Ninja Rack

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Ninja RackHardmode exclusive
  • Ninja Rack item sprite
Stack digit 9.pngStack digit 9.pngStack digit 9.pngStack digit 9.png
ConsumableTango Tick1.png
PlaceableTango Tick1.png
Dimensions3 wide × 3 high
Use time15 (Very Fast)
TooltipIncreases various throwing capabilities when interacted with
Grants BuffSleight of Hand.pngSleight of Hand
Buff tooltipThrowing velocity, speed and critical strike chance increased
RarityRarity Level: 4
Buy / Sell200000*20 Gold Coin.png / 40000*4 Gold Coin.png
Research1 required

The Ninja Rack is a furniture item that, when placed and right-clicked, applies the Sleight of Hand buff indefinitely, increasing the player's throwing speed, velocity, and critical strike chance. It is sold by the Desert Acolyte for 20 Gold Coin after the Wall of Flesh has been defeated.

The Sleight of Hand buff increases throwing speed by 10%, throwing velocity by 20%, and throwing critical strike chance by 10%.
