Module:Language info/data

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This module is the central database of the automatic interwiki link system. It provides one table, info, which contains one table each for all the translation projects, which in turn store the entirety of their English interwiki links in a ["Page name on English wiki"]=["Page name on language wiki"] format.

This database needs to be updated periodically. This is done by copying the output on Template:Language info/datagen and pasting it here. This database also needs to be synced periodically to the off-wiki language wikis.

If the cached data table needs to be purged, purge Module:Language info/data or invoke {{#invoke:language_info/data|purge}} on any page.

-- This is the database for
-- It was generated at 20240116085311 (Tue, 16 Jan 2024 08:53:11 +0000).
-- For the latest version, please visit

local info={}
info["_generated"] = "20240116085311 (Tue, 16 Jan 2024 08:53:11 +0000)"

-- zh language interwiki links info database code. Generated at 20240116085312 (Tue, 16 Jan 2024 08:53:12 +0000)
-- Please visit for the latest version.
-- zh start --------------------------------------------------------------------
info["zh"] = {}
info["zh"][""] = ""
info["zh"][""] = ""
info["zh"][""] = ""
info["zh"][""] = ""
info["zh"][""] = ""
info["zh"][""] = ""
info["zh"][""] = ""
info["zh"][""] = ""
info["zh"][""] = ""
info["zh"][""] = ""
info["zh"][""] = ""
info["zh"][""] = ""
info["zh"][""] = ""
info["zh"][""] = ""
info["zh"][""] = ""
info["zh"][""] = ""
info["zh"][""] = ""
info["zh"][""] = ""
info["zh"][""] = ""
info["zh"][""] = ""
info["zh"][""] = ""
info["zh"][""] = ""
info["zh"][""] = ""
info["zh"][""] = ""
info["zh"][""] = ""
info["zh"][""] = ""
info["zh"][""] = ""
info["zh"][""] = ""
info["zh"][""] = ""
info["zh"][""] = ""
info["zh"][""] = ""
info["zh"][""] = ""
info["zh"][""] = ""
info["zh"][""] = ""
info["zh"][""] = ""
info["zh"][""] = ""
info["zh"][""] = ""
info["zh"][""] = ""
info["zh"][""] = ""
info["zh"][""] = ""
info["zh"][""] = ""
info["zh"][""] = ""
info["zh"][""] = ""
info["zh"][""] = ""
info["zh"][""] = ""
info["zh"][""] = ""
info["zh"][""] = ""
info["zh"][""] = ""
info["zh"][""] = ""
info["zh"][""] = ""
info["zh"][""] = ""
info["zh"][""] = ""
info["zh"][""] = ""
info["zh"][""] = ""
info["zh"][""] = ""
info["zh"][""] = ""
info["zh"][""] = ""
info["zh"][""] = ""
info["zh"][""] = ""
info["zh"][""] = ""
info["zh"][""] = ""
info["zh"][""] = ""
info["zh"][""] = ""
info["zh"][""] = ""
info["zh"][""] = ""
info["zh"][""] = ""
info["zh"][""] = ""
info["zh"][""] = ""
info["zh"][""] = ""
info["zh"][""] = ""
info["zh"][""] = ""
info["zh"][""] = ""
info["zh"][""] = ""
info["zh"][""] = ""
info["zh"][""] = ""
info["zh"][""] = ""
info["zh"][""] = ""
info["zh"][""] = ""
info["zh"][""] = ""
info["zh"][""] = ""
info["zh"][""] = ""
info["zh"][""] = ""
info["zh"][""] = ""
info["zh"][""] = ""
info["zh"][""] = ""
info["zh"][""] = ""
info["zh"]["1.7.0,1"] = ""
info["zh"][""] = ""
info["zh"][""] = ""
info["zh"][""] = ""
info["zh"][""] = ""
info["zh"][""] = ""
info["zh"][""] = ""
info["zh"][""] = ""
info["zh"][""] = ""
info["zh"]["24-Carat Tuba"] = "24克拉纯金大号"
info["zh"]["Bosses"] = "Boss"
info["zh"]["Bosses/Progression"] = "Boss/Progression"
info["zh"]["Bosses/box"] = "Boss/box"
info["zh"]["Boss Dummy"] = "Boss假人"
info["zh"]["Boss Masks"] = "Boss面具"
info["zh"]["Diss Track"] = "Diss曲目"
info["zh"]["Folv's Ancient set"] = "Folv的远古套装"
info["zh"]["NPCs"] = "NPC"
info["zh"]["NPC names"] = "NPC 名字"
info["zh"]["NPC Buffs"] = "NPC 增益"
info["zh"]["NPCs/NPC Quotes"] = "NPC/NPC 话语"
info["zh"]["NPCs/Princess Happiness Quotes"] = "NPC/公主快乐话语"
info["zh"]["NPCs/Items Sold"] = "NPC/出售物品"
info["zh"]["NPCs/Reality Bearer Quotes"] = "NPC/现实守护者话语"
info["zh"]["NPCs/preferences"] = "NPC/生活偏好"
info["zh"]["P.L.G. 8999"] = "P.L.G. 8999"
info["zh"]["Protogen set"] = "Protogen套装"
info["zh"]["Snarbolax set"] = "Snarbolax套装"
info["zh"]["Template:Category"] = "Template:Category"
info["zh"]["Template:Christmas only"] = "Template:Christmas only"
info["zh"]["Template:Christmas only/l10n"] = "Template:Christmas only/l10n"
info["zh"]["Template:Disambig"] = "Template:Disambig"
info["zh"]["Template:Disambig/l10n"] = "Template:Disambig/l10n"
info["zh"]["Template:Donator"] = "Template:Donator"
info["zh"]["Template:Donator/l10n"] = "Template:Donator/l10n"
info["zh"]["Template:Expert mode only"] = "Template:Expert mode only"
info["zh"]["Template:Expert mode only/l10n"] = "Template:Expert mode only/l10n"
info["zh"]["Template:Halloween only"] = "Template:Halloween only"
info["zh"]["Template:Halloween only/l10n"] = "Template:Halloween only/l10n"
info["zh"]["Template:I18n-ready"] = "Template:I18n-ready"
info["zh"]["Template:I18n-ready/l10n"] = "Template:I18n-ready/l10n"
info["zh"]["Template:Iwlink"] = "Template:Iwlink"
info["zh"]["Template:L10n subtemplate"] = "Template:L10n subtemplate"
info["zh"]["Template:L10n subtemplate/l10n"] = "Template:L10n subtemplate/l10n"
info["zh"]["Template:LangInfo"] = "Template:LangInfo"
info["zh"]["Template:LangList"] = "Template:LangList"
info["zh"]["Template:Language info"] = "Template:Language info"
info["zh"]["Template:Language info/l10n"] = "Template:Language info/l10n"
info["zh"]["Template:Language info/luadata"] = "Template:Language info/luadata"
info["zh"]["Template:Master Template Weapons"] = "Template:Master Template Weapons"
info["zh"]["Template:Master mode only"] = "Template:Master mode only"
info["zh"]["Template:Master mode only/l10n"] = "Template:Master mode only/l10n"
info["zh"]["Template:Msgbox"] = "Template:Msgbox"
info["zh"]["Template:Msgbox/l10n"] = "Template:Msgbox/l10n"
info["zh"]["Template:Multi-column TOC"] = "Template:Multi-column TOC"
info["zh"]["Template:Naturalgen only"] = "Template:Naturalgen only"
info["zh"]["Template:Naturalgen only/l10n"] = "Template:Naturalgen only/l10n"
info["zh"]["Template:Nodelete"] = "Template:Nodelete"
info["zh"]["Template:Nodelete/l10n"] = "Template:Nodelete/l10n"
info["zh"]["Template:Translation projects"] = "Template:Translation projects"
info["zh"]["U.F.O."] = "U.F.O."
info["zh"]["Zunpet"] = "Zun号"
info["zh"]["The Javelin"] = "“标枪”火箭发射器"
info["zh"]["How to speak Whale: A Biography"] = "《传记: 如何与鲸鱼对话》"
info["zh"]["Stack of Pancakes"] = "一叠煎饼"
info["zh"]["Seven Seas Devastator"] = "七海搅碎者"
info["zh"]["Promethean Staff"] = "万世初火"
info["zh"]["Halloween Center"] = "万圣中枢"
info["zh"]["Marigold Mint Tea"] = "万寿菊薄荷茶"
info["zh"]["Magneto Grip"] = "万磁王手套"
info["zh"]["Phylactery of a Thousand Souls"] = "万魂匣"
info["zh"]["Medium Rare Steak"] = "三分熟牛排"
info["zh"]["The Triangle"] = "三角铃"
info["zh"]["Baritone Saxophone"] = "上低音萨克斯"
info["zh"]["Ancient Blade"] = "上古之剑"
info["zh"]["Ancient Flame"] = "上古灼炎"
info["zh"]["Balloon Ball"] = "下降球"
info["zh"]["Unfathomable Flesh"] = "不明肉块"
info["zh"]["Unholy Shards"] = "不洁碎晶"
info["zh"]["Lingering Will"] = "不灭遗念"
info["zh"]["Unstable Core"] = "不稳定核心"
info["zh"]["Unstable Energy Anomaly"] = "不稳定的反常流能"
info["zh"]["Sinister Crate"] = "不详匣"
info["zh"]["Sinister Acorn"] = "不详橡果"
info["zh"]["Expert Mode Accessories"] = "专家模式饰品"
info["zh"]["World Engine"] = "世界引擎"
info["zh"]["Cupid's String"] = "丘比特心弓"
info["zh"]["Karmic Holder"] = "业果之握"
info["zh"]["Heart of the Jungle"] = "丛林之心"
info["zh"]["Jungle's Wrath"] = "丛林之怒"
info["zh"]["Jungle Temple"] = "丛林神庙"
info["zh"]["Jungle Flower"] = "丛林花"
info["zh"]["Silk armor"] = "丝绸盔甲"
info["zh"]["Amphibian Egg"] = "两栖动物卵"
info["zh"]["Bountiful Harvest"] = "丰收"
info["zh"]["Danny's Lament set"] = "丹尼之叹套装"
info["zh"]["Shame on you"] = "为你感到羞愧"
info["zh"]["Weighted Winglets"] = "举足轻重靴"
info["zh"]["Ebon Hammer"] = "乌木锤"
info["zh"]["Black MIDI"] = "乌檀电琴"
info["zh"]["Tortle Scute"] = "乌龟鳞片"
info["zh"]["Band Kit"] = "乐团配件"
info["zh"]["Sound Sage's Lament"] = "乐圣之挽歌"
info["zh"]["Musician's Handbook"] = "乐师手册"
info["zh"]["Bookcases"] = "书架"
info["zh"]["Bookshelf Block"] = "书架块"
info["zh"]["Bookshelf Wall"] = "书架墙"
info["zh"]["Events"] = "事件"
info["zh"]["Cloud Slab"] = "云板"
info["zh"]["Cloud Slab Wall"] = "云板墙"
info["zh"]["Yuma's Pendant"] = "云玛垂饰"
info["zh"]["Deadman's Patch"] = "亡者眼罩"
info["zh"]["Snowy Astroturf"] = "人造冰雪草皮"
info["zh"]["Cherry Astroturf"] = "人造樱桃草皮"
info["zh"]["Marshy Astroturf"] = "人造沼泽草皮"
info["zh"]["Astroturf"] = "人造草皮"
info["zh"]["Spooky Astroturf"] = "人造阴森草皮"
info["zh"]["Minion Buffs"] = "仆从增益"
info["zh"]["Aggro Dummy"] = "仇恨假人"
info["zh"]["Cactus Fruit"] = "仙人掌果"
info["zh"]["Cactus Needle"] = "仙人掌针"
info["zh"]["Metabolic Pills"] = "代谢药"
info["zh"]["Objectionable Stock"] = "令人厌恶的高汤"
info["zh"]["Marching Band armor"] = "仪仗队盔甲"
info["zh"]["Marching Boots"] = "仪仗靴"
info["zh"]["Penguin Wand"] = "企鹅杖"
info["zh"]["Volt Hatchet"] = "伏特掷斧"
info["zh"]["Volt Eel"] = "伏特鳗"
info["zh"]["Dormant Hammer"] = "休眠之锤"
info["zh"]["Bundle of Benign Balloons"] = "优质气球束"
info["zh"]["Crier's armor"] = "传讯员盔甲"
info["zh"]["Gateway Glass"] = "传送门之镜"
info["zh"]["Damage reduction"] = "伤害减免"
info["zh"]["Whispering Dagger"] = "低语之匕"
info["zh"]["Whispering Shell"] = "低语之壳"
info["zh"]["Whispering armor"] = "低语者盔甲"
info["zh"]["Bass Booster"] = "低音冲击波"
info["zh"]["Falling Twilight"] = "余晖"
info["zh"]["Ember Staff"] = "余烬法杖"
info["zh"]["Corrodling Staff"] = "侵蚀体法杖"
info["zh"]["Portable Wintergatan"] = "便携式弹珠音乐机"
info["zh"]["Modifiers"] = "修饰语"
info["zh"]["Fake Coin"] = "假硬币"
info["zh"]["Aril"] = "假种皮"
info["zh"]["Staff of Overgrowth"] = "催生法杖"
info["zh"]["Pixel Dye"] = "像素染料"
info["zh"]["Man o' War"] = "僧帽水母"
info["zh"]["Bent Zombie Arm"] = "僵尸曲臂"
info["zh"]["Zombie Repellent"] = "僵尸趋避剂"
info["zh"]["Terrarium Hyper Disc"] = "元灵飞盘"
info["zh"]["Terrarium armor"] = "元素之灵盔甲"
info["zh"]["Terrarium Backlash"] = "元素反击"
info["zh"]["Terrarium Holy Scythe"] = "元素圣镰"
info["zh"]["Terrarium Core"] = "元素核心"
info["zh"]["Terrarium Particle Sprinters"] = "元素粒子加速靴"
info["zh"]["Terrarium Pulse Rifle"] = "元素脉冲步枪"
info["zh"]["Terrarium Autoharp"] = "元素自动竖琴"
info["zh"]["Terrarium Canyon Splitter"] = "元素解离者"
info["zh"]["Terrarium Saber"] = "元素誓约之剑"
info["zh"]["Terrarium Terraformer"] = "元素重塑者"
info["zh"]["Terrarium Longbow"] = "元素长弓"
info["zh"]["Terrarium Bomber"] = "元雷炮"
info["zh"]["Engorged Eye"] = "充血之眼"
info["zh"]["Light Curse"] = "光之咒"
info["zh"]["Light's Lament"] = "光之哀伤"
info["zh"]["Lustrous Baton"] = "光之棒"
info["zh"]["Light's Anguish"] = "光之苦痛"
info["zh"]["Light Bringer's Warhammer"] = "光明使者战锤"
info["zh"]["Light sources"] = "光源"
info["zh"]["Smooth Coal"] = "光滑的煤"
info["zh"]["Aura Staff"] = "光环法杖"
info["zh"]["Iridescent Staff"] = "光耀法杖"
info["zh"]["Iridescent armor"] = "光耀盔甲"
info["zh"]["Radiant weapons"] = "光辉武器"
info["zh"]["Glowing Potion"] = "光辉药水"
info["zh"]["Guide to Overcoming Grief"] = "克服悲伤指南"
