Dream Potion

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Unobtainable item.png
The item(s) or effects described on this page exist as functional game items, but cannot be acquired through normal gameplay.
Dream Potion
  • Dream Potion item sprite
Stack digit 9.pngStack digit 9.pngStack digit 9.pngStack digit 9.png
ConsumableTango Tick1.png
Heals Health500
Use time17 (Very Fast)
Tooltip'For testing purposes'
RarityRarity Level: 12
SellNo value

The Dream Potion is an unobtainable recovery potion. Upon consumption, it restores 500 life. It cannot be obtained through normal means.

As with all recovery potions, it also inflicts Potion Sickness, preventing the use of another recovery potion for 60 seconds.


  • Introduced, but unobtainable.