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Cobbler.png Desert Acolyte.png Cook.png Confused Zombie.png Blacksmith.png
Tracker.png Diverman.png Druid.png Spiritualist.png Weapon Master.png
Max Life250
For a complete list of NPC names, see NPC names.

NPCs (Non-Player Characters) added by The Thorium Mod total to 9 Pre-Hardmode NPCs and 1 Hardmode NPC. Primarily, they sell various useful items for progression, such as weapons for early Hardmode (Weapon Master), useful buffs/potions (Cook), or convenience (Druid).

Furthermore, some NPCs offer additional features such as in the form of hired help, free movement buffs, or special items provided every half day.

Town NPCs

The NPCs are listed in the order in which they are generally likely to be acquired.


NPC Description Spawn requirement Defending Weapon Drops upon death
Cobbler Sells various types of movement accessories. Grants the Shined Shoes buff for free. Any player has any type of shoe accessory in their inventory or equipped, with addition of the Aglet and Anklet of the Wind. Lasting Pliers
Lasting Pliers.pngLasting Pliers
1/8 (12.5%)
Desert Acolyte.png
Desert Acolyte Sells throwing accessories, desert-themed weapons and Cactus Fruit. Triggers a Sandstorm for a price of 1 Gold Coin. The Grand Thunder Bird has been defeated. Traveler's Gust
Cook Sells Cook’s Food, cooking-themed weapons and Cook set. Sells unique and powerful foods when given appropriate ingredients. King Slime has been defeated. Kitchen Plate
Confused Zombie.png
Confused Zombie Sells various undead-themed crafting materials, weapons and accessories. Provides Enemy Repellents every half day for a price of 2 Gold Coin. Patch Werk has been defeated. Severed Hands /
HM: Grave Buster
(Thrown /
HM: Magic)
Blacksmith Sells Steel and Durasteel items, most vanilla Pre-Hardmode bars, Blacksmith's Apron, and the Arcane Armor Fabricator. Eye of Cthulhu has been defeated. Ebon Hammer
Ebon Hammer.pngEbon Hammer
1/8 (12.5%)
Tracker Sells various items in exchange for Vanquisher Medals. Provides contracts to kill rare enemies to unlock new shop items. Eye of Cthulhu has been defeated. Tracker's Battleaxe
Diverman Sells various ocean-themed items. Provides an Emergency Air Tank buff for free that he can refill should it be used. Queen Jellyfish has been defeated. Diver's Harpoon
Thorium Cube.pngThorium Cube
(100%; only when named Sam)
Druid Sells all seeds, Druid's Cloak, Staff of Mycelium and Staff of Overgrowth. Corpse Bloom has been defeated. Druid's Razor Leaf
Spiritualist Sells various Healer-related items. Grants the Guardian Angel buff in exchange for 5 Purified Shards. Buried Champion has been defeated. Spiritual Wisp


NPC Description Spawn requirement Defending Weapon Drops upon death
Weapon Master.png
Weapon Master Sells various early-Hardmode weapons, Rapier Badge, Blast Shield and Demon's Garb. Can be paid 10 Gold Coin to become a Hired Demon. Fallen Beholder has been defeated. Demon Sickle /
HM: Unholy Trident
Exile's Helmet.pngExile's Helmet
1/10 (10%)

Living Preferences

The Princess is liked by all NPCs, and therefore is not put in every column for the sake of less clutter.

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Items Sold

Some vanilla NPCs have new items sold under certain conditions.

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Vanilla NPCs will have new additional quotes that can be seen under certain conditions.

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Princess Happiness quotes

The Princess has additional happiness dialogue for each NPC from Thorium.

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Reality Bearer quotes

Expert Mode-Only Content: This information applies only to Expert Mode and Expert Mode worlds.

After the player defeats The Primordials in Expert Mode and gains the Reality Bearer buff, all NPCs from both vanilla and Thorium will have a new line of dialogue as long as the player retains the buff.

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  • The Cobbler and the Cook NPCs behave strangely when around Wraiths, as they seem to perceive their hitboxes as much taller than they are in reality, running away from them even when they are high above the Wraith. They seem to be the only NPCs to have this trait.


    • Added a line of dialogue for the Zoologist, Golfer, and Princess when the player has the Reality Bearer buff.
    • Updated living preferences for various Thorium NPCs.
    • Added Happiness Support for all Thorium NPCs.
    • Added biome/NPC preferences and Princess dialogue for all Thorium NPCs.
    • Updated sprites for all Thorium NPCs.
    • Added 4 new possible names for all Thorium NPCs.
    • Added a line of dialogue for all NPCs when the player has the Reality Bearer buff.
  • Added new dialogue for Merchant, Nurse, Skeleton Merchant, and Pirate.
    • Introduced Tracker.
    • All NPCs now have 8 names total, up from 4.
    • New gore visuals for all NPCs.
    • Now defend themselves better during Hardmode.
  • Introduced all Town NPCs.