Celestial furniture

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Main article: Furniture sets

Celestial furniture are furniture items crafted from Celestial Bricks at an Ancient Manipulator. There are 20 different Celestial furniture items.


Celestial furniture.png


Furniture sets
Bloodstained Block.pngBloodstained furniture • Celestial Brick.pngCelestial furniture • Cursed Block.pngCursed furniture • Evergreen Block.pngEvergreen furniture • Desert Fossil.pngFossil furniture • Gingerbread Block.pngGingerbread furniture • Living Mahogany.pngLiving Mahogany furniture • Lodestone Slab.pngLodestone furniture • Refined Marine Block.pngMarine furniture • Naga Block.pngNaga furniture • Ornate Block.pngOrnate furniture • Permafrost.pngPermafrost furniture • Plate Slab.pngPlate furniture • Scarlet Block.pngScarlet furniture • Shady Block.pngShady furniture • Shooting Star Brick.pngShooting Star furniture • Thorium Block.pngThorium furniture • Valadium Plating.pngValadium furniture • White Dwarf Brick.pngWhite Dwarf furniture • Yew Wood.pngYew Wood furniture