Hive Mind

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Hive Mind
  • Hive Mind item sprite
Stack digit 1.png
TooltipPlaces a single magical brain above the ground
While nearby, the user's minion attacks have a chance to confuse hit enemies
Grants BuffHive Mind (buff).pngHive Mind
Buff durationInfinite while within the ring
Buff tooltipNearby minion attacks might confuse enemies
Inflicts DebuffConfused.pngConfused
Debuff duration1.5 seconds
Debuff tooltipMovement is reversed
RarityRarity Level: 3
Sell10000*1 Gold Coin.png
Research1 required
Dropped by
Entity Quantity Rate
Army Ant 1 5%
Summons Summoner Banner
Hive Mind
Hive Mind.png

The Hive Mind is a Summoner Banner that has a chance to be dropped by Army Ants. On use, it summons a magical brain that grants the player the Hive Mind buff while within proximity of it, indicated by a purple ring around it. The buff causes minion attacks to have a 1/4 chance to confuse struck enemies for 1.5 seconds.

As with all summoner banners, only one can be active at a time; using another one will cause the Hive Mind to vanish.
