Apothecary's Cyan Vial

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Apothecary's Cyan VialHardmode exclusive
  • Apothecary's Cyan Vial item sprite
  • Apothecary's Cyan Vial equipped
Stack digit 1.png
TypeAccessoryCrafting materialHealer
TooltipUpon drinking a healing potion, all nearby players recover 50 mana
RarityRarity Level: 4
Sell7500*75 Silver Coin.png
Research1 required

The Apothecary's Cyan Vial is a Hardmode Healer accessory that gives nearby players mana whenever the wearer drinks a healing potion.



Crafting Station
Mythril Anvil.pngMythril Anvil /
Orichalcum Anvil.pngOrichalcum Anvil
Ingredient(s) Amount
Potion Chaser.png Potion Chaser 1
Greater Mana Potion.png Greater Mana Potion 10
Purified Shards.png Purified Shards 8
Apothecary's Cyan Vial.png Apothecary's Cyan Vial 1

Used in