info["zh"]["Call of Cthulhu"] = "克苏鲁的呼唤"
info["zh"]["Death Prevention"] = "免死"
info["zh"]["Holophonor"] = "全息情感笛"
info["zh"]["Scrying Glass"] = "全知水晶球"
info["zh"]["Omni-Bow"] = "全能之弓"
info["zh"]["Omni-Cannon"] = "全能加农炮"
info["zh"]["Omniwrench"] = "全能扳手"
info["zh"]["The Almighty Recipe"] = "全能菜单"
info["zh"]["Myna"] = "八哥"
info["zh"]["Duke's Regal Carnyx"] = "公爵的豪华战号"
info["zh"]["Other Buffs"] = "其他增益"
info["zh"]["Feral-Fur set"] = "兽皮套装"
info["zh"]["Adventurer's Lantern"] = "冒险者燃灯"
info["zh"]["Arsenal Staff"] = "军械法杖"
info["zh"]["Gunkan Maki"] = "军舰寿司"
info["zh"]["Army Ant"] = "军蚁"
info["zh"]["Ancient Spark"] = "冥古雷星"
info["zh"]["Song of Ice & Fire"] = "冰与火之歌"
info["zh"]["Freezer"] = "冰冻噬魂者"
info["zh"]["Coldling"] = "冰冻棘虫"
info["zh"]["Glacier"] = "冰冻者"
info["zh"]["Frost Wurm"] = "冰冻腐虫"
info["zh"]["Coolmera"] = "冰冻飞虫"
info["zh"]["Ice Shaver"] = "冰剃刀"
info["zh"]["Ice Cube"] = "冰块"
info["zh"]["Icy Piccolo"] = "冰川短笛"
info["zh"]["Ice Cream Cone"] = "冰淇淋甜筒"
info["zh"]["Frost Burnt"] = "冰焰行者"
info["zh"]["Icy Shard"] = "冰碎片"
info["zh"]["Glacial Sting"] = "冰蛰"
info["zh"]["Snow Eater"] = "冰雪吞噬者"
info["zh"]["Ice biome"] = "冰雪生物群落"
info["zh"]["Hail Bomber"] = "冰雹爆破者"
info["zh"]["Frostwind Cymbals"] = "冰风钹"
info["zh"]["Hit Scanner"] = "冲击扫描仪"
info["zh"]["Cryotherapy"] = "冷冻疗法"
info["zh"]["Grim Flayer"] = "冷酷劫掠者"
info["zh"]["Cold Front"] = "冷锋"
info["zh"]["Freezing"] = "冻结"
info["zh"]["Freeze"] = "冻结术"
info["zh"]["Frozen Gross"] = "冻霜幽魂"
info["zh"]["Frozen Face"] = "冻霜脸怪"
info["zh"]["Purified Water"] = "净化之水"
info["zh"]["Purify"] = "净化术"
info["zh"]["Purified Shards"] = "净化碎片"
info["zh"]["Purifier's set"] = "净化者套装"
info["zh"]["Purifier's Ring"] = "净化者戒指"
info["zh"]["Cleansing Water Pouch"] = "净魂水袋"
info["zh"]["Mortality"] = "凋零"
info["zh"]["Debuffs"] = "减益"
info["zh"]["Gelatinous Cube"] = "凝胶块"
info["zh"]["Gel Glove"] = "凝胶手套"
info["zh"]["Blood Clot Staff"] = "凝血法杖"
info["zh"]["Tome of the Void Gazer's Chariot"] = "凝视者战车之书"
info["zh"]["Molecular Stabilizer"] = "分子稳定器"
info["zh"]["Creativity Potion"] = "创意药水"
info["zh"]["Sharp Tooth"] = "利牙鱼"
info["zh"]["Buisine"] = "别辛号"
info["zh"]["Crafting stations"] = "制作站"
info["zh"]["Assassin armor"] = "刺客盔甲"
info["zh"]["Assassin Potion"] = "刺客药水"
info["zh"]["Spiny Shell"] = "刺甲贝"
info["zh"]["Swords"] = "剑"
info["zh"]["Myrmidon set"] = "剑士套装"
info["zh"]["Sword Sheaths"] = "剑鞘"
info["zh"]["Sundered"] = "剥离"
info["zh"]["Poison"] = "剧毒术"
info["zh"]["Toxic Coating"] = "剧毒涂层"
info["zh"]["Venom Kunai"] = "剧毒苦无"
info["zh"]["Poison Prickler"] = "剧毒针管"
info["zh"]["Scissor Stalker"] = "剪刀潜行者"
info["zh"]["Stalker's Snippers"] = "剪刀狂人的手剪"
info["zh"]["Power Banner"] = "力量令旗"
info["zh"]["Turntable"] = "动感电唱盘"
info["zh"]["Kinetic Knife"] = "动能刀"
info["zh"]["Kinetic Battery"] = "动能电池"
info["zh"]["Kinetic Potion"] = "动能药水"
info["zh"]["Shock Absorber"] = "动能转换装置"
info["zh"]["Kineto-scythe"] = "动能镰刀"
info["zh"]["Vessel Buster"] = "动脉破裂"
info["zh"]["Bone Flayer Tail"] = "劫掠者之尾"
info["zh"]["Spoon"] = "勺子"
info["zh"]["Transformations"] = "化形"
info["zh"]["Fossil furniture"] = "化石家具"
info["zh"]["Artificer's Energy"] = "匠能"
info["zh"]["Medical Bag"] = "医疗包"
info["zh"]["Midnight Oil"] = "午夜之油"
info["zh"]["Midnight Bass Booster"] = "午夜低音冲击波"
info["zh"]["Midnight Staff"] = "午夜法杖"
info["zh"]["Rich Leaf"] = "华贵之叶"
info["zh"]["Ornate Block"] = "华贵块"
info["zh"]["Ornate Wall"] = "华贵墙"
info["zh"]["Ornate furniture"] = "华贵家具"
info["zh"]["Ornate armor"] = "华贵盔甲"
info["zh"]["One-man Quartet"] = "单人五重奏"
info["zh"]["Clarinet"] = "单簧管"
info["zh"]["Snack-o'-Lantern"] = "南瓜提灯"
info["zh"]["Pumpkin Moon"] = "南瓜月"
info["zh"]["Charon's Beacon"] = "卡戎之信标"
info["zh"]["Calaveras"] = "卡拉韦拉斯"
info["zh"]["Kazoo"] = "卡祖笛"
info["zh"]["Omen"] = "厄兆"
info["zh"]["Chunky set"] = "厚重套装"
info["zh"]["Acoustic Guitar"] = "原声吉他"
info["zh"]["Nuclear Fury"] = "原子之怒"
info["zh"]["Vanilla item recipes"] = "原版物品配方"
info["zh"]["Cook"] = "厨师"
info["zh"]["Cook's set"] = "厨师套装"
info["zh"]["Cook's Food"] = "厨师的食物"
info["zh"]["Friendly-Fire Staff"] = "友伤法杖"
info["zh"]["Twin's Ire"] = "双子之怒"
info["zh"]["Roboboe"] = "双膛动能管"
info["zh"]["Betsy's Bellow"] = "双足翼龙之啸"
info["zh"]["Hammerhead"] = "双髻鲨"
info["zh"]["Reflective Aquaite Dye"] = "反光海洋染料"
info["zh"]["Reflective Magma Dye"] = "反光熔岩染料"
info["zh"]["Reflective Thorium Dye"] = "反光瑟银染料"
info["zh"]["Glowing Mushroom biome"] = "发光蘑菇生物群落"
info["zh"]["Launchers"] = "发射器"
info["zh"]["Hired Demon"] = "受雇恶魔"
info["zh"]["Harmonica"] = "口琴"
info["zh"]["Pocket Guardian"] = "口袋医疗枪"
info["zh"]["Ancient"] = "古"
info["zh"]["Ancient Drachma"] = "古希腊银币"
info["zh"]["Wack Wrench"] = "古怪扳手"
info["zh"]["Aeon Staff"] = "古神法杖"
info["zh"]["Dynasty Guzheng"] = "古筝"
info["zh"]["Summon Buffs"] = "召唤增益"
info["zh"]["Summon weapons"] = "召唤武器"
info["zh"]["Summoning items"] = "召唤物品"
info["zh"]["Suspicious Moisturizer Bottle"] = "可疑的润肤膏瓶"
info["zh"]["Questionable Stew"] = "可疑的炖菜"
info["zh"]["Suspicious Golden Key"] = "可疑金钥匙"
info["zh"]["Prehistoric Amber Staff"] = "史前琥珀法杖"
info["zh"]["Prehistoric Arachnid"] = "史前蜘蛛化石"
info["zh"]["Epic Mouthpiece"] = "史诗吹口"
info["zh"]["Wreath"] = "叶环"
info["zh"]["Chlorophyte Tomahawk"] = "叶绿战斧"
info["zh"]["Chlorophyte Staff"] = "叶绿法杖"
info["zh"]["Crafting materials"] = "合成材料"
info["zh"]["Guitar Pick Claw"] = "吉他拨爪"
info["zh"]["Guitar Pick"] = "吉他拨片"
info["zh"]["Hanging Pots"] = "吊挂家具"
info["zh"]["Chandeliers"] = "吊灯"
info["zh"]["Guide's Final Gift"] = "向导的毕业礼物"
info["zh"]["Devourer Staff"] = "吞噬者法杖"
info["zh"]["Star Eater"] = "吞星者"
info["zh"]["Bard"] = "吟游诗人"
info["zh"]["Bard Empowerments"] = "吟游诗人咒音增幅"
info["zh"]["Bard Buffs"] = "吟游诗人增益"
info["zh"]["Bard Armor"] = "吟游诗人盔甲"
info["zh"]["Bard Accessories"] = "吟游诗人饰品"
info["zh"]["Vampire's Catalyst"] = "吸血鬼催化剂"
info["zh"]["Vampire Hunter set"] = "吸血鬼猎人套装"
info["zh"]["Vampire Scepter"] = "吸血鬼节杖"
info["zh"]["Vampire Gland"] = "吸血鬼试剂"
info["zh"]["Vampire Pickaxe"] = "吸血鬼镐"
info["zh"]["Vampire Squid"] = "吸血鱿鱼"
info["zh"]["Mouthpiece"] = "吹口"
info["zh"]["Vuvuzela"] = "呜呜祖拉"
info["zh"]["Deity's Trefork"] = "命运三叉戟"
info["zh"]["Sword of Destiny"] = "命运之剑"
info["zh"]["Destiny Weaver"] = "命运编织者"
info["zh"]["Pacifist Necklace"] = "和平主义者项链"
info["zh"]["Joyeuse"] = "咎瓦尤斯"
info["zh"]["Cursed Flail-Core"] = "咒炎连枷核心"
info["zh"]["Empowerments"] = "咒音增幅"
info["zh"]["Empowerment - Damage"] = "咒音增幅 - 伤害"
info["zh"]["Empowerment - Damage Reduction"] = "咒音增幅 - 伤害减免"
info["zh"]["Empowerment - Flat Damage"] = "咒音增幅 - 固定伤害"
info["zh"]["Empowerment - Attack Speed"] = "咒音增幅 - 攻速"
info["zh"]["Empowerment - Invincibility Frames"] = "咒音增幅 - 无敌帧"
info["zh"]["Empowerment - Critical Strike Chance"] = "咒音增幅 - 暴击率"
info["zh"]["Empowerment - Aquatic Ability"] = "咒音增幅 - 水栖能力"
info["zh"]["Empowerment - Life Regeneration"] = "咒音增幅 - 生命再生"
info["zh"]["Empowerment - Movement Speed"] = "咒音增幅 - 移动速度"
info["zh"]["Empowerment - Maximum Resource"] = "咒音增幅 - 资源上限"
info["zh"]["Empowerment - Resource Regeneration"] = "咒音增幅 - 资源再生"
info["zh"]["Empowerment - Resource Grab Range"] = "咒音增幅 - 资源拾取范围"
info["zh"]["Empowerment - Resource Consumption Chance"] = "咒音增幅 - 资源消耗率"
info["zh"]["Empowerment - Empowerment Prolongation"] = "咒音增幅 - 赋能时长提升"
info["zh"]["Empowerment - Jump Height"] = "咒音增幅 - 跳跃高度"
info["zh"]["Empowerment - Defense"] = "咒音增幅 - 防御"
info["zh"]["Empowerment - Flight Time"] = "咒音增幅 - 飞行时间"
info["zh"]["Biter"] = "咬噬者"
info["zh"]["Brackish Clump"] = "咸泥块"
info["zh"]["Halcandran set"] = "哈坎德兰套装"
info["zh"]["Goblin Army"] = "哥布林军队"
info["zh"]["Goblin Warpipe"] = "哥布林吹箭筒"
info["zh"]["Goblin Trapper"] = "哥布林布陷者"
info["zh"]["Goblin War Shield"] = "哥布林战盾"
info["zh"]["Goblin War Spear"] = "哥布林战矛"
info["zh"]["Goblin Spirit Guide"] = "哥布林灵魂导师"
info["zh"]["Goblin Drummer"] = "哥布林鼓手"
info["zh"]["Sentinel's Wand"] = "哨兵的魔杖"
info["zh"]["Totem Caller"] = "唤腾魔杖"
info["zh"]["Bird Feeder"] = "喂鸟器"
info["zh"]["Bird Feeder/Items"] = "喂鸟器/物品"
info["zh"]["Jet Boots"] = "喷气靴"
info["zh"]["Bloody Warg"] = "嗜血恐狼"
info["zh"]["The Maw"] = "噬天花藤琴"
info["zh"]["Recovery potions"] = "回复药水"
info["zh"]["Scalper"] = "回旋刃"
info["zh"]["Boomerangs"] = "回旋镖"
info["zh"]["Ring of Unity"] = "团结之戒"
info["zh"]["Gardener's Sheath"] = "园丁的剑鞘"
info["zh"]["Soul of Plight"] = "困境之魂"
info["zh"]["Key of Plight"] = "困境钥匙"
info["zh"]["Confuse"] = "困惑术"
info["zh"]["Spud"] = "土豆"
info["zh"]["Spud Bomber"] = "土豆雷"
info["zh"]["Saba"] = "圣剑"
info["zh"]["Archangel's Heart"] = "圣天使之心"
info["zh"]["Hoke's set"] = "圣巢一哥的套装"
info["zh"]["Templar's Judgement"] = "圣殿骑士仲裁之剑"
info["zh"]["Templar's Grace"] = "圣殿骑士恩典"
info["zh"]["Templar's armor"] = "圣殿骑士盔甲"
info["zh"]["Divine Lotus"] = "圣洁之莲"
info["zh"]["Holy Potion"] = "圣洁药水"
info["zh"]["Relics"] = "圣物"
info["zh"]["Divine Staff"] = "圣神之光"
info["zh"]["Hallowed Blessing"] = "圣神祝福"
info["zh"]["Christmas Center"] = "圣诞中枢"
info["zh"]["Christmas Cheer"] = "圣诞祝福"
info["zh"]["Jingle Bells"] = "圣诞铃铛"
info["zh"]["Holy Staff"] = "圣辉法杖"
info["zh"]["Holy Knight's Alloy"] = "圣骑士合金"
info["zh"]["Underground Jungle"] = "地下丛林"
info["zh"]["Underground Desert"] = "地下沙漠"
info["zh"]["Underground Hallow"] = "地下神圣之地"
info["zh"]["Dungeon"] = "地牢"
info["zh"]["The Underworld"] = "地狱"
info["zh"]["Hellfire Minigun"] = "地狱之焰"
info["zh"]["Hellish Halberd"] = "地狱戟"
info["zh"]["Infernal Hound"] = "地狱犬"
info["zh"]["Hell Roller"] = "地狱轮盘"
info["zh"]["Hell's Bell"] = "地狱铃铛"
info["zh"]["Inferno Lord's Focus"] = "地狱领主的聚焦项链"
info["zh"]["Lodestone furniture"] = "地脉家具"
info["zh"]["Lodestone Great Axe"] = "地脉巨斧"
info["zh"]["Lodestone Bow"] = "地脉弓"
info["zh"]["Lodestone Slab"] = "地脉板"
info["zh"]["Lodestone Slab Wall"] = "地脉板墙"
info["zh"]["Lodestone Javelin"] = "地脉标枪"
info["zh"]["Lodestone Staff"] = "地脉法杖"
info["zh"]["Lodestone armor"] = "地脉盔甲"
info["zh"]["Lodestone Chunk"] = "地脉矿"
info["zh"]["Lodestone Breaker"] = "地脉破坏者"
info["zh"]["Lodestone Quick Draw"] = "地脉速射枪"
info["zh"]["Lodestone Hammer"] = "地脉锤"
info["zh"]["Lodestone Ingot"] = "地脉锭"
info["zh"]["Lodestone Pickaxe"] = "地脉镐"
info["zh"]["Lodestone Claymore"] = "地脉长刃"
info["zh"]["Balance Bloom"] = "均衡绽放"
info["zh"]["Mounts"] = "坐骑"
info["zh"]["Mount Buffs"] = "坐骑增益"
info["zh"]["Trash set"] = "垃圾套装"
info["zh"]["Etherian Grog"] = "埃特尼亚烈酒"
info["zh"]["Bizarre Rock Formation"] = "埋葬石像"
info["zh"]["Basic Pickaxe"] = "基础镐"
info["zh"]["Rubblemaker"] = "堆石器"
info["zh"]["Fallen Paladin's armor"] = "堕落圣骑士盔甲"
info["zh"]["Fallen Beholder"] = "堕落注视者"
info["zh"]["Blood Potion"] = "堕血药水"
info["zh"]["Padded Grip"] = "填充手套"
info["zh"]["Grave Limb"] = "墓穴残肢"
info["zh"]["Walls"] = "墙"
info["zh"]["Buffs"] = "增益"
info["zh"]["Buff potions"] = "增益药水"
info["zh"]["Sonar Cannon"] = "声呐炮"
info["zh"]["Riff Weaver"] = "复段织演者"
info["zh"]["Ancient Tome of Revival"] = "复活古书"
info["zh"]["Alien Research Notes"] = "外星人研究笔记"
info["zh"]["Prickly Jam"] = "多刺果酱"
