Glowing Marine Block

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Glowing Marine Block
  • Glowing Marine Block item sprite
  • Glowing Marine Block placed graphic
Stack digit 9.pngStack digit 9.pngStack digit 9.pngStack digit 9.png
  • Pickaxe icon.png 65%
ConsumableTango Tick1.png
PlaceableTango Tick1.png
Dimensions1 wide × 1 high
Use time15 (Very Fast)
RarityRarity Level: 0
Research100 required

Glowing Marine Blocks are blocks which are found naturally in the Aquatic Depths biome and can also be crafted from Aquaites and Marine Blocks at a Heavy Work Bench and Ecto Mist. Breaking these blocks will instead drop Marine Blocks and produce a small amount of liquid. These blocks are generated with a Depth Chest on top, and generate a small amount of light, likely to catch the player's attention. It can be mined with a Nightmare or Deathbringer Pickaxe.



Result IngredientsCrafting Station
Glowing Marine Block.png Aquaite.pngAquaite Heavy Work Bench.pngHeavy Work Bench and Ecto Mist
Marine Block.pngMarine Block


    • Renamed from "Depth Chest Platform" to "Glowing Marine Block".
    • Made obtainable and can now be crafted.
  • Introduced.