Destiny Weaver

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Unobtainable item.png
The item(s) or effects described on this page exist as functional game items, but cannot be acquired through normal gameplay.
Destiny WeaverHardmode exclusive
  • Destiny Weaver item sprite
Damage1250 (True)
Knockback7 (Strong)
Critical chance25%
Use time7 Left-click
26 Right-click
Tooltip'The infinite and inconceivable traverse all realities, with the hope of finally experiencing death'
Unleashes the full power of a dying reality
Deals increased damage against enemies with defense
Every eight shots propels prismatic reality energy towards your cursor
Killing an enemy releases a growing detonation at the spot
Dealing damage shields your life by 5 up to 50
Dealing damage heals you for 1% of the damage dealt
Right click to release a magical singularity
RarityRarity Level: 12
Sell5000000*5 Platinum Coin.png

The Destiny Weaver is an unobtainable weapon. It cannot be obtained through normal means. When used, it fires non-piercing purple bolts which causes purple flame eruptions upon killing enemies. After every 8 shots fired will cause the weapon to fire 7 purple prismatic bolts with random color afterimages. These prismatic bolts pierce infinitely and shatter on tile hit. It deals increase damage to enemies with high defense. Dealing damage to enemies gives the player a Life Shield of 5, which is capped out at 50 and heals the player for 1% of the amount of damage dealt.

Pressing right-click causes the weapon to fire a purple singularity orb at the cursor position which can suck in enemies that are within its proximity, rapidly damaging them. The orb lasts for a short duration before vanishing.

The Destiny Weaver cannot be reforged, and therefore cannot have modifiers.


  • It is the strongest weapon in the mod.