info["zh"]["Mossy Marine Block"] = "多苔海洋块"
info["zh"]["Mossy Gold Ore"] = "多苔金矿"
info["zh"]["Mossy Platinum Ore"] = "多苔铂金矿"
info["zh"]["Night-Dragon set"] = "夜龙套装"
info["zh"]["Terrarium Sage Staff"] = "大元素圣使法杖"
info["zh"]["Lasting Pliers"] = "大力钳"
info["zh"]["Large Popcorn"] = "大号爆米花"
info["zh"]["Earthen Bat"] = "大地蝙蝠"
info["zh"]["Earthen Golem"] = "大地魔像"
info["zh"]["Giant Glowstick"] = "大型荧光棒"
info["zh"]["Large Gems"] = "大宝石"
info["zh"]["The Massacre"] = "大屠杀"
info["zh"]["Master's Libram"] = "大师圣契"
info["zh"]["Maestro armor"] = "大师盔甲"
info["zh"]["Archdemon's Curse"] = "大恶魔之咒"
info["zh"]["Cat's Eye Great Staff"] = "大猫眼法杖"
info["zh"]["Large Coral"] = "大珊瑚"
info["zh"]["Marble Cave"] = "大理石洞"
info["zh"]["Grand Piano"] = "大钢琴"
info["zh"]["Big Bone"] = "大骷髅"
info["zh"]["The Set"] = "大鼓套组"
info["zh"]["Angel's End"] = "天使之陨"
info["zh"]["Seraphim Idol"] = "天使玩偶"
info["zh"]["Terrarium Spear"] = "天元一矛"
info["zh"]["Heaven's Gate"] = "天国之门"
info["zh"]["Heavenly Cloud Scepter"] = "天堂之云节杖"
info["zh"]["Fragment of Heaven"] = "天堂碎片"
info["zh"]["Cosmic Flux Staff"] = "天星破"
info["zh"]["Celestial furniture"] = "天界家具"
info["zh"]["Celestial Dye"] = "天界染料"
info["zh"]["Celestial armor"] = "天界盔甲"
info["zh"]["Celestial Brick"] = "天界砖"
info["zh"]["Celestial Brick Wall"] = "天界砖墙"
info["zh"]["Celestial Fragment Block"] = "天界碎块"
info["zh"]["Celestial Fragment"] = "天界碎片"
info["zh"]["Celestial Drill"] = "天界钻头"
info["zh"]["Celestial Hamaxe"] = "天界锤斧"
info["zh"]["Celestial Pickaxe"] = "天界镐"
info["zh"]["Celestial Wand"] = "天界魔杖"
info["zh"]["Sky Bloom Cocktail"] = "天绽鸡尾酒"
info["zh"]["Skyware Lute"] = "天际琵琶"
info["zh"]["Fishbone"] = "太古鱼龙吼"
info["zh"]["Space Slime"] = "太空史莱姆"
info["zh"]["Astro Beetle"] = "太空甲虫"
info["zh"]["Astro-Beetle Husk"] = "太空甲虫壳"
info["zh"]["Staff of Sol"] = "太阳之环"
info["zh"]["Sunray Staff"] = "太阳射线"
info["zh"]["Solar Pebble"] = "太阳石砾"
info["zh"]["Sun Priestess"] = "太阳祭司"
info["zh"]["Forgotten Letter"] = "失落之信"
info["zh"]["Headset"] = "头戴式耳机"
info["zh"]["Staggered"] = "头晕眼花"
info["zh"]["Cephalopod set"] = "头足类套装"
info["zh"]["Soul Reaver"] = "夺魂枪"
info["zh"]["Wondrous Crate"] = "奇妙匣"
info["zh"]["Strange Skull"] = "奇异头骨"
info["zh"]["Strange Plating"] = "奇异电镀"
info["zh"]["Strange Alien Tech"] = "奇怪的外星人科技"
info["zh"]["Strange Bulb"] = "奇怪花苞"
info["zh"]["Strange Crate"] = "奇特匣"
info["zh"]["Eye of Odin"] = "奥丁之眼"
info["zh"]["Wondrous Wand"] = "奥妙魔杖"
info["zh"]["Arcane Spike"] = "奥术之刺"
info["zh"]["Arcane Armor Fabricator"] = "奥术盔甲锻铸台"
info["zh"]["Arcane Potion"] = "奥术药水"
info["zh"]["Arcane Anelace"] = "奥术飞刀"
info["zh"]["Olympic Torch"] = "奥林匹克圣火"
info["zh"]["Omega Blaster"] = "奥米茄爆破枪"
info["zh"]["Omega Drive"] = "奥米茄驱动器"
info["zh"]["Crystal Arcanite"] = "奥金水晶"
info["zh"]["Lady's Light"] = "女爵之光"
info["zh"]["Soft Serve Sunderer"] = "奶油冰激凌"
info["zh"]["The Good Book"] = "好人书"
info["zh"]["Combat Banner"] = "好战令旗"
info["zh"]["Warmonger Potion"] = "好战药水"
info["zh"]["Primordial Essences"] = "始生灾灵精华"
info["zh"]["Gingerbread Block"] = "姜饼块"
info["zh"]["Gingerbread Wall"] = "姜饼墙"
info["zh"]["Gingerbread furniture"] = "姜饼家具"
info["zh"]["Naga's Recurve"] = "娜迦反曲弓"
info["zh"]["Naga Block"] = "娜迦块"
info["zh"]["Naga Wall"] = "娜迦墙"
info["zh"]["Naga furniture"] = "娜迦家具"
info["zh"]["Naga-Skin armor"] = "娜迦盔甲"
info["zh"]["Viscount's Cane"] = "子爵手杖"
info["zh"]["Viscount Requirement"] = "子爵的条件"
info["zh"]["Spores"] = "孢子扩散"
info["zh"]["Spore Coating"] = "孢子涂层"
info["zh"]["Scholar's Harp"] = "学者竖琴"
info["zh"]["Incubated Egg"] = "孵育蛛卵"
info["zh"]["Mr. Universe's set"] = "宇宙先生的套装"
info["zh"]["Astro armor"] = "宇航盔甲"
info["zh"]["Guardian's set"] = "守卫套装"
info["zh"]["Defender's Wand"] = "守卫魔杖"
info["zh"]["Shoulder Guardian"] = "守护者"
info["zh"]["Mantle of the Protector"] = "守护者斗篷"
info["zh"]["Tranquil Lyre"] = "安详七弦琴"
info["zh"]["Soul Anchor"] = "定魂锚"
info["zh"]["Gems"] = "宝石"
info["zh"]["Gem Bunnies"] = "宝石兔兔"
info["zh"]["Gemstone Blocks"] = "宝石块"
info["zh"]["Gemstone Walls"] = "宝石墙"
info["zh"]["Gem Squirrels"] = "宝石松鼠"
info["zh"]["Gem Bottle"] = "宝石瓶"
info["zh"]["Gem Locks"] = "宝石锁"
info["zh"]["Chests"] = "宝箱"
info["zh"]["Mimics"] = "宝箱怪"
info["zh"]["Experiment 3"] = "实验体三号"
info["zh"]["Pets"] = "宠物"
info["zh"]["Pet Buffs"] = "宠物增益"
info["zh"]["Blood Feaster Staff"] = "宴血者法杖"
info["zh"]["Family Heirloom"] = "家传项链"
info["zh"]["Furniture"] = "家具"
info["zh"]["Furniture sets"] = "家具套装"
info["zh"]["Icy Gaze"] = "寒冰之凝"
info["zh"]["Ancient Frost"] = "寒古冰封"
info["zh"]["Borean Fang Staff"] = "寒牙法杖"
info["zh"]["Frost Fang"] = "寒牙蛛"
info["zh"]["DMR"] = "射手步枪"
info["zh"]["Spittin' Fish"] = "射水鱼"
info["zh"]["Critters"] = "小动物"
info["zh"]["Pocket Fusion Generator"] = "小型聚变发生器"
info["zh"]["Li'l Cherub's Wand"] = "小天使之杖"
info["zh"]["Li'l Devil's Wand"] = "小恶魔之杖"
info["zh"]["Violin"] = "小提琴"
info["zh"]["Baby Spider"] = "小蜘蛛"
info["zh"]["Tips"] = "小贴士"
info["zh"]["Storm Hatchling"] = "小雷鹰"
info["zh"]["Storm-Hatchling Staff"] = "小雷鹰法杖"
info["zh"]["Dumbo Octopuses"] = "小飞象章鱼"
info["zh"]["Bone Trumpet"] = "小骨号"
info["zh"]["Lil' Torpedo"] = "小鱼雷"
info["zh"]["Spiked Bracer"] = "尖刺护腕"
info["zh"]["Spike Bomb"] = "尖刺炸弹"
info["zh"]["Ukulele"] = "尤克里里"
info["zh"]["Cadaver's Cornet"] = "尸魂短号"
info["zh"]["Barrier Generator"] = "屏障生成器"
info["zh"]["Wyvern Slayer"] = "屠龙者"
info["zh"]["Wyrm Decimator"] = "屠龙者之息"
info["zh"]["Air Walkers"] = "履空靴"
info["zh"]["Mangosteen"] = "山竹"
info["zh"]["Orichalcum Pelter"] = "山铜手枪"
info["zh"]["Orichalcum Staff"] = "山铜法杖"
info["zh"]["Orichalcum Slide Whistle"] = "山铜滑哨笛"
info["zh"]["Heart of Stone"] = "岩石之心"
info["zh"]["Sacred Heart"] = "崇圣之心"
info["zh"]["Sacred Charge"] = "崇圣冲击"
info["zh"]["Sacred armor"] = "崇圣盔甲"
info["zh"]["Sacred Bludgeon"] = "崇圣链刃"
info["zh"]["Work Benches"] = "工作台"
info["zh"]["Tools"] = "工具"
info["zh"]["Artificer's Shield"] = "工匠的护盾"
info["zh"]["Artificer's Extractor"] = "工匠的提取仪"
info["zh"]["Artificer's Rocketeers"] = "工匠的火箭靴"
info["zh"]["Artificer's Focus"] = "工匠的聚焦项链"
info["zh"]["Hot Chocolate"] = "巧克力热饮"
info["zh"]["Giant Shell Spine"] = "巨型卷壳怪脊椎"
info["zh"]["Giant Isopod"] = "巨型等足虫"
info["zh"]["The Giga Needle"] = "巨大针管"
info["zh"]["Boulder Probe Staff"] = "巨石监察者法杖"
info["zh"]["Giga Clam"] = "巨蛤"
info["zh"]["Massive Crab Claw"] = "巨蟹爪"
info["zh"]["Dragon Heart Wand"] = "巨龙之心魔杖"
info["zh"]["Hexing Talisman"] = "巫咒护符"
info["zh"]["Witchblade"] = "巫女飞刃"
info["zh"]["Lich"] = "巫妖"
info["zh"]["Lich's armor"] = "巫妖盔甲"
info["zh"]["Hags"] = "巫婆"
info["zh"]["Sorcerer's Mirror"] = "巫师之镜"
info["zh"]["Wizard Shoes"] = "巫师靴"
info["zh"]["Hex Wand"] = "巫术杖"
info["zh"]["Bassoon"] = "巴松低音管"
info["zh"]["Cloth"] = "布匹"
info["zh"]["Buffalo Launcher"] = "布法罗辣鸡翅发射器"
info["zh"]["Seed of Hope"] = "希望之种"
info["zh"]["Hippocrati-crossbow"] = "希波克拉底十字弩"
info["zh"]["Evergreen Block"] = "常青块"
info["zh"]["Evergreen Wall"] = "常青墙"
info["zh"]["Evergreen furniture"] = "常青家具"
info["zh"]["Hat Fish"] = "帽鱼"
info["zh"]["Dried Mask"] = "干尸面具"
info["zh"]["Platforms"] = "平台"
info["zh"]["Unassuming Orange Stone"] = "平平无奇的橙色石头"
info["zh"]["Unassuming Purple Stone"] = "平平无奇的紫色石头"
info["zh"]["Unassuming Red Stone"] = "平平无奇的红色石头"
info["zh"]["Unassuming Green Stone"] = "平平无奇的绿色石头"
info["zh"]["Unassuming Blue Stone"] = "平平无奇的蓝色石头"
info["zh"]["Unassuming Yellow Stone"] = "平平无奇的黄色石头"
info["zh"]["Smooth Wood"] = "平滑木"
info["zh"]["Equalizer"] = "平等护符"
info["zh"]["Lucky Rabbit's Foot"] = "幸运兔脚"
info["zh"]["Phantom Camera"] = "幻影相机"
info["zh"]["Phantom Thief set"] = "幻影窃贼套装"
info["zh"]["Phantom Arm Cannon"] = "幻影臂炮"
info["zh"]["Phantom Face set"] = "幻影面容套装"
info["zh"]["Phantom Wand"] = "幻影魔杖"
info["zh"]["Illusionist"] = "幻术师"
info["zh"]["Illusionist's Mirror"] = "幻象之镜"
info["zh"]["Illusion Glass"] = "幻象玻璃块"
info["zh"]["Edge of Imagination"] = "幻象边际"
info["zh"]["Spectral Blade"] = "幽冥刃"
info["zh"]["Spectral Fang"] = "幽冥牙"
info["zh"]["Le Fantôme"] = "幽灵"
info["zh"]["Beds"] = "床"
info["zh"]["Pungi"] = "庞吉"
info["zh"]["Discarded Cloth"] = "废弃的布料"
info["zh"]["Developers"] = "开发者"
info["zh"]["Developer items"] = "开发者物品"
info["zh"]["Embowelment"] = "开膛刀"
info["zh"]["Exotic Myna Egg"] = "异国八哥卵"
info["zh"]["Glitchy set"] = "异常套装"
info["zh"]["Pagan's Grasp"] = "异教之握"
info["zh"]["Heretic Breaker"] = "异教毁灭者"
info["zh"]["Otherworldly Rune"] = "异界符咒"
info["zh"]["Jester's armor"] = "弄臣盔甲"
info["zh"]["God Killer"] = "弑神者"
info["zh"]["Bows"] = "弓"
info["zh"]["Spring Hook"] = "弹簧钩"
info["zh"]["Spring Steps"] = "弹簧鞋"
info["zh"]["Ammunition"] = "弹药"
info["zh"]["Launch Jumper"] = "弹跳弹发射器"
info["zh"]["Bouncing Flame Potion"] = "弹跳火焰药水"
info["zh"]["Hadron Collider"] = "强子对撞器"
info["zh"]["Potent Extract"] = "强效提取物"
info["zh"]["Comet Crossfire"] = "彗星十字火"
info["zh"]["The Black Blade"] = "影剑"
info["zh"]["The Black Dagger"] = "影匕"
info["zh"]["The Black Bow"] = "影弓"
info["zh"]["The Black Cane"] = "影武杖"
info["zh"]["The Black Staff"] = "影法杖"
info["zh"]["The Black Weapon set"] = "影系武器"
info["zh"]["Nightshade Flower"] = "影缀花"
info["zh"]["The Black Otamatone"] = "影音蝌蚪"
info["zh"]["Nevermore set"] = "影魔套装"
info["zh"]["The Black Scythe"] = "影魔镰"
info["zh"]["Vanquisher Medal"] = "征服者勋章"
info["zh"]["By Hand"] = "徒手"
info["zh"]["Micro Launcher"] = "微型火箭发射器"
info["zh"]["Particle Whip"] = "微粒鞭"
info["zh"]["Dracula Fang"] = "德古拉之牙"
info["zh"]["Daawn's Wig"] = "德恩的假发"
info["zh"]["Druid"] = "德鲁伊"
info["zh"]["Druid's Cloak"] = "德鲁伊的斗篷"
info["zh"]["Emblem"] = "徽章"
info["zh"]["Inner Flame"] = "心灵之火"
info["zh"]["Mind Melter"] = "心灵溶解者"
info["zh"]["Heart Rate Monitor"] = "心率监测器"
info["zh"]["Shinobi set"] = "忍者套装"
info["zh"]["Ninja Emblem"] = "忍者徽章"
info["zh"]["Ninja Rack"] = "忍者武器架"
info["zh"]["Shinobi Slicer"] = "忍者飞匕"
info["zh"]["Shinobi Sigil"] = "忍者魔符"
info["zh"]["Theseus' Thread"] = "忒修斯之线"
info["zh"]["Belt of the Quick Response"] = "快速支援腰带"
info["zh"]["Bestiary"] = "怪物图鉴"
info["zh"]["Monster Charm"] = "怪物护符"
info["zh"]["Full Score"] = "总谱"
info["zh"]["Ghastly set"] = "恐怖套装"
info["zh"]["Grim Pointer"] = "恐怖指针"
info["zh"]["Severed Legs"] = "恐怖断腿"
info["zh"]["Horrific Charger"] = "恐怖突袭者"
info["zh"]["Dread Fork"] = "恐惧之叉"
info["zh"]["Dread Soul"] = "恐惧之灵"
info["zh"]["Dread Razor"] = "恐惧之锋"
info["zh"]["Dread Blaster"] = "恐惧冲击波"
info["zh"]["Dread Launcher"] = "恐惧发射器"
info["zh"]["Dread armor"] = "恐惧盔甲"
info["zh"]["Dread Drill"] = "恐惧钻头"
info["zh"]["Dread Jackhammer"] = "恐惧钻锤"
info["zh"]["Dread Chainsaw"] = "恐惧链锯"
info["zh"]["Dread Hamaxe"] = "恐惧锤斧"
info["zh"]["Dread Pickaxe"] = "恐惧镐"
info["zh"]["Fear Monger"] = "恐惧驱散者"
info["zh"]["Dread Tearer"] = "恐惧魔镰"
info["zh"]["Stellar System"] = "恒星系统"
info["zh"]["Recuperate"] = "恢复"
info["zh"]["Band of Replenishment"] = "恢复手环"
info["zh"]["Vicious Mockery"] = "恶意嘲讽"
info["zh"]["Malignant Thread"] = "恶毒丝线"
info["zh"]["Malignant set"] = "恶毒套装"
info["zh"]["Sinister Honk"] = "恶毒尖叫鹅"
info["zh"]["Demon Tongue"] = "恶魔之舌"
