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图标 名称 来源 物品工具提示 增益工具提示
Enemy Crab (buff).png 巨蟹 巨蟹爪 Hitch a ride on a gigantic crab
While mounted, you can walk on liquids
Super Anvil (buff).png 超级铁砧 超级铁砧 Summons a ridable anvil
The anvil can barely move, but is incredibly heavy
Spectral Tiger (buff).png 幽冥虎 幽冥牙 Summons a mountable spectral tiger 即便阴阳两隔, 它仍对你忠心不二
Wyvern (buff).png 飞龙 灵云之气 'Happier days are on the horizon with this little fella'
Summons a mountable Wyvern
Void Chariot (buff).png 虚空战车 凝视者战车之书 'Become the harbinger of the void'
Summons a mountable Beholder
Starving Beast (buff).png 饥饿野兽 污痕之心 Calls forth a ridable Starved 这头野兽感到无尽的饥饿
Battle Warg (buff).png 战争恐狼 破损战斗号角 Calls forth a ridable Warg 骑在恐狼上向战场冲锋!
Infernal Hound (buff).png 地狱犬 熔岩项圈 Calls forth a ridable infernal hound 带着地狱的怒火狂奔吧!
Angry Dragon (buff).png 愤怒之龙 三分熟牛排 'Perfect for a growing dragon's diet... I think?'
Summons a mountable Baby Dragon
While mounted, the dragon will spit fireballs at nearby enemies
The fireballs deal the same type of damage as your held weapon
The Whale (buff).png 《传记: 如何与鲸鱼对话》 Summons a mountable Whale 这真的值得吗?
Apocalypse.png 毁灭战车 异界符咒 'Unintelligible voices echo: Zerath! Milogop! Tz'rok!'
Summons an apocalyptic chariot