Module:Language info/data

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This module is the central database of the automatic interwiki link system. It provides one table, info, which contains one table each for all the translation projects, which in turn store the entirety of their English interwiki links in a ["Page name on English wiki"]=["Page name on language wiki"] format.

This database needs to be updated periodically. This is done by copying the output on en:Template:Language info/datagen and pasting it here. This database also needs to be synced periodically to the off-wiki language wikis.

If the cached data table needs to be purged, purge Module:Language info/data or invoke {{#invoke:language_info/data|purge}} on any page.

-- This is the database for
-- It was generated at 20230626151147 (Mon, 26 Jun 2023 15:11:47 +0000).
-- For the latest version, please visit

local info={}
info["_generated"] = "20230626151147 (Mon, 26 Jun 2023 15:11:47 +0000)"

-- zh language interwiki links info database code. Generated at 20230626151147 (Mon, 26 Jun 2023 15:11:47 +0000)
-- Please visit for the latest version.
-- zh start --------------------------------------------------------------------
info["zh"] = {}
info["zh"]["Bosses"] = "Boss"
info["zh"]["Bosses/Progression"] = "Boss/Progression"
info["zh"]["Bosses/box"] = "Boss/box"
info["zh"]["NPCs"] = "NPC"
info["zh"]["NPC names"] = "NPC 名字"
info["zh"]["NPC Buffs"] = "NPC 增益"
info["zh"]["NPCs/NPC Quotes"] = "NPC/NPC 话语"
info["zh"]["NPCs/Princess Happiness Quotes"] = "NPC/公主快乐话语"
info["zh"]["NPCs/Items Sold"] = "NPC/出售物品"
info["zh"]["NPCs/Reality Bearer Quotes"] = "NPC/现实守护者话语"
info["zh"]["NPCs/preferences"] = "NPC/生活偏好"
info["zh"]["Template:Category"] = "Template:Category"
info["zh"]["Template:Donator"] = "Template:Donator"
info["zh"]["Template:Donator/l10n"] = "Template:Donator/l10n"
info["zh"]["Template:I18n-ready"] = "Template:I18n-ready"
info["zh"]["Template:I18n-ready/l10n"] = "Template:I18n-ready/l10n"
info["zh"]["Template:Iwlink"] = "Template:Iwlink"
info["zh"]["Template:L10n subtemplate"] = "Template:L10n subtemplate"
info["zh"]["Template:L10n subtemplate/l10n"] = "Template:L10n subtemplate/l10n"
info["zh"]["Template:LangInfo"] = "Template:LangInfo"
info["zh"]["Template:LangList"] = "Template:LangList"
info["zh"]["Template:Language info"] = "Template:Language info"
info["zh"]["Template:Master Template Weapons"] = "Template:Master Template Weapons"
info["zh"]["Template:Msgbox"] = "Template:Msgbox"
info["zh"]["Template:Msgbox/l10n"] = "Template:Msgbox/l10n"
info["zh"]["Template:Nodelete"] = "Template:Nodelete"
info["zh"]["Template:Nodelete/l10n"] = "Template:Nodelete/l10n"