info["zh"]["Devil Dagger"] = "恶魔匕首"
info["zh"]["Devil's Subwoofer"] = "恶魔音箱"
info["zh"]["Annoying Mud"] = "恼人的泥巴"
info["zh"]["Yoyos"] = "悠悠球"
info["zh"]["Hover Boots"] = "悬浮靴"
info["zh"]["Tracker's Board"] = "悬赏板"
info["zh"]["The Grand Thunder Bird"] = "惊雷王鹰"
info["zh"]["Ghastly Carapace"] = "惊魂甲壳"
info["zh"]["Man Hacker"] = "惊魂电锯"
info["zh"]["Smiting Hammer"] = "惩魂锤"
info["zh"]["Proximity Mine"] = "感应地雷"
info["zh"]["Angry Statue"] = "愤怒雕像"
info["zh"]["Wishing Glass"] = "愿望魔镜"
info["zh"]["Abomination"] = "憎恶"
info["zh"]["Ring Accessories"] = "戒指饰品"
info["zh"]["Battle Banner"] = "战争令旗"
info["zh"]["War Forger"] = "战争铸造者"
info["zh"]["Combat Accessories"] = "战斗饰品"
info["zh"]["The Gauntlet (bare)"] = "手套"
info["zh"]["Hand Cannon"] = "手炮"
info["zh"]["Concertina"] = "手风琴"
info["zh"]["The Effuser"] = "扩散者"
info["zh"]["Writhing Sheath"] = "扭曲剑鞘"
info["zh"]["Gut Wrencher's Gauntlet"] = "扳手拳套"
info["zh"]["Suppression Bullet"] = "抑制弹"
info["zh"]["Thrower"] = "投手"
info["zh"]["Thrower Buffs"] = "投手增益"
info["zh"]["Guide to Expert Throwing"] = "投手大师指南"
info["zh"]["Guide to Expert Throwing - Volume III"] = "投手大师指南:卷三"
info["zh"]["Guide to Expert Throwing - Volume II"] = "投手大师指南:卷二"
info["zh"]["Thrower Armor"] = "投手盔甲"
info["zh"]["Thrower Accessories"] = "投手饰品"
info["zh"]["Throwing weapons"] = "投掷武器"
info["zh"]["Bolas"] = "投石索"
info["zh"]["Nurse's Purse"] = "护士钱包"
info["zh"]["Shield-Drone Beacon"] = "护盾无人机信标"
info["zh"]["Shield Accessories"] = "护盾饰品"
info["zh"]["Thumb Ring"] = "拇指环"
info["zh"]["Ra's Whisper"] = "拉之耳语"
info["zh"]["Conductor's Stand"] = "指挥台"
info["zh"]["Conductor's Baton"] = "指挥棒"
info["zh"]["Vibration Tuner"] = "振动调谐器"
info["zh"]["Morale Banner"] = "振奋令旗"
info["zh"]["Donator items"] = "捐赠物品"
info["zh"]["Drops"] = "掉落"
info["zh"]["Eviscerating Claw"] = "掏心爪"
info["zh"]["Panflute"] = "排笛"
info["zh"]["Grave Buster"] = "掘墓手"
info["zh"]["Lullaby"] = "摇篮曲"
info["zh"]["Mole Crate"] = "摩尔匣"
info["zh"]["Grab bags"] = "摸彩袋"
info["zh"]["Old One's Army"] = "撒旦军队"
info["zh"]["Climber's Ice Axe"] = "攀登者的破冰斧镐"
info["zh"]["Support Sash"] = "支援腰带"
info["zh"]["Loot-a-Rang"] = "收集回力标"
info["zh"]["Exile's Helmet"] = "放逐者头盔"
info["zh"]["Exile's Garb"] = "放逐者装束"
info["zh"]["Glitch Dye"] = "故障染料"
info["zh"]["Enemies"] = "敌怪"
info["zh"]["Enemy Buffs"] = "敌怪增益"
info["zh"]["Enemy Repellents"] = "敌怪趋避剂"
info["zh"]["Redeemer's Staff"] = "救世主法杖"
info["zh"]["Saving Grace"] = "救世恩典"
info["zh"]["Cleric Emblem"] = "救赎徽章"
info["zh"]["Lunatic's set"] = "教徒套装"
info["zh"]["Scorn"] = "散火者"
info["zh"]["Digital Tuner"] = "数码调谐器"
info["zh"]["Axes"] = "斧头"
info["zh"]["White Dwarf Cutter"] = "断星河"
info["zh"]["Carnwennan"] = "断钢短剑"
info["zh"]["Spartan Sandals"] = "斯巴达凉鞋"
info["zh"]["Nova Rifle"] = "新星来福枪"
info["zh"]["Little Red"] = "新月玫瑰"
info["zh"]["Renew"] = "新生"
info["zh"]["Blocky set"] = "方块套装"
info["zh"]["Checkered Brick"] = "方格砖"
info["zh"]["Checkered Brick Wall"] = "方格砖墙"
info["zh"]["Traveler's Boots"] = "旅行者之靴"
info["zh"]["Strongest Link"] = "旋链刺球"
info["zh"]["Banners"] = "旗帜"
info["zh"]["Flawless Chrysalis"] = "无瑕之蛹"
info["zh"]["Useless set"] = "无用套装"
info["zh"]["Useless Staff"] = "无用法杖"
info["zh"]["Rude Wand"] = "无礼杖"
info["zh"]["Unbound Fantasy"] = "无羁幻想"
info["zh"]["The Gauntlet"] = "无限手套"
info["zh"]["Solar Eclipse"] = "日食"
info["zh"]["Eclipse Fang"] = "日食之牙"
info["zh"]["Old God's Vision"] = "旧神视域"
info["zh"]["Clockwork Bomb"] = "时域炸弹"
info["zh"]["Vanity items"] = "时装物品"
info["zh"]["Vanity Accessories"] = "时装饰品"
info["zh"]["Time Gate"] = "时间之门"
info["zh"]["Time Warp"] = "时间扭曲"
info["zh"]["Insect Repellent"] = "昆虫趋避剂"
info["zh"]["Fragile Chandelier"] = "易碎吊灯"
info["zh"]["Star Rod"] = "星之杖"
info["zh"]["Nebula's Reflection"] = "星云镜像"
info["zh"]["Quasar's Flare"] = "星体耀光"
info["zh"]["Cosmic Dagger"] = "星宇飞刃"
info["zh"]["Star Caller"] = "星空召唤器"
info["zh"]["Star Trail"] = "星轨"
info["zh"]["Astral Wave"] = "星辉波痕"
info["zh"]["Stellar Rod"] = "星辰魔棒"
info["zh"]["Star Scouter"] = "星际监察者"
info["zh"]["Aphrodisiac Vial"] = "春药瓶"
info["zh"]["Stunned"] = "晕眩"
info["zh"]["Stun"] = "晕眩术"
info["zh"]["Morning Dew"] = "晨露"
info["zh"]["Prydwen"] = "普利多温"
info["zh"]["Geode armor"] = "晶体盔甲"
info["zh"]["Geode Saxophone"] = "晶体萨克斯"
info["zh"]["Geode Hamaxe"] = "晶体锤斧"
info["zh"]["Geode Pickaxe"] = "晶体镐"
info["zh"]["Phasesabers"] = "晶光刃"
info["zh"]["Gemspark Blocks"] = "晶莹宝石块"
info["zh"]["Gemspark Walls"] = "晶莹宝石墙"
info["zh"]["Dark Glaze"] = "暗元液"
info["zh"]["Night Staff"] = "暗夜法杖"
info["zh"]["Dark Grip"] = "暗影之握"
info["zh"]["Dark Flame"] = "暗影之焰"
info["zh"]["Dark Gate"] = "暗影之门"
info["zh"]["Murky Catalyst"] = "暗影催化剂"
info["zh"]["Shade Master's armor"] = "暗影大师盔甲"
info["zh"]["Shadow set"] = "暗影套装"
info["zh"]["Shade Shuriken"] = "暗影手里剑"
info["zh"]["Shadow Wand"] = "暗影杖"
info["zh"]["Shadow-Flare Bow"] = "暗影炎弓"
info["zh"]["Shadowflame Warhorn"] = "暗影焰战号"
info["zh"]["Shadowflame Staff"] = "暗影焰法杖"
info["zh"]["Shadow Orb Staff"] = "暗影珠法杖"
info["zh"]["Shade Kunai"] = "暗影苦无"
info["zh"]["Shade Kusarigama"] = "暗影锁镰"
info["zh"]["Dark Matter"] = "暗物质"
info["zh"]["Necrotic Skull"] = "暗蚀之颅"
info["zh"]["Darksteel Crossbow"] = "暗钢弩"
info["zh"]["Darksteel Axe"] = "暗钢斧"
info["zh"]["Darksteel armor"] = "暗钢盔甲"
info["zh"]["Darksteel Mallet"] = "暗钢锤"
info["zh"]["Darksteel Ingot"] = "暗钢锭"
info["zh"]["Darksteel Pickaxe"] = "暗钢镐"
info["zh"]["Darksteel Broadsword"] = "暗钢阔剑"
info["zh"]["Darksteel Knight"] = "暗钢骑士"
info["zh"]["Raging Minotaur"] = "暴走米诺陶"
info["zh"]["Snowstorm Banjo"] = "暴雪班卓琴"
info["zh"]["Blizzard Bat"] = "暴雪蝙蝠"
info["zh"]["Blizzard Pouch"] = "暴雪袋"
info["zh"]["Flurry"] = "暴风雪"
info["zh"]["Lunar Events"] = "月亮事件"
info["zh"]["Moonlight"] = "月光"
info["zh"]["Moonlight Staff"] = "月光法杖"
info["zh"]["Wooden Whistle"] = "木哨子"
info["zh"]["Wooden Baton"] = "木棒"
info["zh"]["Xylophone"] = "木琴"
info["zh"]["Doom Fire Axe"] = "末日火斧"
info["zh"]["Doom Sayer's Penny"] = "末日预言者的便士"
info["zh"]["Doom Sayer's Coin"] = "末日预言者的硬币"
info["zh"]["Spirit Droplet"] = "末灵"
info["zh"]["Umbra Blaster"] = "本影爆破枪"
info["zh"]["Warlock armor"] = "术士盔甲"
info["zh"]["Trapped Chests"] = "机关宝箱"
info["zh"]["Mix Tape"] = "杂集磁带"
info["zh"]["Miscellaneous"] = "杂项"
info["zh"]["Miscellaneous Accessories"] = "杂项饰品"
info["zh"]["Rifle Spear"] = "来复矛"
info["zh"]["Cups"] = "杯子"
info["zh"]["Northern Light"] = "极北天光"
info["zh"]["Strider's Tear"] = "极地之泪"
info["zh"]["Borean Myte"] = "极地浮虫"
info["zh"]["Borean Hopper"] = "极地跃行者"
info["zh"]["Borean Strider"] = "极地遁蛛"
info["zh"]["The Cryo-Fang"] = "极寒之牙"
info["zh"]["Cryomancer's armor"] = "极寒巫师盔甲"
info["zh"]["Forest Ocarina"] = "林野陶笛"
info["zh"]["Jelly"] = "果酱"
info["zh"]["Guns"] = "枪"
info["zh"]["Trigun"] = "枪神"
info["zh"]["Wither"] = "枯萎"
info["zh"]["Wither Staff"] = "枯萎法杖"
info["zh"]["Dyes"] = "染料"
info["zh"]["Snow White"] = "柳叶白菀"
info["zh"]["Persimmon"] = "柿子"
info["zh"]["The Nuclear Option"] = "核弹头配件"
info["zh"]["Tables"] = "桌子"
info["zh"]["Dream Catcher"] = "梦境捕捉器"
info["zh"]["Dream Weaver armor"] = "梦境编织者盔甲"
info["zh"]["Nocturne"] = "梦幻夜曲"
info["zh"]["Dream Megaphone"] = "梦想扩音器"
info["zh"]["Nocturnal"] = "梦魇"
info["zh"]["Pear Tree Sapling"] = "梨树树苗"
info["zh"]["Barracuda"] = "梭鱼"
info["zh"]["Dressers"] = "梳妆台"
info["zh"]["Baseball"] = "棒球"
info["zh"]["Palm Cross"] = "棕榈十字架"
info["zh"]["Brown Recluse"] = "棕色遁蛛"
info["zh"]["Forest"] = "森林"
info["zh"]["Prism Staff"] = "棱光法杖"
info["zh"]["Chairs"] = "椅子"
info["zh"]["Plants"] = "植物"
info["zh"]["Mistletoe"] = "槲叶挂饰"
info["zh"]["Model Gun"] = "模型枪"
info["zh"]["Mod Calls"] = "模组接口"
info["zh"]["Cherry Pie"] = "樱桃派"
info["zh"]["Sakura Tree"] = "樱花树"
info["zh"]["Plunger Mute"] = "橡胶弱音器"
info["zh"]["Happy Home Token"] = "欢乐之家印记"
info["zh"]["Delectable Nut"] = "欢愉坚果"
info["zh"]["Opal"] = "欧珀"
info["zh"]["Opal Ring"] = "欧珀戒指"
info["zh"]["Opal Staff"] = "欧珀法杖"
info["zh"]["Opal Robe"] = "欧珀长袍"
info["zh"]["The Omega Core"] = "欧米伽核心"
info["zh"]["Weapons"] = "武器"
info["zh"]["Weapon Master"] = "武器大师"
info["zh"]["Death Gazer's Glass"] = "死亡凝视之镜"
info["zh"]["Death Essence"] = "死亡精华"
info["zh"]["Necromancer's Heart"] = "死灵法师之心"
info["zh"]["Necrotic Staff"] = "死灵法杖"
info["zh"]["Grave Goods"] = "殉葬品"
info["zh"]["Martyr's Chalice"] = "殉道者圣杯"
info["zh"]["Brutal set"] = "残忍套装"
info["zh"]["Broken Hero Fragment"] = "残缺英雄碎片"
info["zh"]["Destroyer's Rage"] = "毁灭者之怒"
info["zh"]["Eye of the Destroyer"] = "毁灭者之眼"
info["zh"]["Yarn Ball"] = "毛线球"
info["zh"]["Spheromancer set"] = "气圆使者套装"
info["zh"]["Cyclone"] = "气旋"
info["zh"]["Chi Tea"] = "气茶"
info["zh"]["Chi Lantern"] = "气魂灯"
info["zh"]["Water Chestnut"] = "水元栗"
info["zh"]["Canteen"] = "水壶"
info["zh"]["Crystal Wish"] = "水晶之愿"
info["zh"]["Mask of the Crystal Eye"] = "水晶之眼面具"
info["zh"]["Crystal Geode"] = "水晶晶簇"
info["zh"]["Crystal Wave"] = "水晶波痕"
info["zh"]["Crystal Spear Tip"] = "水晶矛尖"
info["zh"]["Crystal Arrow"] = "水晶箭"
info["zh"]["Crystal Scorpion"] = "水晶蝎"
info["zh"]["Fruits"] = "水果"
info["zh"]["Flan Platter"] = "水果布丁盘"
info["zh"]["Sinks"] = "水槽"
info["zh"]["Jellyfish Resonator"] = "水母共振器"
info["zh"]["Queen Jellyfish"] = "水母皇后"
info["zh"]["Jelly Pond Wand"] = "水母群魔杖"
info["zh"]["Naiad's Shiv"] = "水泽仙女匕"
info["zh"]["Blob-horn Coral Staff"] = "水滴角珊瑚法杖"
info["zh"]["Blobfish"] = "水滴鱼"
info["zh"]["Hydromancer's Catalyst"] = "水耀石"
info["zh"]["Leeching Sheath"] = "水蛭剑鞘"
info["zh"]["The Sea Mine"] = "水雷"
info["zh"]["Permanent boosts"] = "永久性提升"
info["zh"]["Permafrost"] = "永冻土"
info["zh"]["Permafrost Wall"] = "永冻墙"
info["zh"]["Permafrost furniture"] = "永冻家具"
info["zh"]["Eternal Night"] = "永恒之夜"
info["zh"]["Survivalist's Boots"] = "求生家之飞鞋"
info["zh"]["Desecrated Heart"] = "污痕之心"
info["zh"]["Bloodstained Block"] = "污血块"
info["zh"]["Bloodstained Wall"] = "污血墙"
info["zh"]["Bloodstained furniture"] = "污血家具"
info["zh"]["The Innocent"] = "污魂兔"
info["zh"]["Tommy Gun"] = "汤米冲锋枪"
info["zh"]["Leech Bolt"] = "汲血牙"
info["zh"]["Steam Flute"] = "汽笛"
info["zh"]["Drowned Doubloon"] = "沉没的金币"
info["zh"]["Sofas"] = "沙发"
info["zh"]["Wind Gust"] = "沙旋风"
info["zh"]["Sandweaver's Tiara"] = "沙海穿梭者头冠"
info["zh"]["Desert"] = "沙漠"
info["zh"]["Sandshroud Pouch"] = "沙罩袋"
info["zh"]["Blowfish"] = "河豚"
info["zh"]["Cure"] = "治愈"
info["zh"]["Recovery Wand"] = "治愈魔杖"
info["zh"]["Mist Weaver"] = "治疗之雾"
info["zh"]["Healing Dummy"] = "治疗假人"
info["zh"]["Healing Dummy Statue"] = "治疗假人雕像"
info["zh"]["Spring Water"] = "泉水"
info["zh"]["Mana Bauble"] = "法力球"
info["zh"]["Mage Hand"] = "法师之手"
info["zh"]["Ghastly French Horn"] = "法式恐惧圆号"
info["zh"]["Spell Books"] = "法术书"
info["zh"]["Pharaoh's Breath"] = "法老之息"
info["zh"]["Pharaoh's Slab"] = "法老辉石"
info["zh"]["Bubble-Bulwark Wand"] = "泡泡盾魔杖"
info["zh"]["Bubble Magnet"] = "泡泡磁铁"
info["zh"]["Blister Sack"] = "泡泡虫饲育袋"
info["zh"]["Terrarium Ripple Knife"] = "波元飞刀"
info["zh"]["Key of Tides"] = "波涛钥匙"
info["zh"]["Ripple Dye"] = "波纹染料"
info["zh"]["Hydro Axe"] = "波纹水斧"
