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图标 名称 来源 物品工具提示 增益工具提示
Seahorse (buff).png 海马 海马杖 Summons a seahorse that spits a barrage of bubbles 在路上有一堆泡泡!
Sprout Loyalty.png 芽孢的忠诚 生命木橡子 Summons a living tree sprout as your chosen familiar
You may only have one familiar summoned at a time
Right click to select various actions for your familiar
Left click to perform your selected action
Hatchling (buff).png 小鹰 小雷鹰法杖 Summons a storm-hatchling to zap your foes 这小鸟管你叫妈妈!
Rosy Slime (buff).png 玫瑰史莱姆 玫瑰史莱姆法杖 Summons a daughter of Pinky to fight for you 几乎和小粉一样残忍
Butterfly Swarm.png 蝴蝶群 蝴蝶法杖 'The latest in butterfly technology'
Summons 3 random butterflies to attack your enemies
总的来说, 蝴蝶对敌人们是个巨大的威胁
Arsenal Staff (buff).png 军械法杖 军械法杖 Summons a possessed sword and shield to protect you
Continued summons increase the power of the possessed weapons up to 4 times each
Meteor Head (buff).png 流星头 流星头法杖 Summons a friendly meteor head to crush your enemies 流星头决定与你一起工作
Baby Kitty.png 小猫咪 毛线球 'Belonged to a never forgotten companion'
Summons a ferocious baby cat to attack enemies
Rampage.png 横冲直撞 史前琥珀法杖 Yuma's Pendant.png 'Life finds a way'
Summons some angry dinosaurs to attack your foes
Blood Drinker (buff).png 饮血者 子爵手杖 Summons a zealous Blood Drinker, that stores up to 20 'blood' as it attacks
When calm and near your side, the blood drinker will heal you based on its blood storage
Occupies two minion slots
Dark Risen.png 崛起之阴 禁忌魔杖 Summons a necromantic Dark Riser that can spawn skeletons from defeated enemies
Occupies two minion slots
Razor Mantis (buff).png 利刃螳螂 螳螂杖 Summons razor wielding praying mantids to attack enemies
Mantids have a chance to gouge hit enemies
Icy Fairy (buff).png 冰精灵 霜冻精灵法杖 Summons an icy fairy to freeze your foes 你的敌人最好穿了保暖大衣!
Sparkly Sparkle (buff).png 闪耀之星 女爵之光 Yuma's Pendant.png Summons a deceptively destructive bright pink sparkle 这颗星星在疯狂闪耀!
Steamgunner Drone (buff).png 蒸汽无人机 蒸汽无人机遥控器 Yuma's Pendant.png Summons a fast attacking gunner drone to assault nearby enemies
Occupies two minion slots
无人机仅执行一个程序: 射击东西
Lee's Weapons (buff).png 李的武器 影武杖 Summons a pair of shadow weapons that attack enemies
Dealing damage grants you stacking damage and withers enemies at 50 stacks
Blood Zombie (buff).png 血腥僵尸 宴血者法杖 Summons a flesh eating blood zombie 只要它饱了, 你就没事了……
Dragon Melter (buff).png 熔岩之龙 熔岩龙法杖 Yuma's Pendant.png Summons a chained molten dragon skull to melt your foes 你的敌人将毫无机会
Crimson Hound (buff).png 血腥猎犬 血猎犬法杖 Summons a grotesque and viscous crimson hound 尽管没有嘴, 但猎犬始终能找到一种进食方式……
Corruptling (buff).png 噬魂者 迷你噬魂者法杖 Summons a mini eater of souls that bites into your foes 不是所有的腐化生物都想吞噬灵魂……
Enchanted Tome.png 注魔咒书 大师圣契 Yuma's Pendant.png Summons a sentient spell book to cast spells at enemies
Right click to switch between a variety of spell types
Hail Bomber (buff).png 冰雹爆破者 冰雹爆破者 Summons a kamikaze snowman that blows up upon hitting enemies 它大概不会伤害它们, 别担心……
Blobfish (buff).png 水滴鱼 水滴角珊瑚法杖 Summons a handsome blobfish to attack enemies 可爱还是丑陋? 由你来决定……
Valkyrie Blade (buff).png 瓦尔基里圣刃 瓦尔基里圣刃 Summons a mythical blade storm with a will of its own
Occupies two minion slots
Beholding.png 凝视 注视者法杖 Summons a beholder to reveal and vaporize nearby enemies
Occupies two minion slots
Eye of Odin (buff).png 奥丁之眼 奥丁之眼 Yuma's Pendant.png Summons an electric eyeball that fires enemy-chaining lightning 强大的眼球正准备电死你的敌人!
Corrodling (buff).png 侵蚀体 侵蚀体法杖 Yuma's Pendant.png Summons a toxic sludge that corrodes hit enemies 敌人面对这小家伙将毫无还手之力!
Enigma (buff).png 谜团 谜团法杖 Tears a rift into reality, bringing forth a volatile Enigma 无尽的光芒从这复杂的谜团中散发出来……
Malicious Face (buff).png 怪脸 血教徒法杖 Summons a malicious face that enrages when you are badly hurt
Occupies two minion slots
将撕裂. 你的敌人. 粉碎吧!
Mirror Image.png 镜像 星云镜像 Yuma's Pendant.png Summons a mirror image of a nebula wielder that attacks enemies
Occupies two minion slots
Molten Ember (buff).png 熔渣 余烬法杖 'Your anger shall lash out with reckless abandon...'
Summons an ember of Slag Fury, which unleashes molten destruction upon your enemies
Occupies two minion slots