Davy Jones Lock Box

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Davy Jones Lock BoxHardmode exclusive
  • Davy Jones Lock Box item sprite
Stack digit 1.png
TypeLight pet
Use time20 (Very Fast)
TooltipSummons a money spitting treasure chest
Every 100, 1000 & 10,000 damage dealt will cause the chest to spit out a corresponding coin
Grants BuffDavy Jones' Lock Box (buff).pngDavy Jones' Lock Box
Buff tooltipFull of an endless amount of coins!
RarityRarity Level: 5
Buy / Sell10 Vanquisher Medal / 20000*2 Gold Coin.png
Research1 required
Summons Light pet
Davy Jones' Lock Box
Davy Jones' Lock Box.png

The Davy Jones Lock Box is a light pet summoning item that spawns Davy Jones' Lock Box to follow you around. The Lock Box is immune to damage from enemies and despawns upon player death. The Lock Box will spit out a Copper Coin copper, Silver Coin silver or Gold Coin gold coin for every 100, 1000 or 10,000 cumulative damage dealt respectively.

This item can be bought from the Tracker after completing the "Drunken Sailor's Query" contract.



  • Nerfed money gain from every 10, 500 and 10000 damage to 100, 1000 and 10000 (around 15%).
  • Introduced.