info["zh"]["Hydro Pickaxe"] = "波纹海镐"
info["zh"]["Hydro Mallet"] = "波纹碎锤"
info["zh"]["Ghost Pulse Arrow"] = "波魂箭"
info["zh"]["Mud Man"] = "泥人"
info["zh"]["Syringe"] = "注射器"
info["zh"]["Beholder"] = "注视者"
info["zh"]["Beholder's Gaze"] = "注视者之凝"
info["zh"]["Mirror of the Beholder"] = "注视者之镜"
info["zh"]["Beholder Staff"] = "注视者法杖"
info["zh"]["Obliterator"] = "泯灭者"
info["zh"]["Titan Sword"] = "泰坦剑"
info["zh"]["Titan Boomerang"] = "泰坦回旋镖"
info["zh"]["Titan Bow"] = "泰坦弓"
info["zh"]["Titan Slayer Sheath"] = "泰坦杀手剑鞘"
info["zh"]["Titan Javelin"] = "泰坦标枪"
info["zh"]["Titan armor"] = "泰坦盔甲"
info["zh"]["Titan Hammer"] = "泰坦锤"
info["zh"]["Titanic Bar"] = "泰坦锭"
info["zh"]["Titan Pax"] = "泰坦镐斧"
info["zh"]["Titan Scythe"] = "泰坦镰刀"
info["zh"]["Terra Scythe"] = "泰拉镰刀"
info["zh"]["Terra Knife"] = "泰拉飞刀"
info["zh"]["Lucidity"] = "洞察之月"
info["zh"]["Cavern"] = "洞穴"
info["zh"]["Tide Turner armor"] = "洪流逆潮者盔甲"
info["zh"]["Living Hemorrhage"] = "活体血溢怪"
info["zh"]["Kick Petal"] = "活力花瓣"
info["zh"]["Shooting Star furniture"] = "流影掠星家具"
info["zh"]["Shooting Star Dye"] = "流影掠星染料"
info["zh"]["Shooting Star Blast-Guitar"] = "流影掠星爆破吉他"
info["zh"]["Shooting Star armor"] = "流影掠星盔甲"
info["zh"]["Shooting Star Brick"] = "流影掠星砖"
info["zh"]["Shooting Star Brick Wall"] = "流影掠星砖墙"
info["zh"]["Shooting Star Fragment Block"] = "流影掠星碎块"
info["zh"]["Shooting Star Fragment"] = "流影掠星碎片"
info["zh"]["Shooting Star Drill"] = "流影掠星钻头"
info["zh"]["Shooting Star Hamaxe"] = "流影掠星锤斧"
info["zh"]["Shooting Star Pickaxe"] = "流影掠星镐"
info["zh"]["Meteor Head Staff"] = "流星头法杖"
info["zh"]["Rogue Ronin set"] = "流浪浪人套装"
info["zh"]["Coalesced Energy"] = "流能嵌合体"
info["zh"]["Energy Projector"] = "流能投影仪"
info["zh"]["Energy Conduit"] = "流能脉冲导体"
info["zh"]["Energy Storm Bolter"] = "流能风暴喷发器"
info["zh"]["Energy Storm Partisan"] = "流能风暴长戟"
info["zh"]["Testers"] = "测试仪"
info["zh"]["Concentrated Thorium"] = "浓缩瑟银"
info["zh"]["Brinefang"] = "浪涌"
info["zh"]["Drift Boots"] = "浮流靴"
info["zh"]["Bathtubs"] = "浴缸"
info["zh"]["Bathtub Cart"] = "浴缸矿车"
info["zh"]["Ocean's Judgement"] = "海之审判"
info["zh"]["Marine Wine Glass"] = "海之酒杯"
info["zh"]["Kraken"] = "海妖"
info["zh"]["Sea Ninja-Star"] = "海忍者手里星"
info["zh"]["Sea Foam Scepter"] = "海泡节杖"
info["zh"]["Aquaite Knife"] = "海波弹刃"
info["zh"]["Aquaite Scythe"] = "海波镰刀"
info["zh"]["Ocean"] = "海洋"
info["zh"]["Marine Block"] = "海洋块"
info["zh"]["Marine Wall"] = "海洋墙"
info["zh"]["Marine Gemstone Blocks"] = "海洋宝石块"
info["zh"]["Marine furniture"] = "海洋家具"
info["zh"]["Aquaite"] = "海洋矿"
info["zh"]["Ocean Essence"] = "海洋精华"
info["zh"]["Aquaite Bar"] = "海洋锭"
info["zh"]["Ocean's Retaliation"] = "海潮之噬"
info["zh"]["Tidal Wave"] = "海潮波"
info["zh"]["Sea-Shanty Singer"] = "海盗乐手"
info["zh"]["Pirate Invasion"] = "海盗入侵"
info["zh"]["Buccaneer's Blunderbuss"] = "海盗火铳"
info["zh"]["Pirate's Purse"] = "海盗的钱袋子"
info["zh"]["Poseidon's Charge"] = "海神三叉戟"
info["zh"]["Aquamarine"] = "海蓝宝石"
info["zh"]["Aquamarine Ring"] = "海蓝宝石戒指"
info["zh"]["Aquamarine Staff"] = "海蓝宝石法杖"
info["zh"]["Aquamarine Robe"] = "海蓝宝石长袍"
info["zh"]["Marine Kelp"] = "海藻"
info["zh"]["Marine Kelp Seeds"] = "海藻种子"
info["zh"]["Marine Kelp Planter Box"] = "海藻种植盆"
info["zh"]["Serpent's Cry"] = "海蛇之泣"
info["zh"]["Serpent's Bubble Wand"] = "海蛇泡泡杖"
info["zh"]["Conch Shell"] = "海螺壳"
info["zh"]["Seashell Castanets"] = "海贝响板"
info["zh"]["Scuba Curva"] = "海风军号"
info["zh"]["Sea Breeze Pendant"] = "海风垂饰"
info["zh"]["Seahorse Wand"] = "海马杖"
info["zh"]["Moray"] = "海鳗"
info["zh"]["Aquaite Scale Block"] = "海鳞块"
info["zh"]["Aquaite Scale Wall"] = "海鳞墙"
info["zh"]["Sea Turtle's Bulwark"] = "海龟壁垒"
info["zh"]["Drenched Dirk"] = "浸水短剑"
info["zh"]["Coatings"] = "涂层"
info["zh"]["The Digester"] = "消化器"
info["zh"]["Consumable Buffs"] = "消耗品增益"
info["zh"]["Fire Axe"] = "消防斧"
info["zh"]["The Whirlpool"] = "涡流"
info["zh"]["Whirlpool Saber"] = "涡流短剑"
info["zh"]["Turbo Boots"] = "涡轮动力靴"
info["zh"]["Liquefied"] = "液化"
info["zh"]["Nitrogen Vial"] = "液氮瓶"
info["zh"]["Deep Freeze Coating"] = "深寒涂层"
info["zh"]["Aquatic Depths"] = "深海"
info["zh"]["Depth Scales"] = "深海之鳞"
info["zh"]["Subterranean Bulb"] = "深海法珠"
info["zh"]["Depth Diver's armor"] = "深海潜游者盔甲"
info["zh"]["Depth Chest"] = "深海箱"
info["zh"]["Davy Jones Lock Box"] = "深海阎王之宝盒"
info["zh"]["Abyssal Shadow"] = "深渊之影"
info["zh"]["Abyssal Crate"] = "深渊匣"
info["zh"]["Abyssal Whistle"] = "深渊哨"
info["zh"]["False Presence"] = "深渊幻影"
info["zh"]["Deep Staff"] = "深渊法杖"
info["zh"]["Abyssal Angler"] = "深渊琵琶鱼"
info["zh"]["Abyssal Walker's set"] = "深渊行者套装"
info["zh"]["Abyssal Chitin"] = "深渊角质鳞"
info["zh"]["Abyssal Shell"] = "深渊贝壳"
info["zh"]["Abyssal Spawn"] = "深渊鱼"
info["zh"]["Chaotic Marble"] = "混沌大理石"
info["zh"]["Dissonance Seer"] = "混沌预言者"
info["zh"]["Globee"] = "渊光水母"
info["zh"]["Deeplight Campfire"] = "渊光篝火"
info["zh"]["Aquatic Depths Crate"] = "渊海匣"
info["zh"]["Rift Tearer"] = "渊隙撕裂者"
info["zh"]["Leaky Mossy Marine Block"] = "渗漏多苔海洋块"
info["zh"]["Leaky Marine Block"] = "渗漏海洋块"
info["zh"]["Leaky Marine Wall"] = "渗漏海洋墙"
info["zh"]["Game controls"] = "游戏控制"
info["zh"]["Nirvana Statuette"] = "湼盘雕像"
info["zh"]["Festering Balloon"] = "溃脓气球"
info["zh"]["Teleologic Imposition"] = "源流落星雨"
info["zh"]["Bleeding Heart Staff"] = "溢血之心法杖"
info["zh"]["Dissolve"] = "溶解术"
info["zh"]["Blood Drop"] = "滴血史莱姆"
info["zh"]["Floating Island"] = "漂浮岛"
info["zh"]["Diverman"] = "潜水员"
info["zh"]["Diver's set"] = "潜水员套装"
info["zh"]["Diver Plushie"] = "潜水员毛绒玩具"
info["zh"]["Aqua Potion"] = "潜水药水"
info["zh"]["Stealth set"] = "潜行套装"
info["zh"]["The Stalker"] = "潜行者"
info["zh"]["Tide Stone"] = "潮汐之石"
info["zh"]["Enraged"] = "激怒"
info["zh"]["Stream Sting"] = "激流"
info["zh"]["Pyroclast Staff"] = "火山碎屑法杖"
info["zh"]["Torches"] = "火把"
info["zh"]["Martian Sentry"] = "火星哨兵"
info["zh"]["Martian Madness"] = "火星暴乱"
info["zh"]["Martian Scout"] = "火星监察者"
info["zh"]["Rocket Fist"] = "火箭拳"
info["zh"]["Rocket Cart"] = "火箭矿车"
info["zh"]["Red Hourglass"] = "火红沙漏"
info["zh"]["Salamander Eye"] = "火蜥蜴之眼"
info["zh"]["Lamps"] = "灯"
info["zh"]["Lanterns"] = "灯笼"
info["zh"]["Cinder String"] = "灰烬"
info["zh"]["Golden Locks"] = "灰烬天堂"
info["zh"]["Gray 'D' Painting"] = "灰色“D”"
info["zh"]["Nimbus"] = "灵云之气"
info["zh"]["Inspirational Reach Potion"] = "灵感之触药水"
info["zh"]["Inspiration"] = "灵感值"
info["zh"]["Inspiration Gem"] = "灵感宝石"
info["zh"]["Inspiration Hair Dye"] = "灵感染发剂"
info["zh"]["Inspiration Crystal"] = "灵感水晶"
info["zh"]["Inspiration Shard"] = "灵感碎块"
info["zh"]["Inspiration Fragment"] = "灵感碎片"
info["zh"]["Pad o' Paper"] = "灵感笔记"
info["zh"]["Inspiration Note"] = "灵感音符"
info["zh"]["Soul Cleaver"] = "灵魂屠刀"
info["zh"]["Soul Guard"] = "灵魂庇佑"
info["zh"]["Spirit Bender's Staff"] = "灵魂扭曲者的法杖"
info["zh"]["Soul Bomb"] = "灵魂炸弹"
info["zh"]["Soul Stone"] = "灵魂石"
info["zh"]["Spirit Arrow"] = "灵魂箭"
info["zh"]["Soul Corrupter"] = "灵魂腐蚀者"
info["zh"]["Soul Link"] = "灵魂链接"
info["zh"]["Soul Render"] = "灵魂镰刃"
info["zh"]["Sol-Scorched Slab"] = "灼岩尺剑"
info["zh"]["Seething Charge"] = "灼炎炮弹"
info["zh"]["Cataclysmic set"] = "灾变套装"
info["zh"]["Essence of Flame"] = "炎华剑"
info["zh"]["Pyromancer armor"] = "炎法盔甲"
info["zh"]["Stalagmite"] = "炎笋"
info["zh"]["Mortar Staff"] = "炮龟法杖"
info["zh"]["Bomb Squad set"] = "炸弹小队套装"
info["zh"]["Erupting Flare"] = "炸裂之炎"
info["zh"]["Ignite"] = "点燃术"
info["zh"]["Incandescent Spark"] = "炽热火花"
info["zh"]["Molten Spear Tip"] = "炽热矛尖"
info["zh"]["Candelabras"] = "烛台"
info["zh"]["Grilled Shroom"] = "烤蘑菇"
info["zh"]["Singed"] = "烧焦"
info["zh"]["Hot Horn"] = "热力号角"
info["zh"]["Light Pet Buffs"] = "照明宠物增益"
info["zh"]["Aromatic Biscuit"] = "熏香饼干"
info["zh"]["Magma Charm"] = "熔岩护符"
info["zh"]["Magma Gill"] = "熔岩焰鱼"
info["zh"]["Hot Pot"] = "熔岩罐子"
info["zh"]["Magma Locket"] = "熔岩锁盒"
info["zh"]["Molten Thresher"] = "熔岩镰刀"
info["zh"]["Molten Collar"] = "熔岩项圈"
info["zh"]["Molten Knife"] = "熔岩飞刀"
info["zh"]["Molten Scale"] = "熔岩鳞片"
info["zh"]["Draconic Magma Staff"] = "熔岩龙法杖"
info["zh"]["Slag Stompers"] = "熔渣重踏"
info["zh"]["Flaming Crack-Gut"] = "燃火裂肠鱼"
info["zh"]["Conflagration Potion"] = "燃炎药水"
info["zh"]["Combustion Vial"] = "燃烧瓶"
info["zh"]["Spirit Breaker"] = "燃魂火"
info["zh"]["Spirit Blast Wand"] = "爆灵魔杖"
info["zh"]["Flamekin Caster"] = "爆炎投手"
info["zh"]["Explosive Coating"] = "爆炸涂层"
info["zh"]["Blast Shield"] = "爆炸盾"
info["zh"]["Explosive set"] = "爆炸魔法套装"
info["zh"]["Light-Burst Wand"] = "爆裂光能杖"
info["zh"]["Bursting Maggot"] = "爆裂蛆虫"
info["zh"]["Talon Arrow"] = "爪箭"
info["zh"]["Lovegun"] = "爱之枪"
info["zh"]["Idol's Microphone"] = "爱豆的话筒"
info["zh"]["Version history"] = "版本历史"
info["zh"]["Healer"] = "牧师"
info["zh"]["Cleric's Cross"] = "牧师十字架"
info["zh"]["Healer Buffs"] = "牧师增益"
info["zh"]["Spiritualist's set"] = "牧师套装"
info["zh"]["Novice Cleric's armor"] = "牧师学徒盔甲"
info["zh"]["Healer Armor"] = "牧师盔甲"
info["zh"]["Healer Accessories"] = "牧师饰品"
info["zh"]["Spiritualist"] = "牧师(NPC)"
info["zh"]["List of items"] = "物品列表"
info["zh"]["List of items/a-d"] = "物品列表/a-d"
info["zh"]["List of items/e-h"] = "物品列表/e-h"
info["zh"]["List of items/i-l"] = "物品列表/i-l"
info["zh"]["List of items/m-p"] = "物品列表/m-p"
info["zh"]["List of items/q-t"] = "物品列表/q-t"
info["zh"]["List of items/u-z"] = "物品列表/u-z"
info["zh"]["List of items/unobtainable"] = "物品列表/无法获取"
info["zh"]["Blocks"] = "物块"
info["zh"]["Tesla Defibrillator"] = "特斯拉除颤器"
info["zh"]["Special Ability"] = "特殊能力"
info["zh"]["Status messages"] = "状态讯息"
info["zh"]["Frenzy Potion"] = "狂怒药水"
info["zh"]["Rhapsodist armor"] = "狂想者盔甲"
info["zh"]["Wild set"] = "狂野套装"
info["zh"]["Wild Umbra"] = "狂野本影"
info["zh"]["Wind Burst"] = "狂风爆发"
info["zh"]["Didgeridoo"] = "狄洁里都号角"
info["zh"]["Inferno Staff"] = "狱火法杖"
info["zh"]["Schmelze"] = "狱火熔炼"
info["zh"]["Inferno Essence"] = "狱火精华"
info["zh"]["Molten Mortar"] = "狱炎炮龟"
info["zh"]["Infernal Animator"] = "狱炎编织者"
info["zh"]["Lycan"] = "狼人"
info["zh"]["Tarantula"] = "狼蛛"
info["zh"]["Tide Hunter armor"] = "猎潮者盔甲"
info["zh"]["Elephant Gun"] = "猎象枪"
info["zh"]["Spirit Trapper's armor"] = "猎魂者盔甲"
info["zh"]["Falconeer's Cane"] = "猎鹰手杖"
info["zh"]["Talon Burst"] = "猛禽破"
info["zh"]["The Crimson"] = "猩红之地"
info["zh"]["Dynasty War Fan"] = "王朝战扇"
info["zh"]["Cloudy Chew Toy"] = "玩具小云"
info["zh"]["Bellerose"] = "玫瑰伞刃"
info["zh"]["Rosy Slime Staff"] = "玫瑰史莱姆法杖"
info["zh"]["Environment Buffs"] = "环境增益"
info["zh"]["Glass Shard"] = "玻璃碎块"
info["zh"]["Coral Purifier"] = "珊瑚净化者"
info["zh"]["Coral Slasher"] = "珊瑚刃"
info["zh"]["Coral Crossbow"] = "珊瑚弩"
info["zh"]["Coral armor"] = "珊瑚盔甲"
info["zh"]["Coral Caltrop"] = "珊瑚蒺藜"
info["zh"]["Coral Hamaxe"] = "珊瑚锤斧"
info["zh"]["Coral Pickaxe"] = "珊瑚镐"
info["zh"]["Coral Polearm"] = "珊瑚长柄戟"
info["zh"]["Coral Dart"] = "珊瑚飞镖"
info["zh"]["Bubble Tea"] = "珍珠奶茶"
info["zh"]["Pearl Pike"] = "珍珠长矛"
info["zh"]["Jeweller's Wall Grip"] = "珠宝商人到此一钩"
info["zh"]["Cut Stone Block"] = "琢石块"
