Salamander Eye

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Salamander Eye
  • Salamander Eye item sprite
Stack digit 1.png
TypeAccessoryCrafting material
TooltipWhile in combat, your life recovery increases by 1 over time up to 2
RarityRarity Level: 1
Buy / Sell20000*2 Gold Coin.png / 4000*40 Silver Coin.png
Research1 required
Dropped by
Entity Quantity Rate
Salamander 1 5%

The Salamander Eye is a Pre-Hardmode accessory that has a chance to be dropped by Salamanders. In worlds where Salamanders cannot spawn, the Salamander Eye is instead sold by the Skeleton Merchant.

When equipped, the player will slowly gain life recovery while they remain in combat, up to 2 life recovered every second after 10 seconds of continual combat. Remaining in combat will maintain this bonus, and is removed after 5 seconds of not dealing damage to enemies.


Used in


Out of Combat items
Recovery Wand.pngRecovery Wand • Blooming Shield.pngBlooming Shield • Pacifist Necklace.pngPacifist Necklace • Assassin Potion.pngAssassin Potion • Medical Bag.pngMedical Bag • Crawdad Claw.pngCrawdad Claw • Giant Shell Spine.pngGiant Shell Spine • Salamander Eye.pngSalamander Eye • Monster Charm.pngMonster Charm