info["zh"]["Template:Translation projects"] = "Template:Translation projects"
info["zh"]["Expert Mode Accessories"] = "专家模式饰品"
info["zh"]["Jungle Temple"] = "丛林神庙"
info["zh"]["Events"] = "事件"
info["zh"]["Minion Buffs"] = "仆从增益"
info["zh"]["Modifiers"] = "修饰语"
info["zh"]["Bent Zombie Arm"] = "僵尸曲臂"
info["zh"]["Terrarium Hyper Disc"] = "元灵飞盘"
info["zh"]["Terrarium Saber"] = "元素誓约之剑"
info["zh"]["Death Prevention"] = "免死"
info["zh"]["Other Buffs"] = "其他增益"
info["zh"]["Glacier"] = "冰冻者"
info["zh"]["Ice biome"] = "冰雪生物群落"
info["zh"]["Grim Flayer"] = "冷酷劫掠者"
info["zh"]["Cold Front"] = "冷锋"
info["zh"]["Debuffs"] = "减益"
info["zh"]["Crafting stations"] = "制作站"
info["zh"]["Swords"] = "剑"
info["zh"]["Spoon"] = "勺子"
info["zh"]["Transformations"] = "化形"
info["zh"]["Pumpkin Moon"] = "南瓜月"
info["zh"]["Vanilla item recipes"] = "原版物品配方"
info["zh"]["Cook"] = "厨师"
info["zh"]["Glowing Mushroom biome"] = "发光蘑菇生物群落"
info["zh"]["Hired Demon"] = "受雇恶魔"
info["zh"]["Summon Buffs"] = "召唤增益"
info["zh"]["Crafting materials"] = "合成材料"
info["zh"]["Bard"] = "吟游诗人"
info["zh"]["Bard Empowerments"] = "吟游诗人咒音增幅"
info["zh"]["Bard Buffs"] = "吟游诗人增益"
info["zh"]["Bard Armor"] = "吟游诗人盔甲"
info["zh"]["Bard Accessories"] = "吟游诗人饰品"
info["zh"]["Goblin Army"] = "哥布林军队"
info["zh"]["Scalper"] = "回旋刃"
info["zh"]["Boomerangs"] = "回旋镖"
info["zh"]["Life Recovery (buff)"] = "回春"
info["zh"]["Saba"] = "圣剑"
info["zh"]["Underground Jungle"] = "地下丛林"
info["zh"]["Underground Desert"] = "地下沙漠"
info["zh"]["Underground Hallow"] = "地下神圣之地"
info["zh"]["Dungeon"] = "地牢"
info["zh"]["The Underworld"] = "地狱"
info["zh"]["Hellish Halberd"] = "地狱戟"
info["zh"]["Lodestone Claymore"] = "地脉长刃"
info["zh"]["Mounts"] = "坐骑"
info["zh"]["Mount Buffs"] = "坐骑增益"
info["zh"]["Walls"] = "墙"
info["zh"]["Buffs"] = "增益"
info["zh"]["Giant Glowstick"] = "大型荧光棒"
info["zh"]["Marble Cave"] = "大理石洞"
info["zh"]["Terrarium Spear"] = "天元一矛"
info["zh"]["Pets"] = "宠物"
info["zh"]["Pet Buffs"] = "宠物增益"
info["zh"]["Furniture"] = "家具"
info["zh"]["Wyvern Slayer"] = "屠龙者"
info["zh"]["Tools"] = "工具"
info["zh"]["Ammunition"] = "弹药"
info["zh"]["The Black Blade"] = "影剑"
info["zh"]["Druid"] = "德鲁伊"
info["zh"]["Dread Fork"] = "恐惧之叉"
info["zh"]["Dread Razor"] = "恐惧之锋"
info["zh"]["The Grand Thunder Bird"] = "惊雷王鹰"
info["zh"]["Ring Accessories"] = "戒指饰品"
info["zh"]["Combat Accessories"] = "战斗饰品"
info["zh"]["Thrower"] = "投手"
info["zh"]["Thrower Buffs"] = "投手增益"
info["zh"]["Thrower Armor"] = "投手盔甲"
info["zh"]["Thrower Accessories"] = "投手饰品"
info["zh"]["Shield Accessories"] = "护盾饰品"
info["zh"]["Donator items"] = "捐赠物品"
info["zh"]["Drops"] = "掉落"
info["zh"]["Old One's Army"] = "撒旦军队"
info["zh"]["Climber's Ice Axe"] = "攀登者的破冰斧镐"
