoned again with the Rotting Spore.


Corpse Bloom will remain stationary throughout the fight, before attempting to move away from the player upon losing 66% of its health. It will fire out Corpse Petals to ensure that there are always 3 Corpse Petals alive at any given time. If there are 3 Corpse Petals alive simultaneously, then Corpse Bloom will instead fire a barrage of Fungi at the player which inflict the Poisoned and Oozed debuffs. Corpse Bloom always teleports to them even if they are in the Jungle or not.

Every 25% life lost will cause the Corpse Bloom to summon a Corpse Weed, up to three times.

When it is defeated, a status message will appear, saying: "The elusive Corpse Bloom withers away..."


Image Name Condition
Corpse Petal.png Corpse Petal Always
Corpse Weed.png Corpse Weed Always


  • If you log out while Corpse Bloom has spawned, it will despawn like normal enemies.

See also


    • Sprite updated.
    • Now spawns after the player has defeated the Eater of Worlds or Brain of Cthulhu instead of Skeletron, and updated its NPC slot weight to allow less enemies to spawn while active.
    • Nerfed max life from 1250 / 2500 / 3750 to 1100 / 2200 / 3300.
    • Updated sprite and AI and added an additional loot drop.
    • Buffed life from 1000 / 2000 to 1250 / 2500.
  • Buffed life from 950 / 1900 to 1000 / 2000, damage from 30 / 60 to 35 / 70, and nerfed defense from 12 to 10.
  • Introduced.