Conductor's Stand

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Conductor's Stand
  • Conductor's Stand item sprite
  • Conductor's Stand placed graphic
Stack digit 9.pngStack digit 9.pngStack digit 9.pngStack digit 9.png
ConsumableTango Tick1.png
PlaceableTango Tick1.png
Dimensions3 wide × 3 high
Use time15 (Very Fast)
TooltipIncreases various empowerment capabilities when interacted with
Grants BuffConductor.pngConductor
Buff tooltipEmpowerment duration and effect radius increased
RarityRarity Level: 4
Buy / Sell200000*20 Gold Coin.png / 40000*4 Gold Coin.png
Research1 required

The Conductor's Stand is a furniture item that, when placed and right-clicked, applies the Conductor buff indefinitely, increasing the player's empowerment duration by 15% and empowerment range. It is sold by the Merchant for 20 Gold Coin after the Wall of Flesh has been defeated.


  • The sprite for this item was the winner of the Thorium Mod Discord's Spriting Contest for Week 10, made by Amber.


  • Changed empowerment duration increase from 1 second increase to a 15% total increase.
  • Introduced.