info["zh"]["Enemies"] = "敌怪"
info["zh"]["Enemy Buffs"] = "敌怪增益"
info["zh"]["Banners"] = "旗帜"
info["zh"]["Solar Eclipse"] = "日食"
info["zh"]["Vanity items"] = "时装物品"
info["zh"]["Vanity Accessories"] = "时装饰品"
info["zh"]["Astral Fang"] = "星之牙"
info["zh"]["Phasesabers"] = "晶光刃"
info["zh"]["Darksteel Broadsword"] = "暗钢阔剑"
info["zh"]["Lunar Events"] = "月亮事件"
info["zh"]["Moonlight"] = "月光"
info["zh"]["Doom Fire Axe"] = "末日火斧"
info["zh"]["Miscellaneous"] = "杂项"
info["zh"]["Miscellaneous Accessories"] = "杂项饰品"
info["zh"]["Rifle Spear"] = "来复矛"
info["zh"]["Forest"] = "森林"
info["zh"]["Weapons"] = "武器"
info["zh"]["Weapon Master"] = "武器大师"
info["zh"]["Permanent Boosts"] = "永久性提升"
info["zh"]["Desert"] = "沙漠"
info["zh"]["Titan Sword"] = "泰坦剑"
info["zh"]["Titan Boomerang"] = "泰坦回旋镖"
info["zh"]["Cavern"] = "洞穴"
info["zh"]["Energy Storm Partisan"] = "流能风暴长戟"
info["zh"]["Ocean's Judgement"] = "海之审判"
info["zh"]["Ocean"] = "海洋"
info["zh"]["Pirate Invasion"] = "海盗入侵"
info["zh"]["Poseidon's Charge"] = "海神三叉戟"
info["zh"]["Seashell Castanets"] = "海贝响板"
info["zh"]["Consumable Buffs"] = "消耗品增益"
info["zh"]["Whirlpool Saber"] = "涡流短剑"
info["zh"]["Aquatic Depths"] = "深海"
info["zh"]["Floating Island"] = "漂浮岛"
info["zh"]["Diverman"] = "潜水员"
info["zh"]["Martian Madness"] = "火星暴乱"
info["zh"]["Soul Render"] = "灵魂镰刃"
info["zh"]["Sol-Scorched Slab"] = "灼岩尺剑"
info["zh"]["Essence of Flame"] = "炎华剑"
info["zh"]["Light Pet Buffs"] = "照明宠物增益"
info["zh"]["Healer"] = "牧师"
info["zh"]["Healer Buffs"] = "牧师增益"
info["zh"]["Healer Armor"] = "牧师盔甲"
info["zh"]["Healer Accessories"] = "牧师饰品"
info["zh"]["Spiritualist"] = "牧师(NPC)"
info["zh"]["List of items"] = "物品列表"
info["zh"]["List of items/a-d"] = "物品列表/a-d"
info["zh"]["List of items/e-h"] = "物品列表/e-h"
info["zh"]["List of items/i-l"] = "物品列表/i-l"
info["zh"]["List of items/m-p"] = "物品列表/m-p"
info["zh"]["List of items/q-t"] = "物品列表/q-t"
info["zh"]["List of items/u-z"] = "物品列表/u-z"
info["zh"]["List of items/unobtainable"] = "物品列表/无法获取"
info["zh"]["Blocks"] = "物块"
info["zh"]["Special Ability"] = "特殊能力"
info["zh"]["Status messages"] = "状态讯息"
info["zh"]["The Crimson"] = "猩红之地"
info["zh"]["Bellerose"] = "玫瑰伞刃"
info["zh"]["Environment Buffs"] = "环境增益"
info["zh"]["Coral Slasher"] = "珊瑚刃"
info["zh"]["Coral Polearm"] = "珊瑚长柄戟"
info["zh"]["Pearl Pike"] = "珍珠长矛"
info["zh"]["Thorium Boomerang"] = "瑟银回旋镖"
info["zh"]["Thorium Blade"] = "瑟银长刃"
info["zh"]["Thorium Spear"] = "瑟银长矛"
info["zh"]["Health and Mana Accessories"] = "生命与魔力饰品"
info["zh"]["Life Shield"] = "生命护盾"
info["zh"]["Biomes"] = "生物群落"
info["zh"]["Armor"] = "盔甲"
info["zh"]["Spears"] = "矛"
info["zh"]["Ores"] = "矿石"
info["zh"]["Sandstone Scimitar"] = "砂石弯刀"
info["zh"]["Sandstone Spear"] = "砂石矛"
