Thor's Hammer

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Thor's Hammer
  • Thor's Hammer item sprite
RarityRarity Level: 3
Sell5400*54 Silver Coin.png
Research1 required
Not to be confused with Mjölnir.
Each mode in detail: Magic, Melee, Ranged

Thor's Hammer is a Pre-Hardmode Thorium weapon that can switch between magic, melee and ranged modes by right-clicking it while in the inventory. It can be crafted once the player has access to Hellstone.

Each mode has different attack properties, and caters to the 3 main classes:

  • The magic mode fires a blue wave of damaging Thorium energy
  • The melee mode has a chance to stun the enemy, preventing them from moving
  • The ranged mode throws the hammer in a similar fashion as Light Discs, and up to 4 hammers can be thrown at once (while standing still)


Thor's Hammer: MagicHardmode exclusive
  • Thor's Hammer: Magic item sprite
Stack digit 1.png
Damage32 (Magic)
Knockback4 (Weak)
Critical chance4%
Use time26 (Average)
TooltipRight click within your inventory to activate Melee Mode
RarityRarity Level: 3
Sell5400*54 Silver Coin.png
Research1 required
Thor's Hammer: MeleeHardmode exclusive
  • Thor's Hammer: Melee item sprite
Stack digit 1.png
Damage36 (Melee)
Knockback3 (Very Weak)
Critical chance4%
Use time24 (Fast)
TooltipHas a chance to stun enemies on hit
Right click within your inventory to activate Ranged Mode
Inflicts DebuffStunned.pngStunned
Debuff duration1.5 seconds
Debuff tooltipThe enemy is stunned and can't move
RarityRarity Level: 3
Sell5400*54 Silver Coin.png
Research1 required
Thor's Hammer: RangedHardmode exclusive
  • Thor's Hammer: Ranged item sprite
Stack digit 1.png
Damage28 (Ranged)
Knockback4 (Weak)
Critical chance4%
Use time28 (Average)
TooltipRight click within your inventory to activate Magic Mode
RarityRarity Level: 3
Sell5400*54 Silver Coin.png
Research1 required


Crafting Station
Thorium Anvil.pngThorium Anvil
Ingredient(s) Amount
Thorium Bar.png Thorium Bar 20
Hellstone Bar.png Hellstone Bar 4
Thor's Hammer.png Thor's Hammer 1


  • When switching modes on Thor's Hammer, any Modifier it had is re-rolled randomly, and it has no 'memory' for whatever Modifier it had previously. If you were planning to use only one of its three modes to begin with, then with patience, you can eventually guarantee getting the best possible Modifier without spending a single Copper on reforging.


  • Thor is the god of thunder in Norse mythology. He wields a hammer to harness his power.
    • His hammer is best known as Mjölnir, which is also an item in the mod.
