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NPC 话语
鞋匠 鞋匠 "<鞋匠名称> is super skilled! Never had my slippers shine so well!"
荒漠侍僧 荒漠侍僧 "<荒漠侍僧名称> is the best guy in town to play hide-and-seek with!"
厨师 厨师 "<厨师名称> makes the most amazing treats!"
迷途僵尸 迷途僵尸 "Heehee, <迷途僵尸名称> makes such goofy faces!"
铁匠 铁匠 "<铁匠名称> helped me fix my tiara, I'm so grateful!"
赏金猎人 赏金猎人 "<赏金猎人名称> makes me feel so tall when he gives me a piggyback ride!"
潜水员 潜水员 "<潜水员名称> tells such amazing stories of what's under the sea!"
德鲁伊 德鲁伊 "<德鲁伊名称> assembles the loveliest flower bouquets!"
牧师(NPC) 牧师 "<牧师名称> has such a calming aura to him!"
武器大师 武器大师 "<武器大师名称> is such a sweet heart. He makes little fires for me when I'm cold!"