info["zh"]["Cut Stone Block Wall"] = "琢石块墙"
info["zh"]["Cut Stone Block Slab"] = "琢石板"
info["zh"]["Cut Stone Block Slab Wall"] = "琢石板墙"
info["zh"]["Cut Sandstone Block"] = "琢砂石块"
info["zh"]["Cut Sandstone Block Wall"] = "琢砂石块墙"
info["zh"]["Cut Sandstone Block Slab"] = "琢砂石板"
info["zh"]["Cut Sandstone Block Slab Wall"] = "琢砂石板墙"
info["zh"]["Amber Ring"] = "琥珀戒指"
info["zh"]["Angler's Bowl"] = "琵琶鱼球碗"
info["zh"]["Thorium"] = "瑟银"
info["zh"]["Thorium Boomerang"] = "瑟银回旋镖"
info["zh"]["Thorium Block"] = "瑟银块"
info["zh"]["Thorium Block Wall"] = "瑟银块墙"
info["zh"]["Thorium furniture"] = "瑟银家具"
info["zh"]["Thorium Bow"] = "瑟银弓"
info["zh"]["Thorium Cube"] = "瑟银方块"
info["zh"]["Thorium Staff"] = "瑟银法杖"
info["zh"]["Thorium Party Hat"] = "瑟银派对帽"
info["zh"]["Thorium armor"] = "瑟银盔甲"
info["zh"]["Thorium Shield"] = "瑟银盾"
info["zh"]["Thorium Dagger"] = "瑟银短匕"
info["zh"]["Thorium Ore"] = "瑟银矿"
info["zh"]["Thorium Brick"] = "瑟银砖"
info["zh"]["Thorium Brick Wall"] = "瑟银砖墙"
info["zh"]["Thorium Anvil"] = "瑟银砧"
info["zh"]["Thorium Revolver"] = "瑟银转轮枪"
info["zh"]["Thorium Bar"] = "瑟银锭"
info["zh"]["Thorium Pax"] = "瑟银镐斧"
info["zh"]["Thorium Blade"] = "瑟银长刃"
info["zh"]["Thorium Spear"] = "瑟银长矛"
info["zh"]["Valhalla's Descent"] = "瓦尔哈拉之裔"
info["zh"]["Valkyrie Blade"] = "瓦尔基里圣刃"
info["zh"]["Gas Container"] = "瓦斯瓶"
info["zh"]["Soul of Plight in a Bottle"] = "瓶中困境之魂"
info["zh"]["Sweet Beet"] = "甜菜"
info["zh"]["Sweet set"] = "甜蜜套装"
info["zh"]["Sweet Vengeance"] = "甜蜜的复仇"
info["zh"]["Bio-Pod"] = "生化囊"
info["zh"]["Health and Mana Accessories"] = "生命与魔力饰品"
info["zh"]["Living Leaf"] = "生命之叶"
info["zh"]["Living Leaf Bush"] = "生命之叶灌木"
info["zh"]["Life Water"] = "生命之水"
info["zh"]["Living Wood Sap"] = "生命之液"
info["zh"]["Life's Gift"] = "生命之礼"
info["zh"]["Life Gem"] = "生命宝石"
info["zh"]["Healthy Boots"] = "生命恢复靴"
info["zh"]["Life Recovery (buff)"] = "生命恢复(增益)"
info["zh"]["Life Disperser"] = "生命扩散仪"
info["zh"]["Life Shield"] = "生命护盾"
info["zh"]["Living Wood Acorn"] = "生命木橡子"
info["zh"]["Living Wood armor"] = "生命木盔甲"
info["zh"]["Life Binder's armor"] = "生命束缚者盔甲"
info["zh"]["Life Crystal Mimic"] = "生命水晶宝箱怪"
info["zh"]["Life Pulse Staff"] = "生命波动"
info["zh"]["Life Surge Staff"] = "生命激流"
info["zh"]["Life Quartz"] = "生命石英"
info["zh"]["Life Quartz Claymore"] = "生命石英刃"
info["zh"]["Life Quartz Shield"] = "生命石英盾"
info["zh"]["Life Essence Apparatus"] = "生命精华仪"
info["zh"]["Living Mahogany Wall"] = "生命红木墙"
info["zh"]["Living Mahogany furniture"] = "生命红木家具"
info["zh"]["Life Bloom armor"] = "生命绽放盔甲"
info["zh"]["Life-Powered Energy Cell"] = "生命能源晶电池"
info["zh"]["Life Transfusion"] = "生命转化"
info["zh"]["Cape of the Survivor"] = "生存者披风"
info["zh"]["Life and Death"] = "生死轮转"
info["zh"]["Biotech armor"] = "生物工程盔甲"
info["zh"]["Bio Matter"] = "生物物质"
info["zh"]["Biomes"] = "生物群落"
info["zh"]["Biome Chests"] = "生物群落宝箱"
info["zh"]["Biome Keys"] = "生物群落钥匙"
info["zh"]["Coleoptera Keepsake"] = "甲虫信物"
info["zh"]["Beetle Blaster"] = "甲虫冲击波"
info["zh"]["Volt Module"] = "电压组件"
info["zh"]["Conduit armor"] = "电容盔甲"
info["zh"]["The Zapper"] = "电束枪"
info["zh"]["Electro-Rebounder"] = "电浮回旋"
info["zh"]["Spark Taser"] = "电火泰瑟枪"
info["zh"]["Sparking Jelly Ball"] = "电花果冻球"
info["zh"]["Eel-rod"] = "电鳗杖"
info["zh"]["Terrarium Defender"] = "界元之庇佑"
info["zh"]["Terrarium Surround Sound"] = "界元音箱"
info["zh"]["Soursop"] = "番荔枝"
info["zh"]["Exhaustion"] = "疲惫"
info["zh"]["Zephyr's Grip"] = "疾风钩"
info["zh"]["Plague Lord's Flask"] = "瘟疫之主的药剂瓶"
info["zh"]["Plague Doctor's armor"] = "瘟疫医生盔甲"
info["zh"]["White Dwarf furniture"] = "白矮星家具"
info["zh"]["White Dwarf Dye"] = "白矮星染料"
info["zh"]["White Dwarf armor"] = "白矮星盔甲"
info["zh"]["White Dwarf Brick"] = "白矮星砖"
info["zh"]["White Dwarf Brick Wall"] = "白矮星砖墙"
info["zh"]["White Dwarf Fragment Block"] = "白矮星碎块"
info["zh"]["White Dwarf Fragment"] = "白矮星碎片"
info["zh"]["White Dwarf Drill"] = "白矮星钻头"
info["zh"]["White Dwarf Hamaxe"] = "白矮星锤斧"
info["zh"]["White Dwarf Pickaxe"] = "白矮星镐"
info["zh"]["White Knight armor"] = "白骑士盔甲"
info["zh"]["Queen's Glowstick"] = "皇后荧光棒"
info["zh"]["Faberge Egg"] = "皇家彩蛋"
info["zh"]["Royal Jelly"] = "皇家水母"
info["zh"]["Emperor's Will"] = "皇帝之意"
info["zh"]["Leather Sheath"] = "皮革剑鞘"
info["zh"]["Leather Glove"] = "皮革手套"
info["zh"]["Phase Dart"] = "盈相飞镖"
info["zh"]["Energized Quad-Cube"] = "盈能四立方"
info["zh"]["Scouter Cores"] = "监察者核心"
info["zh"]["Armor"] = "盔甲"
info["zh"]["The True Penguin Wand"] = "真·企鹅杖"
info["zh"]["True Falling Twilight"] = "真·余晖"
info["zh"]["True Light's Anguish"] = "真·光之苦痛"
info["zh"]["True Embowelment"] = "真·开膛刀"
info["zh"]["True Carnwennan"] = "真·断钢短剑"
info["zh"]["True Hallowed Scythe"] = "真·神圣镰刀"
info["zh"]["True Arena Master's Brazier"] = "真·竞技场大师的火盆"
info["zh"]["True Blood Harvest"] = "真·鲜血丰收"
info["zh"]["Reality Slasher"] = "真实碾碎者"
info["zh"]["Mycelium Gatling Gun"] = "真菌加特林"
info["zh"]["Funggat"] = "真菌喷射器"
info["zh"]["Fungal Growth"] = "真菌寄生"
info["zh"]["Fungal Cane"] = "真菌手杖"
info["zh"]["Fungal Popper"] = "真菌掷匕"
info["zh"]["Staff of Mycelium"] = "真菌法杖"
info["zh"]["Fungus armor"] = "真菌盔甲"
info["zh"]["Key of Fungus"] = "真菌钥匙"
info["zh"]["Mycelium Whip"] = "真菌鞭锤"
info["zh"]["Spears"] = "矛"
info["zh"]["Spear Tips"] = "矛尖"
info["zh"]["Petrify"] = "石化"
info["zh"]["Gorgon Coating"] = "石化涂层"
info["zh"]["Golem's Gaze"] = "石巨人之凝"
info["zh"]["Stone Throwing Spear"] = "石矛"
info["zh"]["Ores"] = "矿石"
info["zh"]["Mineral Launcher"] = "矿石发射器"
info["zh"]["Minecarts"] = "矿车"
info["zh"]["Sandstone Bow"] = "砂石弓"
info["zh"]["Sandstone Scimitar"] = "砂石弯刀"
info["zh"]["Sandstone Throwing Knife"] = "砂石投刀"
info["zh"]["Sandstone Axe"] = "砂石斧"
info["zh"]["Sandstone armor"] = "砂石盔甲"
info["zh"]["Sandstone Spear"] = "砂石矛"
info["zh"]["Sandstone Hammer"] = "砂石锤"
info["zh"]["Sandstone Ingot"] = "砂石锭"
info["zh"]["Sandstone Pickaxe"] = "砂石镐"
info["zh"]["Ice Breaker"] = "破冰者"
info["zh"]["Cracked Battle Horn"] = "破损战斗号角"
info["zh"]["Tough-Nut Toffee"] = "硬坚果太妃糖"
info["zh"]["Icy Tomahawk"] = "碎冰投斧"
info["zh"]["Icy Axe"] = "碎冰斧"
info["zh"]["Icy armor"] = "碎冰盔甲"
info["zh"]["Icy Arrow"] = "碎冰箭"
info["zh"]["Icy Pickaxe"] = "碎冰镐"
info["zh"]["Ice Lance"] = "碎冰长枪"
info["zh"]["Heartstriker"] = "碎心者"
info["zh"]["Armor Bane"] = "碎甲枪"
info["zh"]["Soulslasher"] = "碎魂飞刀"
info["zh"]["The Juggernaut"] = "碾压者"
info["zh"]["Livewire Crasher"] = "磁场猛击者"
info["zh"]["Teslanator"] = "磁能枪"
info["zh"]["Holy Glare"] = "神圣之怒"
info["zh"]["Holy Hammer"] = "神圣之锤"
info["zh"]["Hallowed Guise"] = "神圣兜盔"
info["zh"]["Hallowed Megaphone"] = "神圣喇叭"
info["zh"]["Hallowed Cowl"] = "神圣头巾"
info["zh"]["Hallowed Chapeau"] = "神圣帽"
info["zh"]["Holy Aegis"] = "神圣庇护"
info["zh"]["Hallowed Charm"] = "神圣护符"
info["zh"]["Hallowed Staff"] = "神圣法杖"
info["zh"]["Holy Fire"] = "神圣火焰"
info["zh"]["Hallowed Scythe"] = "神圣镰刀"
info["zh"]["Strange Decorative Potion"] = "神奇装饰药水"
info["zh"]["Temple Guardian"] = "神庙守卫"
info["zh"]["Lihzahrd's Tail"] = "神庙蜥蜴之尾"
info["zh"]["Prophecy"] = "神谕"
info["zh"]["Altar"] = "祭坛"
info["zh"]["Sacrificial Dagger"] = "祭灵短匕"
info["zh"]["Axe Blade"] = "禁忌之钺"
info["zh"]["Taboo Wand"] = "禁忌魔杖"
info["zh"]["Plasma Vial"] = "离子瓶"
info["zh"]["Seeds"] = "种子"
info["zh"]["Technique Scrolls"] = "秘技卷轴"
info["zh"]["Technique: Sprint"] = "秘技卷轴:全速冲刺"
info["zh"]["Technique: Smoke Bomb"] = "秘技卷轴:匿踪迷弹"
info["zh"]["Technique: Stone Palm"] = "秘技卷轴:岩石飞掌"
info["zh"]["Technique: Gravity Well"] = "秘技卷轴:引力陷阱"
info["zh"]["Technique: Decoy"] = "秘技卷轴:引敌诱饵"
info["zh"]["Technique: Shadow Dance"] = "秘技卷轴:暗影之舞"
info["zh"]["Technique: Shadow Clone"] = "秘技卷轴:暗影克隆"
info["zh"]["Technique: Meteor Stomp"] = "秘技卷轴:流星践踏"
info["zh"]["Technique: Soul Pulse"] = "秘技卷轴:灵魂脉冲"
info["zh"]["Technique: Sticky Explosive"] = "秘技卷轴:粘性炸药"
info["zh"]["Technique: Absolute Zero"] = "秘技卷轴:绝对零度"
info["zh"]["Technique: Blood Lotus"] = "秘技卷轴:绽血莲华"
info["zh"]["Technique: Last Stand"] = "秘技卷轴:背水一战"
info["zh"]["Technique: Blinding Dash"] = "秘技卷轴:致盲冲刺"
info["zh"]["Technique: Cobra's Bite"] = "秘技卷轴:蛇牙噬咬"
info["zh"]["Technique: Hidden Blade"] = "秘技卷轴:隐匿之刃"
info["zh"]["Mythril Melodica"] = "秘银口风琴"
info["zh"]["Mythril Pelter"] = "秘银手枪"
info["zh"]["Mythril Staff"] = "秘银法杖"
info["zh"]["Movement Accessories"] = "移动饰品"
info["zh"]["Sand Shifter's Pouch"] = "移沙袋"
info["zh"]["Rarity"] = "稀有度"
info["zh"]["Null-Zone Staff"] = "空域法杖"
info["zh"]["Air Strike Shield"] = "空援卫盾"
info["zh"]["Hollow's Ring"] = "空洞戒指"
info["zh"]["Blank Painting"] = "空白画作"
info["zh"]["Blank Technique Scroll"] = "空白秘技卷轴"
info["zh"]["Empty Wormhole Potion"] = "空虫洞药水"
info["zh"]["Gouge"] = "穿刺"
info["zh"]["Pierce"] = "穿刺术"
info["zh"]["Thief's Wallet"] = "窃贼的钱包"
info["zh"]["Smothering Shade"] = "窒息暗影"
info["zh"]["Arena Master's Brazier"] = "竞技场大师的火盆"
info["zh"]["Octopus"] = "章鱼"
info["zh"]["Takoyaki"] = "章鱼烧"
info["zh"]["Fragmented Rune"] = "符文碎片"
info["zh"]["Eighth Plague Staff"] = "第八灾"
info["zh"]["Cages"] = "笼子"
info["zh"]["Plasma Generator"] = "等离子护盾发生器"
info["zh"]["Plasma Staff"] = "等离子法杖"
info["zh"]["Simple Broom"] = "简易扫把"
info["zh"]["Organ"] = "管风琴"
info["zh"]["Arrows"] = "箭"
info["zh"]["Fan Letter"] = "粉丝的信函"
info["zh"]["Pink Slime Egg"] = "粉色史莱姆蛋"
info["zh"]["Crude Bat"] = "粗糙球棍"
info["zh"]["Precision Banner"] = "精准令旗"
info["zh"]["Crietz"] = "精准项链"
info["zh"]["Refined Marine Block"] = "精琢海洋块"
info["zh"]["Refined Marine Wall"] = "精琢海洋墙"
info["zh"]["Adamantite Carbine"] = "精金卡宾枪"
info["zh"]["Adamantite Staff"] = "精金法杖"
info["zh"]["Adamantite Ricochet"] = "精金飞盘"
info["zh"]["Sugar Cookie Block"] = "糖饼块"
info["zh"]["Sugar Cookie Block Wall"] = "糖饼块墙"
info["zh"]["Tether Dart"] = "系电双镖"
info["zh"]["Up-Down Balloon"] = "紊流气球"
info["zh"]["Thor's Hammer"] = "索尔之锤"
info["zh"]["Thor's Hammer: Melee"] = "索尔之锤: 近战"
info["zh"]["Thor's Hammer: Ranged"] = "索尔之锤: 远程"
info["zh"]["Thor's Hammer: Magic"] = "索尔之锤: 魔法"
info["zh"]["Amethyst Ring"] = "紫晶戒指"
info["zh"]["Yew Wood"] = "紫衫木"
info["zh"]["Yew Wood Wall"] = "紫衫木墙"
info["zh"]["Yew Wood furniture"] = "紫衫木家具"
info["zh"]["Yew Wood Bow"] = "紫衫木弓"
info["zh"]["Yew Wood Fence"] = "紫衫木栅栏"
info["zh"]["Yew Wood Flintlock"] = "紫衫木燧发枪"
info["zh"]["Yew Wood Lute"] = "紫衫木琵琶"
info["zh"]["Yew Wood armor"] = "紫衫木盔甲"
info["zh"]["Yew Tree"] = "紫衫树"
info["zh"]["Bloom Weave"] = "繁花布"
info["zh"]["Heart Wand"] = "红心杖"
info["zh"]["Mahogany Ent"] = "红木树人"
info["zh"]["Red Wolf set"] = "红狼套装"
info["zh"]["Ruby Ring"] = "红玉戒指"
info["zh"]["Trophies"] = "纪念章"
info["zh"]["Gauze"] = "纱布"
info["zh"]["Nano Clam Cane"] = "纳米蛤手杖"
info["zh"]["Cell Reconstructor"] = "细胞重构仪"
info["zh"]["Vega Phaser"] = "织女星相位器"
info["zh"]["Terrarian's Last Knife"] = "终末之刃"
info["zh"]["Paintings"] = "绘画作品"
info["zh"]["Corpse Bloom"] = "绝命花"
info["zh"]["Corpse Petal"] = "绝命花瓣"
info["zh"]["Corpse Weed"] = "绝命野花"
info["zh"]["Scarlet Crate"] = "绯红匣"
info["zh"]["Scarlet Block"] = "绯红块"
info["zh"]["Scarlet Wall"] = "绯红墙"