info["zh"]["Ice Lance"] = "碎冰长枪"
info["zh"]["Movement Accessories"] = "移动饰品"
info["zh"]["Rarity"] = "稀有度"
info["zh"]["Arrows"] = "箭"
info["zh"]["Thor's Hammer: Melee"] = "索尔之锤: 近战"
info["zh"]["Terrarian's Last Knife"] = "终末之刃"
info["zh"]["Blooming Blade"] = "绽花之刃"
info["zh"]["Dragon's Tooth"] = "绿龙之牙"
info["zh"]["Dragon's Talon"] = "绿龙爪"
info["zh"]["Crowd Control"] = "群体控制"
info["zh"]["Wings"] = "翅膀"
info["zh"]["Durasteel Blade"] = "耐钢剑"
info["zh"]["Tooth of the Consumer"] = "肉食者之牙"
info["zh"]["Back Stabber"] = "背刺者"
info["zh"]["Out of Combat"] = "脱战"
info["zh"]["The Corruption"] = "腐化之地"
info["zh"]["Natural Graveyard"] = "自然墓地"
info["zh"]["Prime's Fury"] = "至尊之怒"
info["zh"]["Ship's Helm"] = "船舵"
info["zh"]["Granite Reflector"] = "花岗岩折返标"
info["zh"]["Granite Cave"] = "花岗岩洞"
info["zh"]["Pollen Pike"] = "花粉矛"
info["zh"]["Champion's Swift Blade"] = "英灵的迅捷锋刃"
info["zh"]["Desert Acolyte"] = "荒漠侍僧"
info["zh"]["Illumite Blade"] = "荧光刃"
info["zh"]["Illumite Spear"] = "荧光矛"
info["zh"]["Potions"] = "药水"
info["zh"]["Kitchen Knife"] = "菜刀"
info["zh"]["Valadium Slicer"] = "虚金切割者"
info["zh"]["Valadium Spear"] = "虚金矛"
info["zh"]["Spider Nest"] = "蜘蛛窝"
info["zh"]["Blood Moon"] = "血月"
info["zh"]["Flesh Skewer"] = "血肉串叉"
info["zh"]["Bloody High Claw"] = "血腥巨爪"
info["zh"]["Executioner"] = "行刑者"
info["zh"]["Equipment Buffs"] = "装备增益"
info["zh"]["Resource"] = "资源"
info["zh"]["Tracker"] = "赏金猎人"
info["zh"]["Tracker's Skinning Blade"] = "赏金猎人之闪亮之刃"
info["zh"]["Midas' Gavel"] = "迈达斯之槌"
info["zh"]["Melee weapons"] = "近战武器"
info["zh"]["Confused Zombie"] = "迷途僵尸"
info["zh"]["Recipes"] = "配方"
info["zh"]["Mod Config settings"] = "配置选项"
info["zh"]["Fishing"] = "钓鱼"
info["zh"]["Steel Blade"] = "钢刀"
info["zh"]["Blacksmith"] = "铁匠"
info["zh"]["Bars and Ingots"] = "锭"
info["zh"]["Rapier"] = "长剑"
info["zh"]["Defense"] = "防御"
info["zh"]["Phaseblades"] = "陨石光剑"
info["zh"]["Meteorite (biome)"] = "陨石(生物群落)"
info["zh"]["Frost Legion"] = "雪人军团"
info["zh"]["Snow biome"] = "雪原生物群落"
info["zh"]["Frost Moon"] = "霜月"
info["zh"]["Cobbler"] = "鞋匠"
info["zh"]["Music"] = "音乐"
info["zh"]["Music Box Accessories"] = "音乐盒饰品"
info["zh"]["Harpy Talon"] = "飞羽爪"
info["zh"]["Darts"] = "飞镖"
info["zh"]["Blitz-zard"] = "飞雪"
info["zh"]["Fork"] = "餐叉"
info["zh"]["Blood Drinker"] = "饮血者"
info["zh"]["Accessories"] = "饰品"
info["zh"]["Demon Blood Sword"] = "魔血长剑"
info["zh"]["Demon Blood Spear"] = "魔血长矛"
info["zh"]["Blood Chamber"] = "鲜血密室"
info["zh"]["Thunder Talon"] = "鹰雷爪"

-- zh end   --------------------------------------------------------------------

local cache = require 'mw.ext.LuaCache'
return {

	purge = function()
		cache.set(':_language_info:data', info) 

	delete = function()
