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HeadsetHardmode exclusive
  • Headset item sprite
  • Headset equipped
Stack digit 1.png
TooltipIncreases maximum inspiration by 2
Each unique empowerment you have increases movement speed by 2% and playing speed by 1%
RarityRarity Level: 4
Buy / Sell250000*25 Gold Coin.png / 50000*5 Gold Coin.png
Research1 required

The Headset is a Hardmode Bard accessory that is sold by the Mechanic after the Wall of Flesh has been defeated. When equipped, it increases the player's maximum inspiration by 2 and increases movement speed by 2% and symphonic playing speed by 1% based on the amount of unique empowerments the player is under the influence of.


  • Nerfed movement speed increase from 3% to 2% per empowerment.
  • Introduced.