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圖標 名稱 來源 物品工具提示 增益工具提示
Abyssal Bunny (buff).png 深淵兔 深淵哨 Summons an abyssal bunny to follow you around 這個可憐的小傢伙可能是最後一隻……
Amnesiac Girl.png 失憶女孩 綠色螢火蟲 Calls in a lost girl for you to watch over 別離她太遠!
Ancient Rat (buff).png 遠古鼠 遠古奶酪 'We all start somewhere'
Summons a pet rat to follow you around
就連老鼠也是遠古的嗎? 是的!
Bio-Feeder (buff).png 生物吞食者 生化囊 Releases a strange alien creature 真是奇怪的生物……
Chaotic Creature.png 混沌生物 混沌大理石 Summons a little creature from another dimension 他真可愛, 但他是從哪來的……?
Clownfish (buff).png 小丑魚 魚卵 Summons a Clownfish in a Bubble to follow you around 不要嘲笑他……
Whispering Shell (buff).png 生物 低語之殼 'Is that the sound of the ocean or something else...?'
Doesn't summon a creature to follow you around
Curious Coinling (buff).png 古怪鑄幣 古希臘銀幣 Summons a curious bag of ancient coins 德拉克馬現在用處不大……
Energized Quad-Cube (buff).png 盈能四立方 盈能四立方 'A chip off the old block'
Summons a geometric granite storm
嘣, 花崗岩流能風暴的俄羅斯方塊!
Exotic Myna (buff).png 異國八哥 異國八哥卵 Summons a rare baby bird to follow you around 這隻特別的鳥寶寶喜歡你!
Experiment 3 (buff).png 實驗體三號 實驗體三號 Releases a terrifying baby creature that follows you around 慶幸它現在還不是成年體吧……
Ferret (buff).png 雪貂 符文碎片 Releases a little white noodle to follow you around 這個小傢伙喜歡搖擺!
Fly (buff).png 飛蟲 腐爛肉塊 'They didn't call it corpse bloom for nothing'
Summons a simple fly
Flying Blister (buff).png 飛行疱蟲 泡泡蟲飼育袋 Summons an annoying blister to follow you around 它是不會離開你的!
Frozen Balloon (buff).png 霜凍氣球 霜凍氣球 'Remove its ability to spit deadly ice and they're kinda cute!'
Summons a frozen balloon on a string
Glass Shard (buff).png 玻璃碎塊 玻璃碎塊 'That Illusionist was a well known prankster...'
Summons a mischievous mirror to follow you around
Blood Sausage (buff).png 懶惰蝙蝠 血腸 'Is this how that bat got so big?'
Summons a lazy bat to follow you around
Lil' Maid (buff).png 小女僕 簡易掃把 Summons a cute lil' maid to follow you around 這裡似乎沒啥可清掃的……
Lil' Mog (buff).png 小貓 歡愉堅果 'Kupo! Kupo!'
Summons a little winged friend
他真可愛, 不是嗎?
Lil' Necromancer (buff).png 小死靈法師 骨王法杖 Summons a tiny lich to follow you around 這小玩意的強度遠大於它外表所展現……
Living Hand (buff).png 活手 可疑的潤膚膏瓶 'Makes your hands nice and cracked'
Summons a necrotic hand to hang out with you
讓我們幫他們一手, 夥計!
Lost Snowy Owl (buff).png 迷失雪鴞 失落之信 Summons a Snowy Owl to watch over you 看樣子某些人永遠無法收到他們的信件了……
Lyrist (buff).png 抒情詩人 模型槍 Summons a ghostly lyrist to follow you around 一位無聲的詩人正看著你的背後
Doom Sayer's Penny (buff).png Mini Primordial 末日預言者的便士 'Foretells a great tragedy that will befall your milk...'
Summons a trio of primordial spirits
至少已經結束了, 對吧t?
Pink Slime (buff).png 粉紅史萊姆 粉色史萊姆蛋 Summons a flying pink slime that follows you around 它真漂亮!
Princess Jellyfish (buff).png 水母公主 潛水員毛絨玩具 'Like mother like daughter I suppose...'
Summons a princess jellyfish
Research Probe (buff).png 研究探機 外星人研究筆記 'There are mentions of cows all over this thing'
Summons an inquisitive alien probe
Skunk (buff).png 臭鼬 薰香餅乾 Releases a skunk pet to follow you around 不要嚇到他, 否則你會後悔的……
Storm Cloud (buff).png 風暴雲 風暴雲 'Grand thunder not included'
Summons a pet cloud to follow you around
Subterranean Angler (buff).png 深海琵琶魚 深海法珠 Summons an angler from the depths of the sea 也許它看起來很噁心, 但它喜歡你!
Sword of Destiny (buff).png 命運之劍 命運之劍 'With great power comes greater peril'
Summons a sword that hovers above your head
Tanuki Girl (buff).png 浣熊女孩 下降球 Summons a tanuki girl to follow you around 別離她太遠!
Tortle Sage (buff).png 龜仙人 烏龜鱗片 Summons a young tortle sage to follow you around 他年事已高
Totally Normal Dog.png 狗狗 醃黃瓜 Summons a totally normal dog to follow you around 或許是……先生?
Wyvern Pup (buff).png 小飛龍 玩具小雲 Summons a juvenile... wyvern pup? 它雖然小, 但他奉獻了一切