Kick Petal

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Kick Petal
  • Kick Petal item sprite
Stack digit 1.png
Damage25 (Basic)
TooltipPercussion damage has a 25% chance to activate a 'panic petal', which orbits around the player
Allies that touch an activated petal gain a massive speed boost
Enemies that touch an activated petal take damage
Grants BuffPanic!.pngPanic!
Buff duration3 seconds
Buff tooltipMovement speed is increased
RarityRarity Level: 2
Sell3000*30 Silver Coin.png
Research1 required
Projectile created
Kick Petal (projectile).png
Panic Petal

The Kick Petal is a craftable Pre-Hardmode Bard accessory. When equipped, it spawns 8 panic petals which orbit around the player at all times. Dealing damage with a Percussion instrument has a 25% chance to activate one of the petals. Any player who touches an activated petal will receive the Panic buff for 3 seconds, while enemies who touch one will take damage instead.



Crafting Station
Arcane Armor Fabricator.pngArcane Armor Fabricator
Ingredient(s) Amount
Petal.png Petal 10
Kick Petal.png Kick Petal 1
