Monster Charm

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Monster Charm
  • Monster Charm item sprite
Stack digit 1.png
Tooltip'Let's get dangerous...'
While in combat, your damage, defense, and life recovery increase over time
RarityRarity Level: 2
Sell20000*2 Gold Coin.png
Research1 required

The Monster Charm is a craftable Pre-Hardmode accessory. It combines the effects of the Giant Shell Spine, Salamander Eye. and Crawdad Claw when equipped. While the player remains in combat, they will slowly gain additional flat damage, defense, and life recovery, up to an additional 2 damage, 5 defense, and 2 life recovered every second after 15 seconds of continual combat. Remaining in combat will maintain this bonus, and is removed after 5 seconds of not dealing damage to enemies.



Crafting Station
Tinkerer's Workshop.pngTinkerer's Workshop
Ingredient(s) Amount
Giant Shell Spine.png Giant Shell Spine 1
Salamander Eye.png Salamander Eye 1
Crawdad Claw.png Crawdad Claw 1
Monster Charm.png Monster Charm 1


  • The tooltip quote is the catch-phrase of the animated superhero Darkwing Duck.


  • Nerfed effect duration requirements from 10 seconds to 15 seconds and damage bonus effect from 3 at max to 2 at max.
  • Introduced.
Out of Combat items
Recovery Wand.pngRecovery Wand • Blooming Shield.pngBlooming Shield • Pacifist Necklace.pngPacifist Necklace • Assassin Potion.pngAssassin Potion • Medical Bag.pngMedical Bag • Crawdad Claw.pngCrawdad Claw • Giant Shell Spine.pngGiant Shell Spine • Salamander Eye.pngSalamander Eye • Monster Charm.pngMonster Charm