Strange Decorative Potion

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Strange Decorative Potion
  • Strange Decorative Potion item sprite
Stack digit 9.pngStack digit 9.pngStack digit 9.pngStack digit 9.png
ConsumableTango Tick1.png
PlaceableTango Tick1.png
Dimensions1 wide × 1 high
Use time14 (Very Fast)
TooltipResembles a random Thorium potion when placed
RarityRarity Level: 0
Buy / Sell5 Silver Coin / 1 Silver Coin
Research1 required
Placed Strange Decorative Potions.png
Placed Strange Decorative Potions

The Strange Decorative Potion is a furniture item that is sold by the Wizard. When placed, it will turn into a random potion, which is purely aesthetic but takes the form of a varying potion from Thorium Mod.


  • As the displayed potion is random every time it is placed, it can be mined and placed again till it is the desired potion.

See Also


    • No longer includes "Frost Heart Elixir" or "Silver Tongue Potion" as possible variants.
    • Can now display Artillery and Arcane Potions.
  • Introduced.