Healing Dummy Statue

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Unobtainable item.png
The item(s) or effects described on this page exist as functional game items, but cannot be acquired through normal gameplay.
Healing Dummy Statue
  • Healing Dummy Statue item sprite
  • Healing Dummy Statue placed graphic
Stack digit 9.pngStack digit 9.png
ConsumableTango Tick1.png
PlaceableTango Tick1.png
Dimensions2 wide × 3 high
Use time15 (Very Fast)
TooltipSpawns a 'Healing Dummy' when powered with wires
The healing dummy can be healed and displays your healing over 5 seconds
Only direct healing works on the dummy (Needs some work)
RarityRarity level: -1
SellNo value

The Healing Dummy Statue is an unobtainable mechanism. It cannot be obtained through normal means. When activated with Wires, it spawns a Healing Dummy, a variant of normal Target Dummies that is treated as a player ally, allowing effects such as Healer spells to work on it.


  • Introduced, but unobtainable.