info["zh"]["Scarlet furniture"] = "绯红家具"
info["zh"]["Scarlet Chest"] = "绯红箱"
info["zh"]["Blooming Blade"] = "绽花之刃"
info["zh"]["Blooming Bow"] = "绽花弓"
info["zh"]["Blooming Shuriken"] = "绽花手里剑"
info["zh"]["Blooming Staff"] = "绽花法杖"
info["zh"]["Blooming armor"] = "绽花盔甲"
info["zh"]["Blooming Shield"] = "绽花盾"
info["zh"]["Blooming Wand"] = "绽花魔杖"
info["zh"]["Mean n' Green Stew"] = "绿色健康蔬菜"
info["zh"]["Green Firefly"] = "绿色萤火虫"
info["zh"]["The Green Tambourine"] = "绿铃鼓"
info["zh"]["Dragon's Gaze"] = "绿龙之凝"
info["zh"]["Dragon's Breath"] = "绿龙之息"
info["zh"]["Dragon's Tooth"] = "绿龙之牙"
info["zh"]["Dragon's Wail"] = "绿龙哀歌"
info["zh"]["Dragon's Axe"] = "绿龙斧"
info["zh"]["Dragon's Talon"] = "绿龙爪"
info["zh"]["Dragon's armor"] = "绿龙盔甲"
info["zh"]["Dragon's Drill"] = "绿龙钻"
info["zh"]["Dragon's Jackhammer"] = "绿龙钻锤"
info["zh"]["Dragon's Chainsaw"] = "绿龙链锯"
info["zh"]["Dragon's Mallet"] = "绿龙锤"
info["zh"]["Dragon's Pickaxe"] = "绿龙镐"
info["zh"]["Chrono Ocarina"] = "缓慢陶笛"
info["zh"]["Patch Werk"] = "缝合人"
info["zh"]["Haunting Bass Drum"] = "缭绕低音鼓"
info["zh"]["Pot Mimics"] = "罐子宝箱怪"
info["zh"]["Guilty Pleasure"] = "罪恶吉他"
info["zh"]["Mermaid's Canteen"] = "美人鱼水壶"
info["zh"]["Crowd Control"] = "群体控制"
info["zh"]["Feather Barrier Rod"] = "羽幕魔棒"
info["zh"]["Wings"] = "翅膀"
info["zh"]["Verdant Ornament"] = "翠绿项链"
info["zh"]["Emerald Ring"] = "翡翠戒指"
info["zh"]["Flare Dart"] = "耀火飞镖"
info["zh"]["Bow of Light"] = "耀辉之弓"
info["zh"]["Durasteel Blade"] = "耐钢剑"
info["zh"]["Durasteel Throwing Spear"] = "耐钢投矛"
info["zh"]["Durasteel armor"] = "耐钢盔甲"
info["zh"]["Durasteel Arrow"] = "耐钢箭"
info["zh"]["Durasteel Repeater"] = "耐钢连弩"
info["zh"]["Durasteel Drill"] = "耐钢钻"
info["zh"]["Durasteel Jackhammer"] = "耐钢钻锤"
info["zh"]["Durasteel Chainsaw"] = "耐钢链锯"
info["zh"]["Earworm Potion"] = "耳虫药水"
info["zh"]["Meat Slab"] = "肉片"
info["zh"]["Meat Shield's set"] = "肉盾套装"
info["zh"]["Tooth of the Consumer"] = "肉食者之牙"
info["zh"]["Back Stabber"] = "背刺者"
info["zh"]["Carrot Cookie"] = "胡萝卜饼干"
info["zh"]["Gelatinous set"] = "胶状套装"
info["zh"]["Energy Catalyst"] = "能量催化器"
info["zh"]["Granite Surge"] = "能量过载"
info["zh"]["Brain Coral"] = "脑珊瑚"
info["zh"]["Out of Combat"] = "脱战"
info["zh"]["Fresh Pickle"] = "腌黄瓜"
info["zh"]["The Corruption"] = "腐化之地"
info["zh"]["Corrupter's Balloon"] = "腐化者气球"
info["zh"]["Putrid Serpent"] = "腐毒海蟒"
info["zh"]["Swamp Rot"] = "腐泽长枪"
info["zh"]["Rotten Meat"] = "腐烂肉块"
info["zh"]["Rotten Cod"] = "腐烂鳕鱼"
info["zh"]["Corrosion"] = "腐蚀"
info["zh"]["Decaying Sorrow"] = "腐蚀之哀"
info["zh"]["Corrosive Vial"] = "腐蚀瓶"
info["zh"]["Auto Tuner"] = "自动调谐器"
info["zh"]["Natural Graveyard"] = "自然墓地"
info["zh"]["Prime's Roar"] = "至尊之啸"
info["zh"]["Prime's Fury"] = "至尊之怒"
info["zh"]["Lethal Injection"] = "致命注射器"
info["zh"]["Aerial"] = "舞空"
info["zh"]["Ship's Helm"] = "船舵"
info["zh"]["Captain's Poignard"] = "船长刺剑"
info["zh"]["Siren's Lyre"] = "艳海妖琴"
info["zh"]["Metronome"] = "节拍器"
info["zh"]["The Bopper"] = "节拍达人"
info["zh"]["Ham and Cheese Melt"] = "芝士火腿三明治"
info["zh"]["Aloe Leaf"] = "芦荟叶"
info["zh"]["Granite Surger"] = "花岗岩奔涌者"
info["zh"]["Granite Crossbow"] = "花岗岩弩"
info["zh"]["Granite Throwing Axe"] = "花岗岩投斧"
info["zh"]["Granite Reflector"] = "花岗岩折返标"
info["zh"]["Granite Eradicator"] = "花岗岩根除者"
info["zh"]["Granite Cave"] = "花岗岩洞"
info["zh"]["Granite Energy Storm"] = "花岗岩流能风暴"
info["zh"]["Granite armor"] = "花岗岩盔甲"
info["zh"]["Granite Ion Staff"] = "花岗岩离子法杖"
info["zh"]["Granite Energy Core"] = "花岗岩能源核心"
info["zh"]["Granite Hamaxe"] = "花岗岩锤斧"
info["zh"]["Granite Pickaxe"] = "花岗岩镐"
info["zh"]["Granite Boom Box"] = "花岗岩音响"
info["zh"]["Petal"] = "花瓣"
info["zh"]["Stained Glass"] = "花窗玻璃"
info["zh"]["Pollen Pike"] = "花粉矛"
info["zh"]["Blooming Bell"] = "花铃"
info["zh"]["Aromatic Bulb"] = "芳香球茎"
info["zh"]["Fragrant Corsage"] = "芳香胸花"
info["zh"]["Green Dragon Scale"] = "苍绿龙鳞"
info["zh"]["Shu's Wrath"] = "苏之怒"
info["zh"]["Sousaphone"] = "苏萨号"
info["zh"]["Moss Wasp"] = "苔藓黄蜂"
info["zh"]["Kunai"] = "苦无"
info["zh"]["Eater of Pain"] = "苦痛之噬"
info["zh"]["Almanac of Agony"] = "苦痛年鉴"
info["zh"]["Champion's Trifecta-Shot"] = "英灵的三元圣弓"
info["zh"]["Champion's God Hand"] = "英灵的上帝之手"
info["zh"]["Champion's Rebuttal"] = "英灵的反击之盾"
info["zh"]["Champion's Bomber Staff"] = "英灵的爆轰法杖"
info["zh"]["Champion's Swift Blade"] = "英灵的迅捷锋刃"
info["zh"]["Buried Champion"] = "英灵遗骸"
info["zh"]["Bramble Shot"] = "荆棘弓"
info["zh"]["Herbs"] = "草药"
info["zh"]["Strawberry Heart"] = "草莓之心"
info["zh"]["Desert Acolyte"] = "荒漠侍僧"
info["zh"]["Desert Acolyte's set"] = "荒漠侍僧套装"
info["zh"]["Lychee"] = "荔枝"
info["zh"]["Illuminated"] = "荧光"
info["zh"]["Illumite Blaster"] = "荧光冲击枪"
info["zh"]["Illumite Blade"] = "荧光刃"
info["zh"]["Illumite Shotbow"] = "荧光弩"
info["zh"]["Glowing Marine Block"] = "荧光海洋块"
info["zh"]["Illumite Barrager"] = "荧光炮"
info["zh"]["Illumite armor"] = "荧光盔甲"
info["zh"]["Illumite Spear"] = "荧光矛"
info["zh"]["Illumite Chunk"] = "荧光石"
info["zh"]["Illumite Brick"] = "荧光砖"
info["zh"]["Illumite Brick Wall"] = "荧光砖墙"
info["zh"]["Illumite Drill"] = "荧光钻"
info["zh"]["Illumite Jackhammer"] = "荧光钻锤"
info["zh"]["Illumite Chainsaw"] = "荧光链锯"
info["zh"]["Illumite Hamaxe"] = "荧光锤斧"
info["zh"]["Illumite Ingot"] = "荧光锭"
info["zh"]["Illumite Pickaxe"] = "荧光镐"
info["zh"]["Illumite Scythe"] = "荧光镰刀"
info["zh"]["Pill"] = "药丸"
info["zh"]["Pill Popper"] = "药丸发射器"
info["zh"]["Apothecary's Scarlet Vial"] = "药剂师红瓶"
info["zh"]["Apothecary's Cyan Vial"] = "药剂师蓝瓶"
info["zh"]["Potion Shelf Block"] = "药架块"
info["zh"]["Potion Shelf Wall"] = "药架墙"
info["zh"]["Potions"] = "药水"
info["zh"]["Vials"] = "药瓶"
info["zh"]["Medicite Brick"] = "药石砖"
info["zh"]["Medicite Brick Wall"] = "药石砖墙"
info["zh"]["Dutchman's Avarice"] = "荷兰人的贪婪"
info["zh"]["Kitchen Knife"] = "菜刀"
info["zh"]["Phoenix Staff"] = "菲尼克斯法杖"
info["zh"]["Grandfather Clocks"] = "落地大摆钟"
info["zh"]["Demo's Guidance"] = "蒂莫之指引"
info["zh"]["Garlic Bread"] = "蒜蓉面包"
info["zh"]["Steamkeeper Watch"] = "蒸汽守卫之表"
info["zh"]["Steamgunner Controller"] = "蒸汽无人机遥控器"
info["zh"]["Steam Battery"] = "蒸汽电池"
info["zh"]["Steam Flail"] = "蒸汽连枷"
info["zh"]["Charged Splasher"] = "蓄能染料枪"
info["zh"]["Sapphire Ring"] = "蓝玉戒指"
info["zh"]["Blue Cheese"] = "蓝纹奶酪"
info["zh"]["Blue Knight set"] = "蓝色骑士套装"
info["zh"]["Blueberry Tart"] = "蓝莓挞"
info["zh"]["Cranberry"] = "蔓越莓"
info["zh"]["Cerulean Morel"] = "蔚蓝真菌"
info["zh"]["Morel Grenade"] = "蘑菇手雷"
info["zh"]["Shroomite Rocket-Drill"] = "蘑菇火箭钻"
info["zh"]["Pious Banner"] = "虔诚令旗"
info["zh"]["Aquatic Hallucination"] = "虚影潜游者"
info["zh"]["Void Heart"] = "虚空之心"
info["zh"]["Void Lance"] = "虚空之触"
info["zh"]["Void Planter"] = "虚空散播者"
info["zh"]["Void Lens"] = "虚空透镜"
info["zh"]["Valadium Slicer"] = "虚金切割者"
info["zh"]["Valadium furniture"] = "虚金家具"
info["zh"]["Valadium Bow"] = "虚金弓"
info["zh"]["Valadium Throwing Axe"] = "虚金投斧"
info["zh"]["Valadium Axe"] = "虚金斧"
info["zh"]["Valadium Staff"] = "虚金法杖"
info["zh"]["Valadium Plating"] = "虚金电镀"
info["zh"]["Valadium Plating Wall"] = "虚金电镀墙"
info["zh"]["Valadium armor"] = "虚金盔甲"
info["zh"]["Valadium Spear"] = "虚金矛"
info["zh"]["Valadium Chunk"] = "虚金矿"
info["zh"]["Valadium Foe Blaster"] = "虚金破敌枪"
info["zh"]["Valadium Hammer"] = "虚金锤"
info["zh"]["Valadium Ingot"] = "虚金锭"
info["zh"]["Valadium Pickaxe"] = "虚金镐"
info["zh"]["Wormhole Mirror"] = "虫洞之镜"
info["zh"]["Hive Mind"] = "虫群之心"
info["zh"]["Siphon"] = "虹吸术"
info["zh"]["Antlion Maraca"] = "蚁狮沙铃"
info["zh"]["Antlion Staff"] = "蚁狮法杖"
info["zh"]["Serpent Shield"] = "蛇之盾"
info["zh"]["Gorgon-Gaze Staff"] = "蛇发女妖之凝"
info["zh"]["Gorgon's Eye"] = "蛇发女妖之眼"
info["zh"]["Spearmint"] = "蛇毒长枪"
info["zh"]["Jar O' Mayo"] = "蛋黄酱"
info["zh"]["Arthropod"] = "蛛丝"
info["zh"]["Webgun"] = "蛛网枪"
info["zh"]["Honey Heart"] = "蜂蜜之心"
info["zh"]["Honeysuckle"] = "蜂蜜杖"
info["zh"]["Crystal Honey"] = "蜂蜜水晶"
info["zh"]["Honey Recorder"] = "蜂蜜直笛"
info["zh"]["Spider Nest"] = "蜘蛛窝"
info["zh"]["Bee Booties"] = "蜜蜂靴"
info["zh"]["Candles"] = "蜡烛"
info["zh"]["Waxy Rosin"] = "蜡质松香"
info["zh"]["Viscount"] = "蝙蝠子爵"
info["zh"]["Bat Repellent"] = "蝙蝠趋避剂"
info["zh"]["Bat Scythe"] = "蝙蝠镰刀"
info["zh"]["Bat Wing"] = "蝠翼轮回"
info["zh"]["Butterfly Staff"] = "蝴蝶法杖"
info["zh"]["Granite-Fused Slime"] = "融岩史莱姆"
info["zh"]["Mantis Cane"] = "螳螂杖"
info["zh"]["Mantis Shrimp Punch"] = "螳螂虾之拳"
info["zh"]["The Incubator"] = "蟹卵孵化器"
info["zh"]["Blood"] = "血"
info["zh"]["Bloody Pagan Staff"] = "血教徒法杖"
info["zh"]["Blood Moon"] = "血月"
info["zh"]["Blood Mage"] = "血法师"
info["zh"]["Crimson Hound Staff"] = "血猎犬法杖"
info["zh"]["Flesh Skewer"] = "血肉串叉"
info["zh"]["Flesh Horn"] = "血肉号角"
info["zh"]["Blood Belcher"] = "血肉喷染器"
info["zh"]["Flesh Bow"] = "血肉弓"
info["zh"]["Flesh Axe"] = "血肉斧"
info["zh"]["Flesh armor"] = "血肉盔甲"
info["zh"]["Flesh Drill"] = "血肉钻"
info["zh"]["Flesh Jackhammer"] = "血肉钻锤"
info["zh"]["Flesh Mace"] = "血肉链锤"
info["zh"]["Flesh Chainsaw"] = "血肉链锯"
info["zh"]["Flesh Hammer"] = "血肉锤"
info["zh"]["Flesh Pickaxe"] = "血肉镐"
info["zh"]["Blood Sausage"] = "血肠"
info["zh"]["Bloody High Claw"] = "血腥巨爪"
info["zh"]["Crimtane Tomahawk"] = "血腥战斧"
info["zh"]["Bloody Kimchi"] = "血腥泡菜"
info["zh"]["Bloody Wand"] = "血腥魔杖"
info["zh"]["Sanguine"] = "血色之护"
info["zh"]["Crimson Scythe"] = "血镰"
info["zh"]["Spine Buster"] = "血髓枪"
info["zh"]["Executioner"] = "行刑者"
info["zh"]["Hydration Potion"] = "补水药水"
info["zh"]["Reject's Blowpipe"] = "被弃者吹筒"
info["zh"]["Hexing set"] = "被诅咒的套装"
info["zh"]["Lihzahrd Kunai"] = "裂日苦无"
info["zh"]["Vile Spitter"] = "裂毒"
info["zh"]["Trench Spitter"] = "裂渠"
info["zh"]["Blister Pod"] = "裂荚疱虫"
info["zh"]["Detached Blaster"] = "裂解射线"
info["zh"]["Equipment Buffs"] = "装备增益"
info["zh"]["Decorative Potion"] = "装饰性药水"
info["zh"]["Decorative Dish"] = "装饰性食物"
info["zh"]["Sitar"] = "西塔琴"
info["zh"]["Smothering Band"] = "覆影手环"
info["zh"]["Raspberry"] = "覆盆子"
info["zh"]["Snowy Tree"] = "覆雪树"
info["zh"]["Tentacle Ball"] = "触手球"
info["zh"]["Cursed Hammer (weapon)"] = "诅咒之锤"
info["zh"]["Cursed Block"] = "诅咒块"
info["zh"]["Cursed Wall"] = "诅咒墙"
info["zh"]["Cursed furniture"] = "诅咒家具"
info["zh"]["Cursed Cloth"] = "诅咒布匹"
info["zh"]["Tuned"] = "调谐"
info["zh"]["Resonator's Arm"] = "谐振义肢"
info["zh"]["Phase Chopper"] = "谐魂斧"
info["zh"]["Terrarium Enigma Staff"] = "谜团法杖"
info["zh"]["Bud Bomb"] = "豆芽炸弹"
info["zh"]["Pod Bomb"] = "豌豆炸弹"
info["zh"]["Deluxe Halcandran set"] = "豪华哈坎德兰套装"
info["zh"]["Grand Thorium set"] = "豪华瑟银套装"
info["zh"]["Proof of Avarice"] = "贪婪之证"
info["zh"]["Greedy set"] = "贪婪套装"
info["zh"]["Greedy Magnet"] = "贪婪磁铁"
info["zh"]["Greedful Gurdy"] = "贪欲弦琴"
info["zh"]["Greedy Goblet"] = "贪欲高脚杯"
info["zh"]["Bitey Baby"] = "贪食小蝙蝠"
info["zh"]["Noble's armor"] = "贵族盔甲"
info["zh"]["Resource"] = "资源"
info["zh"]["Bounty Banner"] = "赏金令旗"
info["zh"]["Tracker"] = "赏金猎人"
info["zh"]["Tracker's Skinning Blade"] = "赏金猎人的闪亮之刃"
info["zh"]["Cyber Punk armor"] = "赛博朋克盔甲"
info["zh"]["Skadoosh"] = "走你!"
