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Classic Mode.png Classic
Expert Mode.png Expert
Master Mode.png Master
EnvironmentBlood Chamber
AI TypeViscount AI
Damage306090 (Contact)
4080120 (Echo Shot)
306090 (Blood Splash)
60120180 (Stomp)
50100150 (Falling Rock)
Max Life500070008925
KB Resist100%
Inflicts debuffBleeding.pngBleeding
Duration5 seconds10 seconds
Debuff tooltipCannot regenerate life
Inflicts debuffStoned.pngStoned
Duration3 seconds
Debuff tooltipYou are completely petrified!
Inflicts debuffVampire's Curse.pngVampire's Curse
Duration10 seconds
Debuff tooltipYou have been forcibly transformed into a weak bat!
Immune toCrowd Control.pngConfused.png
Coins50000*5 Gold Coin.png
"Massive in both size and ego, the Viscount is the undisputed lord of the caverns."

Got a special deal for ya, straight from this poor lot who wandered into that old Bat's lair unprepared.

The Skeleton Merchant

The Viscount is a Pre-Hardmode boss that must be fought underground.

While the Viscount is alive, its exclusive music Bat Ballad will play.


The Viscount does not spawn on its own, and requires the player to summon it with 5 Unholy Shards at a Blood Altar. It can only be summoned while the player is beneath the surface.


The Viscount flies above the player, launching ricocheting echo pulses. It releases multiple splashes of blood, stomps the ground stunning players, releases a ceiling breaking scream, summons life stealing Bitey Babies, and turns players into helpless bats in Expert Mode.


  • The Viscount will fire slower, bouncing light blue Viscount Ripples in the direction of the player.
  • The Viscount will fire faster, red Viscount Ripples in the direction of the player. These are able to bypass blocks.
  • The Viscount will hold a blood globule and fly around. The blood globule will fire a group of blood droplets that inflict the Bleeding debuff.
  • At 90% life, the Viscount will start aggressively stomping on the ground, causing all grounded players to become Stoned for 3 seconds. After performing this attack, the Viscount will take massively increased damage from melee strikes, indicated by a sword symbol hovering above the boss.
  • At 75% life, the Viscount will start releasing psychic screams that cause a cascade of Viscount Rock Falls to fall from the ceiling.
  • At 60% life, the Viscount will start summoning groups of Bitey Babies, that attack players. Each time one damages the player, the Viscount will be healed for 25 health.

In Expert Mode

  • Upon reaching 33% life, The Viscount will continually generate red rings around the players. After around 4 seconds, nearby players will be inflicted with the Vampire's Curse debuff, which transforms nearby players into helpless bats, incapable of fighting back.


Image Name Condition
Bitey Baby.png Bitey Baby Below 60% health





  • Now drops Healing Potions instead of Lesser Healing Potions.
    • Nerfed maximum life from 5000 / 7500 / 9562 to 5000 / 7000 / 8925
    • Nerfed blood splash damage from 50 / 100 / 150 to 30 / 60 / 90.
    • Buffed stomp damage from 40 / 80 / 120 to 50 / 100 / 150.
    • Nerfed life from 6000 / 8000 to 5000 / 7500 / 9562.
    • Buffed defense from 5 to 8.
    • Nerfed damage from 40 / 80 to 30 / 60.
    • Buffed life from 5500 / 8500 to 6000 / 8000.
  • Introduced.