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Unobtainable item.png
The item(s) or effects described on this page exist as functional game items, but cannot be acquired through normal gameplay.
  • Testers.gif
Stack digit 1.png
Tooltip'For testing purposes'

Testers are a collection of unobtainable items. They cannot be obtained through normal means. Each one provides a different functionality on use, primarily for testing purposes as their names suggest.


Tester Tooltip Functionality
Empowerment Tester.pngEmpowerment Tester Grants you experimental empowerments Fires a harmless Acoustic Guitar projectile while granting the player all empowerments at level III (with the exception of Empowerment Prolongation).
Gore Tester.pngGore Tester Spawns an experimental gore texture Spawns a Magic Blood Dropper blood droplet.
Projectile Tester.pngProjectile Tester Shoots an experimental projectile Fires a projectile that functions like a Mace (without its on-hit effect). Functions as a weapon.
Purity Tester.pngPurity Tester Attempts to purfy[sic] a large area around the player Fires the Clentaminator's Green Solution spread in a circle around the player, converting Corruption, Crimson, and Hallow tiles to their original state.
Stat Tester.pngStat Tester Removes any increased inspiration and Crystal Wave boosts Removes all boosts to the player's maximum inspiration from Inspiration Fragments, Inspiration Shards, and Inspiration Crystals; as well as removing all boosts to the players's movement speed from Crystal Waves. Consumed on use.
Text Tester.pngText Tester Displays an experimental line of text:
Acoustic Guitar.png | Flute.png | Gold Bugle Horn.png | Bongos.png
Cannot be used, despite it appearing to have the statistics of a symphonic weapon.
Tile Tester.pngTile Tester Places an experimental tile Places a Soul Forge. Previous versions had the tile placed differ, such as the Tent ambient object or Life Crystals.


  • Introduced Purity Tester, but unobtainable.
  • Introduced Empowerment Tester, Gore Tester, Stat Tester, and Text Tester, but unobtainable.
  • Introduced Projectile Tester, but unobtainable.
  • Introduced Tile Tester, but unobtainable.