info["zh"]["Super Plasma Cannon"] = "超级等离子加农炮"
info["zh"]["Super Anvil"] = "超级铁砧"
info["zh"]["Supersonic Bomber"] = "超音速投弹器"
info["zh"]["Hopping Spider"] = "跃行蛛"
info["zh"]["Shambler"] = "蹒跚者"
info["zh"]["Samsara Lotus"] = "轮回之莲"
info["zh"]["Cork Grease"] = "软木膏"
info["zh"]["Illustrious"] = "辉煌"
info["zh"]["Grand Flare Gun"] = "辉耀信号枪"
info["zh"]["Glittering set"] = "辉耀套装"
info["zh"]["Quick Recovery"] = "迅速再生"
info["zh"]["Midas' Gavel"] = "迈达斯之槌"
info["zh"]["Melee weapons"] = "近战武器"
info["zh"]["Ancient Light"] = "远古之光"
info["zh"]["Ancient Cheese Block"] = "远古奶酪"
info["zh"]["Ancient Dragon set"] = "远古巨龙套装"
info["zh"]["Ancient Aegis"] = "远古庇护"
info["zh"]["Ancient Archer"] = "远古弓箭手"
info["zh"]["Ancient Phylactery"] = "远古护身符"
info["zh"]["Ancient Ocean set"] = "远古海洋套装"
info["zh"]["Ancient Bulb set"] = "远古球茎套装"
info["zh"]["Ancient Phalanx"] = "远古盾兵"
info["zh"]["Ancient Sandstone set"] = "远古砂岩套装"
info["zh"]["Ancient Charger"] = "远古突击者"
info["zh"]["Ancient Storm Mask"] = "远古风暴面具"
info["zh"]["Ancient Obsidian set"] = "远古黑曜石套装"
info["zh"]["Ranged weapons"] = "远程武器"
info["zh"]["Repeaters"] = "连弩"
info["zh"]["Flails"] = "连枷"
info["zh"]["Riveting Tadpole"] = "迷人蝌蚪"
info["zh"]["Corruptling Staff"] = "迷你噬魂者法杖"
info["zh"]["Dream Potion"] = "迷梦药水"
info["zh"]["Confused Zombie"] = "迷途僵尸"
info["zh"]["Forgotten Cross Necklace"] = "追忆十字项链"
info["zh"]["Potion Chaser"] = "追饮药"
info["zh"]["Escape Rocket"] = "逃生火箭"
info["zh"]["Shadow-Purge Caltrop"] = "逐影蒺藜"
info["zh"]["Suitable Flesh"] = "速食肉"
info["zh"]["Ice Bound Strider Hide"] = "遁蛛冰皮"
info["zh"]["Distress Caller"] = "遇难通讯器"
info["zh"]["The Lost Cross"] = "遗失十字架"
info["zh"]["Forgotten One"] = "遗忘之主"
info["zh"]["Legacy"] = "遗赠"
info["zh"]["Cybernetic Sphere"] = "遥控球"
info["zh"]["Bongos"] = "邦戈手鼓"
info["zh"]["Vile Floater"] = "邪恶浮灵"
info["zh"]["Vile Flail-Core"] = "邪恶连枷核心"
info["zh"]["Devil's Claw"] = "邪魔之爪"
info["zh"]["Recipes"] = "配方"
info["zh"]["Configuration settings"] = "配置选项"
info["zh"]["Stuffed Life Fruit"] = "酿生命果"
info["zh"]["Brew Blueprint"] = "酿酒食谱"
info["zh"]["Slugger"] = "重炮枪"
info["zh"]["Rebirth Statuette"] = "重生雕像"
info["zh"]["Gold Dumbo Octopus"] = "金小飞象章鱼"
info["zh"]["Plate Wall"] = "金属墙"
info["zh"]["Plate furniture"] = "金属家具"
info["zh"]["Straight Mute"] = "金属弱音器"
info["zh"]["Plate Slab"] = "金属板"
info["zh"]["Gold Aegis"] = "金庇护"
info["zh"]["Kumquat"] = "金橘"
info["zh"]["Loot Lurer"] = "金钱的诱惑"
info["zh"]["Golden Scale"] = "金鳞"
info["zh"]["Gold Duck"] = "金鸭"
info["zh"]["Gold Lobster"] = "金龙虾"
info["zh"]["Fishing Poles"] = "钓竿"
info["zh"]["Fishing"] = "钓鱼"
info["zh"]["Titanium Ricochet"] = "钛金回力标"
info["zh"]["Titanium Rifle"] = "钛金来福枪"
info["zh"]["Titanium Staff"] = "钛金法杖"
info["zh"]["Steel Blade"] = "钢剑"
info["zh"]["Steel Bow"] = "钢弓"
info["zh"]["Steel Throwing Axe"] = "钢投斧"
info["zh"]["Steel Axe"] = "钢斧"
info["zh"]["Pianos"] = "钢琴"
info["zh"]["Steel armor"] = "钢盔甲"
info["zh"]["Steel Arrow"] = "钢箭"
info["zh"]["Steel Toed Boots"] = "钢钉靴"
info["zh"]["Steel Hammer"] = "钢锤"
info["zh"]["Steel Pickaxe"] = "钢镐"
info["zh"]["Steel Drum"] = "钢鼓"
info["zh"]["Keys"] = "钥匙"
info["zh"]["Tungsten Bulwark"] = "钨壁垒"
info["zh"]["Hooks"] = "钩爪"
info["zh"]["Palladium Sub-machine Gun"] = "钯金冲锋枪"
info["zh"]["Palladium Throwing Spear"] = "钯金投矛"
info["zh"]["Palladium Staff"] = "钯金法杖"
info["zh"]["Coin Bags"] = "钱币袋"
info["zh"]["Cobalt Throwing Spear"] = "钴蓝投矛"
info["zh"]["Cobalt Popper"] = "钴蓝枪"
info["zh"]["Cobalt Staff"] = "钴蓝法杖"
info["zh"]["Drills"] = "钻头"
info["zh"]["Drill Dart"] = "钻头飞镖"
info["zh"]["Diamond Ring"] = "钻石戒指"
info["zh"]["Blacksmith"] = "铁匠"
info["zh"]["Blacksmith's Apron"] = "铁匠围裙"
info["zh"]["Crown of Thorns"] = "铁海棠"
info["zh"]["Iron Shield"] = "铁盾"
info["zh"]["Spiky Caltrop"] = "铁蒺藜"
info["zh"]["Iron Tomahawk"] = "铁质战斧"
info["zh"]["Iron Flail-Core"] = "铁连枷核心"
info["zh"]["Platinum Bugle Horn"] = "铂金军号"
info["zh"]["Platinum Aegis"] = "铂金庇护"
info["zh"]["Tambourine"] = "铃鼓"
info["zh"]["Lead Shield"] = "铅盾"
info["zh"]["Lead Tomahawk"] = "铅质战斧"
info["zh"]["Copper Buckler"] = "铜盾"
info["zh"]["Silver Bulwark"] = "银壁垒"
info["zh"]["Silver Spear Tip"] = "银矛尖"
info["zh"]["Ball n' Chain"] = "链球"
info["zh"]["Chainsaws"] = "链锯"
info["zh"]["Razorlash"] = "锐刺鞭笞者"
info["zh"]["Shadow-Tipped Javelin"] = "锐影标枪"
info["zh"]["Tin Buckler"] = "锡盾"
info["zh"]["Hammers"] = "锤"
info["zh"]["Bars and Ingots"] = "锭"
info["zh"]["Sawblade"] = "锯刃"
info["zh"]["Blacksmith's Barrier"] = "锻钢之佑"
info["zh"]["Soul Forge"] = "锻魂炉"
info["zh"]["Gilded Slime"] = "镀金史莱姆"
info["zh"]["Gilded Lycan"] = "镀金狼人"
info["zh"]["Gilded Bat"] = "镀金蝙蝠"
info["zh"]["Pickaxes"] = "镐"
info["zh"]["Rapier"] = "长剑"
info["zh"]["Rapier Badge"] = "长剑徽章"
info["zh"]["Trombone"] = "长号"
info["zh"]["Flute"] = "长笛"
info["zh"]["Doors"] = "门"
info["zh"]["Glittering Chalice"] = "闪光圣杯"
info["zh"]["Glittering Golem"] = "闪光魔像"
info["zh"]["Twinkle"] = "闪星"
info["zh"]["Glittering Scepter"] = "闪烁节杖"
info["zh"]["Lightning Claves"] = "闪电响棒"
info["zh"]["Lightning Staff"] = "闪电法杖"
info["zh"]["Geyser Staff"] = "间歇泉法杖"
info["zh"]["Defense"] = "防御"
info["zh"]["Sunflare Guitar"] = "阳炎吉他"
info["zh"]["Shadewood Tambourine"] = "阴影木铃鼓"
info["zh"]["Shady Block"] = "阴暗块"
info["zh"]["Shady Wall"] = "阴暗墙"
info["zh"]["Shady furniture"] = "阴暗家具"
info["zh"]["Spooky Tree"] = "阴森树"
info["zh"]["Grim Pedestal"] = "阴森祭坛"
info["zh"]["Ammutseba's Sash"] = "阿姆特萨巴之爪"
info["zh"]["Alphorn"] = "阿尔卑斯长号"
info["zh"]["Rod of Aesculapius"] = "阿斯克勒庇厄斯之杖"
info["zh"]["Enchanted Cane"] = "附魔手杖"
info["zh"]["Enchanted Staff"] = "附魔法杖"
info["zh"]["Enchanted Pickaxe"] = "附魔镐"
info["zh"]["Enchanted Knife"] = "附魔飞刀"
info["zh"]["Meteor Mask"] = "陨星面具"
info["zh"]["Phaseblades"] = "陨石光剑"
info["zh"]["Meteorite Oboe"] = "陨石双簧管"
info["zh"]["Meteorite Cluster Bomb"] = "陨石簇炸弹"
info["zh"]["Meteorite (biome)"] = "陨石(生物群落)"
info["zh"]["Artillery Potion"] = "集群火炮药水"
info["zh"]["Nestling"] = "雏鸟"
info["zh"]["Statues"] = "雕像"
info["zh"]["Rain Stone"] = "雨石"
info["zh"]["Frost Legion"] = "雪人军团"
info["zh"]["Legion Ornament"] = "雪人挂饰"
info["zh"]["Snow Singa"] = "雪人歌王"
info["zh"]["Snow Elemental"] = "雪元素"
info["zh"]["Snow biome"] = "雪原生物群落"
info["zh"]["Snow Flinx Matriarch"] = "雪怪族长"
info["zh"]["Snow Ball"] = "雪球怪"
info["zh"]["The Snowball"] = "雪锤"
info["zh"]["Snowy Owl"] = "雪鸮"
info["zh"]["Shockbuster"] = "雷电重炮"
info["zh"]["Mjölnir"] = "雷神之锤"
info["zh"]["Thunderstruck"] = "雷霆万钧"
info["zh"]["Crash Boots"] = "震地靴"
info["zh"]["Concussive Warhead"] = "震荡弹头"
info["zh"]["Quake Gauntlet"] = "震荡手套"
info["zh"]["Freeze Ray"] = "霜冻射线"
info["zh"]["Frozen Balloon"] = "霜冻气球"
info["zh"]["Ice Fairy Staff"] = "霜冻精灵法杖"
info["zh"]["Frostburn Pouch"] = "霜冻袋"
info["zh"]["Frost Fury"] = "霜怒"
info["zh"]["Frost Moon"] = "霜月"
info["zh"]["Frost Plague Staff"] = "霜疫法杖"
info["zh"]["Chilled Spitter"] = "霜颤蚀雨者"
info["zh"]["Dew Collector"] = "露水收集器"
info["zh"]["Camping set"] = "露营套装"
info["zh"]["Bronze Alloy Fragments"] = "青铜合金碎片"
info["zh"]["Bronze Throwing Axe"] = "青铜投斧"
info["zh"]["Bronze armor"] = "青铜盔甲"
info["zh"]["Bronze Mallet"] = "青铜锤"
info["zh"]["Bronze Pax"] = "青铜镐斧"
info["zh"]["Bronze Tuning Fork"] = "青铜音叉"
info["zh"]["Static Prod"] = "静态电光杖"
info["zh"]["Boots"] = "鞋/靴"
info["zh"]["Cobbler"] = "鞋匠"
info["zh"]["Whip"] = "鞭子"
info["zh"]["Music"] = "音乐"
info["zh"]["Concert Tickets"] = "音乐会门票"
info["zh"]["Music Player"] = "音乐播放器"
info["zh"]["Music Boxes"] = "音乐盒"
info["zh"]["Music Box Accessories"] = "音乐盒饰品"
info["zh"]["Music Notes"] = "音乐笔记"
info["zh"]["Symphonic weapons"] = "音波武器"
info["zh"]["Note Hairpin"] = "音符发夹"
info["zh"]["Subwoofer"] = "音箱"
info["zh"]["Track Players"] = "音轨播放器"
info["zh"]["Track Player"] = "音轨播放器(时装)"
info["zh"]["Sonic Amplifier"] = "音速扩音器"
info["zh"]["Audio Overload"] = "音频过载"
info["zh"]["Bard Emblem"] = "颂歌徽章"
info["zh"]["Head Mirror"] = "额镜"
info["zh"]["Wind Elemental"] = "风元素"
info["zh"]["Eye of the Storm"] = "风暴之眼"
info["zh"]["Storm Cloud"] = "风暴云"
info["zh"]["Storm Flare"] = "风暴信号弹"
info["zh"]["Geomancer's Brush"] = "风水先生的画笔"
info["zh"]["Bagpipe"] = "风笛"
info["zh"]["Wind Chimes"] = "风铃"
info["zh"]["Ascension Statuette"] = "飞升雕像"
info["zh"]["Bullet Storm"] = "飞弹风暴"
info["zh"]["Trapper"] = "飞索捕猎者"
info["zh"]["Harpy's Barrage"] = "飞羽幕"
info["zh"]["Feather Foe"] = "飞羽弓"
info["zh"]["Harpy Pelter"] = "飞羽手枪"
info["zh"]["Harpy Talon"] = "飞羽爪"
info["zh"]["Flight armor"] = "飞羽盔甲"
info["zh"]["Guano Gunner"] = "飞蝠翼枪"
info["zh"]["Darts"] = "飞镖"
info["zh"]["Dart Pouch"] = "飞镖袋"
info["zh"]["Blitz-zard"] = "飞雪"
info["zh"]["Weed Eater"] = "食人草"
info["zh"]["Creeping Vine Staff"] = "食人藤蔓法杖"
info["zh"]["Ogre Sandals"] = "食人魔凉鞋"
info["zh"]["Ogre Snot-Gun"] = "食人魔鼻涕枪"
info["zh"]["Fork"] = "餐叉"
info["zh"]["Feeding Frenzy"] = "饥饿怒鱼"
info["zh"]["Famished Maggot"] = "饥饿蛆虫"
info["zh"]["Blood Drinker"] = "饮血者"
info["zh"]["Hungering Blossom"] = "饮魔玫瑰"
info["zh"]["Accessories"] = "饰品"
info["zh"]["Full Stomach"] = "饱食"
info["zh"]["The Starved"] = "饿鬼"
info["zh"]["Toilets"] = "马桶"
info["zh"]["Casual Wolf set"] = "马虎狼套装"
info["zh"]["Liberation"] = "驱散"
info["zh"]["Turn Undead"] = "驱死盾"
info["zh"]["Bone Grip"] = "骨手套"
info["zh"]["Guild's Staff"] = "骨王法杖"
info["zh"]["Bone Flayer"] = "骨翼劫掠者"
info["zh"]["Bonesaw"] = "骨锯"
info["zh"]["Bone Reaper"] = "骨镰"
info["zh"]["Marrow Scepter"] = "骨髓节杖"
info["zh"]["Bone Baton"] = "骨龙棒"
info["zh"]["Spine Breaker"] = "骨龙椎"
info["zh"]["Skeleton Repellent"] = "骷髅趋避剂"
info["zh"]["Hydro Pump"] = "高压水泵"
info["zh"]["Aqua Pelter"] = "高压水铳"
info["zh"]["High Quality Reed"] = "高品质舌簧"
info["zh"]["Gauss Flinger"] = "高斯掷能匕"
info["zh"]["High Tide"] = "高潮"
info["zh"]["High-tech Sonar Device"] = "高科技声呐仪"
info["zh"]["Dark Effigy"] = "鬼影塑像"
info["zh"]["Severed Hand"] = "鬼手"
info["zh"]["Scorpain"] = "鬼蝎"
info["zh"]["Phylactery"] = "魂匣"
info["zh"]["Spectrumite"] = "魂晶"
info["zh"]["Spirit's Grace"] = "魂灵恩典"
info["zh"]["Spirit Band"] = "魂灵手环"
info["zh"]["Charmed"] = "魅惑"
info["zh"]["Charm"] = "魅惑术"
info["zh"]["Mana Delight"] = "魔力欢腾"
info["zh"]["Mana Berry"] = "魔力浆果"
info["zh"]["Demonite Tomahawk"] = "魔化战斧"
info["zh"]["Magick Staff"] = "魔学法杖"
info["zh"]["The Ring"] = "魔戒"
info["zh"]["Crystal Balloon"] = "魔晶气球"
info["zh"]["Wands"] = "魔棒"
info["zh"]["Magic Guns"] = "魔法枪"
info["zh"]["Magic weapons"] = "魔法武器"
info["zh"]["Magic Conch"] = "魔法海螺"
info["zh"]["Magic Blood Dropper"] = "魔法血滴管"
info["zh"]["Playing Card"] = "魔玩卡"
info["zh"]["Demon Blood Bow"] = "魔血弓"
info["zh"]["Demon Blood Crossbow"] = "魔血弩"
info["zh"]["Demon Blood Staff"] = "魔血法杖"
info["zh"]["Demon Blood armor"] = "魔血盔甲"
info["zh"]["Demon Blood Shard"] = "魔血碎晶"
info["zh"]["Demon Blood Drill"] = "魔血钻"
info["zh"]["Demon Blood Jackhammer"] = "魔血钻锤"
info["zh"]["Demon Blood Chainsaw"] = "魔血链锯"
info["zh"]["Demon Blood Hamaxe"] = "魔血锤斧"
info["zh"]["Demon Blood Pickaxe"] = "魔血镐"
info["zh"]["Demon Blood Ripper"] = "魔血镰"
info["zh"]["Demon Blood Sword"] = "魔血长剑"
info["zh"]["Demon Blood Spear"] = "魔血长矛"
info["zh"]["Fish Egg"] = "鱼卵"
info["zh"]["Fish Hat"] = "鱼帽"
info["zh"]["Fish Repellent"] = "鱼类趋避剂"
info["zh"]["Marine Launcher"] = "鱼雷发射器"
info["zh"]["Chum"] = "鱼饵"
info["zh"]["Bloom Guard"] = "鲜花守护"
info["zh"]["Blood & Glory"] = "鲜血与荣耀"
info["zh"]["Blood Harvest"] = "鲜血丰收"
info["zh"]["Blood Harvest (debuff)"] = "鲜血丰收(减益)"
info["zh"]["Blood Astronaut set"] = "鲜血宇航员套装"
info["zh"]["Blood Chamber"] = "鲜血密室"
info["zh"]["Epidermon"] = "鲜血恶魔"
info["zh"]["Blood Altar"] = "鲜血祭坛"
info["zh"]["Blood Transfusion"] = "鲜血转移"
info["zh"]["Shark Storm"] = "鲨鱼风暴"
info["zh"]["S. S. Devastator"] = "鲨鱼风暴破坏者"
info["zh"]["The Whale"] = "鲸"
info["zh"]["Talon"] = "鸟爪"
info["zh"]["Rod of Flocking"] = "鸟群魔棒"
info["zh"]["Thunder Talon"] = "鹰雷爪"
info["zh"]["Lodestone Buckshot"] = "鹿弹"
info["zh"]["Microphone"] = "麦克风"
info["zh"]["McBrim Wedges"] = "麦当劳薯块"
info["zh"]["Paralyzed"] = "麻痹"
info["zh"]["Tranquilizer Gun"] = "麻醉枪"
info["zh"]["Twilight Staff"] = "黄昏法杖"
info["zh"]["Topaz Ring"] = "黄玉戒指"
info["zh"]["Gold Bugle Horn"] = "黄金军号"
info["zh"]["Brass Cap"] = "黄铜旋帽"
info["zh"]["Black Widow"] = "黑寡妇"
info["zh"]["Dark Heart"] = "黑暗之心"
info["zh"]["Dark Gift"] = "黑暗之礼"
info["zh"]["Dark Intent"] = "黑暗意旨"
info["zh"]["Dark Nexus set"] = "黑暗时空套装"
info["zh"]["Dark Tome"] = "黑暗法典"
info["zh"]["Dark Wave"] = "黑暗波"
info["zh"]["Dark Contagion"] = "黑暗瘟疫"
info["zh"]["Dark Scythe"] = "黑暗镰刀"
info["zh"]["Obsidian Rackett"] = "黑曜石拉凯特管"
info["zh"]["Obsidian Staff"] = "黑曜石法杖"
info["zh"]["Obsidian Striker"] = "黑曜石球"
info["zh"]["Obsidian Scale"] = "黑曜石鳞片"
info["zh"]["Ebony Tail"] = "黑檀尾"
info["zh"]["Ebon armor"] = "黑檀盔甲"
info["zh"]["Ebonwood Tambourine"] = "黑檀铃鼓"
info["zh"]["Blackhole Cannon"] = "黑洞炮"
info["zh"]["Vinyl Record"] = "黑胶唱片"
info["zh"]["Offline Gemspark Walls"] = "黯淡晶莹宝石墙"
info["zh"]["Drum Mallet"] = "鼓锤"
info["zh"]["Snot Ball"] = "鼻涕球"
info["zh"]["Dragon Fang"] = "龙之牙"
info["zh"]["Dragon's Talon Necklace"] = "龙爪项链"
info["zh"]["Lobsters"] = "龙虾"
info["zh"]["Crawdad Claw"] = "龙虾爪"
info["zh"]["Turtle Drums"] = "龟鼓"

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local cache = require 'mw.ext.LuaCache'
return {

	purge = function()
		cache.set(':_language_info:data', info) 

	delete = function()
